This incident completely gave Jiang Siming a polarizing reputation.

People who hate him increase instead of decreasing.

But the number of people who like him has also exploded.

People who hate Jiang Siming are nothing more than thinking that Jiang Siming has done too much, a bit recklessly, and jealous that Jiang Siming can cover the sky with one hand.

Those who like Jiang Siming are really fascinated by his arrogant and unruly attitude.

Be a low-key person, but do things with a higher profile than anyone else. As long as he is reasonable, he is not afraid even if the world scolds him.

Dare to be the first in the world, and dare to risk the world.

It is much better than those who only dare to make verbal complaints.

At the same time, he doesn't like to suffer losses. If there is a grudge, he will get revenge, and he can get revenge immediately, never overnight.

For those who like him, Jiang Siming's personality charm firmly attracts them.

In the future, they are not surprised or surprised that Jiang Siming is doing something extraordinary.

Because, there is nothing he dare not do...

It just so happened that the "Le" program also reached the day when a new issue was broadcast.

Everyone thought that Jiang Siming was definitely at this juncture and would take a leave of absence to avoid the storm.

After all, Jiang Siming has just offended more than 700,000 people. This will be the time when the storm is on the cusp, and it is wisest to avoid it.

But who knows, Jiang Siming not only appeared on the show, he was also like a okay person.

When the camera was in the backstage, Jiang Siming was smoking his cigarette and leaning his legs leisurely, chatting with Jay Chou and the others.

Those keyboard guys, that's an angry one.

What courage is this man? If you dare to come out, are you really not afraid of their keyboards?

Something unexpected, Jiang Siming was the first to appear on stage this time.

He usually played as the finale, but this time, he was the first to appear on stage, facing Quan Huaxia's eyes.

After Jiang Siming took the stage, he did not sing for the first time, but said with a perverse expression:

"Originally, I wanted the show to be suspended for one period, but I wondered, if it was suspended for one period, those keyboard guys wouldn't think I was afraid of them, would they?"


The audience suddenly laughed, President Jiang, you are really skinny.

"So, I think it is necessary for this show to proceed as usual. I also know that when I appear here at this time, many people are a little uncomfortable."

"The suggestion here is to change the channel as soon as possible. I don’t want to see no one to force you to watch it. If you have the patience, just blast me away. I forgot to say, the boss of this show is me. Jin, blast me out of this show, otherwise you will have to choose to switch channels."

Jiang Siming faced the camera with a joking tone, knowing that many people in front of the TV were gritted and looked at him.

He didn't feel angry at all. On the contrary, the more angry these people, the happier he was.

I like the way they look at him upset and feel helpless, are they angry? Just be angry.

The audience underneath couldn't help laughing. Jiang Siming was really the only one who dared to beat hundreds of thousands of Keyboard Man.

Jiang Siming added: "By the way, the poll we made on Guru Weibo is permanently valid. If anyone feels that we don't need our company's products anymore and are uncomfortable with our company's products, continue to vote!"

"Every time you vote, it is a'tragic' loss for my company. During this period of time, I told you that I can't sleep, it's uncomfortable, so much money, forget it, I'll at least I have lost several of Mr. Wang’s small goals, oh, I remember, I have tens of thousands of small goals, you guys try to vote harder and make me lose everything."

Jiang Siming covered his chest with an "uncomfortable" expression. In the eyes of all those who hate Jiang Siming, it was more uncomfortable than eating shit.

I really want to carry a knife and chop this guy down the network cable!

"Hahahaha, interesting, too interesting! Unfortunately I don't have the courage."

Penguin always watched the show at home and laughed heartily. Jiang Siming did what he had always wanted to do, but he dared not do.

Many people are scolding him, scolding Penguin, sometimes when President Ma feels wronged, he also thought of blocking these people.

But he couldn't do it at all. Apart from not daring to offend netizens, Mr. Ma could not do it even if he really wanted to blacken so many people.

After all, Penguin is just the CEO, and there are many shareholders. These shareholders will never agree that he is so arrogant and against money.

At this time, President Ma really envied Jiang Siming, his own company, 100% in power, he can toss as he wants.

After the ridicule, all the keyboard knights were so angry that Jiang Siming sang calmly, enjoying the stage and music moments as usual.

"Light, who burns the candle to illuminate"

"Hidden by Time"

"Light, replacing the light and dark position, flowing wantonly"

"Look, where someone has stood"

"The chess game is full of holes"


I just sang the beginning, but everyone still didn't understand what it meant.

However, when you look back, think about what Jiang Siming said just now, and why he chose to be the first one on stage this time, instead of letting the guests ask questions.

It must be intentional, and this time I sang Chinese songs.

This song definitely has profound meaning.

After reading the lyrics inside, everyone started to understand.

Light is justice, and justice needs to be heard, just as light needs to be illuminated by candlelight.

Just justice is often buried and forgotten as time goes by.

Recalling the Lin Youyou incident and the keyboard man incident that just ended, everyone knows.

And Jiang Siming's sudden high pitch also caught everyone off guard, and gave them the illusion of being in emotion.

"Walking to the most tolerant execution ground with fierce stubbornness"

"Cracked and shattered and echoed hollowly"

"In the end, I was grateful that I was still on my body at the sunset"

"How ups and downs are too late to tell a story!"


The hearts of everyone were shocked and deeply moved.

These few lyrics are so similar to Jiang Siming's situation.

Being wronged and violent online, but still holding justice, sticking to his heart, and tenaciously facing the world's leisurely mouth.

Jiang Siming compares these verbal criticisms and penalties to execution grounds, or the most tolerant execution grounds. How ironic?

Even in the end, Jiang Siming did not shake his original intention at all, and even rejoiced in teasing. Fortunately, the setting sun still shone on him instead of darkness.

The sunset here, correspondingly, must be people who support him.

Many viewers were honored. They were fortunate that they didn't follow the trend without thinking and kept a rational view of the problem, and they stood on Jiang Siming's side.

Jiang Siming compares them to the last sunshine, so honored~~

And this song is so nice!

"There are the most strange peaks"

"You and I are arrogant"

"The brilliance of the sea and the full moon shine into the cup"

"There is the most aloof snow mountain"

"Jing heard you and I recite chapters"

"The envious part of the world is not unusual"


Until the end of the song, everyone did not know what to say after listening.

The last few lyrics completely released Jiang Siming's character.

The meaning is still unfinished!

A short song, but kills thousands of keyboard man's "exhausted books"!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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