I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2134: Netizens without self-confidence

"The'Lin You You Incident', the whole story, was caused by Shanghai Guoguang Mall on the afternoon of December 2, 2020. The investigation results showed that it was Lin You You's self-righteous romantic confession that destroyed Jiang Siming's car. Jiang Siming demanded compensation. Isn't this justified?"

Bai Song's words are full of indignation for Jiang Siming, but it is still rare to see Bai Song being so emotional.

"Could it be that just because you are young or because your family is not rich, you can do whatever you want? Can you avoid responsibility? Then what is the use of the law? What is the use of the truth?"

People all over the country who were watching this piece of news were silent, and those who called the most joyous and publicly criticized Dou Jiang Siming were also silent for a while.

As Bai Song said, he said with a slight irony: "This incident has spread all over the world. Do you want to see other countries' evaluations of this incident? In order to avoid some people suspecting that we are out of context and only intercept positive reviews, So let's take everyone to see the real side."

After speaking, the screen behind Bai Song began to call up an English website.

The website is all in English, with various news, and the most eye-catching screenshot of the news is a picture of Lin Youyou.

The news is marked with a big red [HOT] next to it, indicating that it is the hottest piece of news.

"This is the BBC website of Eagle Country's largest news media. We are now requesting a real-time translation for everyone to translate the views of all Eagle Country netizens on this matter."

After speaking, an interpreter walked over to Bai Song.

Start to translate for everyone one by one.

"The first one is the comment with the most likes. It came from a netizen named Olivia Harry. I will translate it for everyone."

After the translation was finished, I started to translate the most liked comment:

"After reading this news, I feel very ridiculous. Why can't I see Jiang Siming's mistake from beginning to end? He is the victim of this incident. Is it because I can't see the truth, or the netizens of China see it. Deeper than us?"

After listening to this translation, many Chinese netizens felt their faces become hot, and a sense of shame welled out from the bottom of their hearts.

The translation continued to read the second article.

"I, a native of Eagle, feel worthless for Jiang Siming. When does the world need such a bottomless sympathy for the weak? The weak can indeed be sympathized and taken care of, but it is definitely not such an unscrupulous and unreasonable care. To hate the strong, to hate Jiang Siming is better than anyone else."

Article 3.

"I suggest giving the Chinese netizens a trophy for the "most sensible detective". They are really good at judging the case, hahahaha."

Article 4.

"It is strongly recommended that Jiang Siming immigrate to Eagle Country. We will never be as indiscriminate as the Chinese netizens. I heard that Jiang Siming’s pharmaceutical company’s cancer-clearing Danmingming was sold abroad and made a lot of money, but only at a low price. Sell ​​to my own people, just like that, those Chinese people are still not satisfied. If I were Jiang Siming, I would have emigrated long ago!"

The fifth...

I read more than a dozen of them in a row, and all of them were people who spoke for Jiang Siming, and none of the comments were directed towards Lin Youyou.

The more you read, the less complacent the Chinese netizens.

Bai Song did not stop, but switched a website.

"This is the largest media ABC platform in the United States. We will continue to watch. This first comment was made by Mr. Te, who has a lot of grievances with Jiang Siming."

When everyone heard it, their ears were instantly pricked, and Old Te spoke aloud? real or fake?

In that case, Lao Te must be on their side, after all, Lao Te has always been very dissatisfied with Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming robbed his son's dream lover, and at the environmental conference, he was so shocked that the old man couldn't get off the stage.

It stands to reason that Lao Te should be the least let go of Jiang Siming, and he will definitely fall into trouble.

However, after translating Lao Te's speech, all Chinese netizens were silent.

"Oh oh oh, Chinese netizens are so cute. They abruptly describe a good person as a bad person and a bad person as a good person. Are they young children who can't tell right from wrong? I think Jiang Mr., you can consider emigrating to our country. We must know that our country is the most reasonable. Although I have had an unpleasant experience with Mr. Jiang, I am willing to apologize for this and I absolutely welcome Mr. Jiang to become our American. As long as you come, I welcome you on behalf of all the people of Mi!"

What's the situation? Something is wrong!

Old Te, shouldn't you beat the dog in the water, why did you still speak for Jiang Siming?

Everyone even wonders if the translator is doing random translation.

But there are people in front of the TV who can read English. They can be sure that this is true.

In fact, if you don't believe it, just search the Internet and it will be clear.

This is real.

Even the old special argued for Jiang Si Mingsheng? Could it be... they were really wrong?

Especially when Lao Te was encouraging Jiang Siming to emigrate, many Chinese people became nervous.

Jiang Siming won't really be sad because of this incident, he immigrated...

If so, the loss would be too great.

You know, if Jiang Siming immigrate, his company will naturally immigrate to other countries.

The Jiang Group, which has a market value of trillions, has become an industry in other countries.

At this moment, everyone began to shake and reflect.

Sanity finally regained their brains.

After the translator reads the comments of netizens from seven or eight countries, it is over.

At this moment, the Chinese netizens are already fully awake, regretting not.

Bai Song spoke again and said earnestly: "I really hope that our netizens will stop being fooled by some false appearances and betray good people indiscriminately. Keep your sense and judgment, keep your eyes open, and don’t let people’s hearts become cold or hurt. Wins the hearts of the people."

Finally, Bai Song released three videos. The first one was the confession of the classmate who made the video before Lin Youyou.

Lin Youyou’s classmates explained in the video that Lin Youyou deliberately used spray paint to attract Jiang Siming’s attention, so he fell in with Jiang Siming and wanted to become a rich wife.

Classmate Lin Youyou also said that Lin Youyou often hooked up in school to find a rich son, buy her brand-name bags and brand-name clothes, and find long-term meal tickets.

The second video is an explanation from the hospital doctor. Through the doctor's examination, it was found that Lin Youyou's father was not ill at all at the time and was in good health.

The last video was actually from a video rented by Didi.

This video was taken from the taxi driver's car when Lin Youyou's parents received a call from the police that day.

Because the entire Didi car is now recording and recording.

In the video, Lin Youyou's parents discussed how to win Jiang Siming's sympathy in the car that day and evade the responsibility of losing money. The voice and video were released throughout the process!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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