I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2139: Take Xiao Luoyu to work~

The "Le" program ended successfully, and Jiang Siming, as expected, won the first place again.

Even if foreign audiences do not understand the Chinese lyrics, they can still hear Jiang Siming's attitude towards the whole thing and his personality from his singing.

They were all infected by this song, they praised and voted wildly.

After the song that day, those keyboard guys seemed to calm down a lot.

They also found out that no matter how they typed the keyboard frantically on the Internet, they couldn't make Jiang Siming lose a bit.

Their verbal abuse and slander have no power at all.

On the contrary, more and more trolls have been detected by Jiang's group, and then they have all been blocked.

Gradually, these sprayers became scared.

As long as he is blocked, he will be removed from the Jiang Group.

They were really scared, persuaded, and they all started to feel at ease.

Those who were not convinced still created trumpets on the Internet and enjoyed it, thinking that no one would catch them anymore.

However, the General Administration of Networks made a heavy punch and completely exposed them.

The General Administration of Networks announced that from now on, all online accounts require real-name registration!

Any Weibo, Tieba, or forum, short video account, etc., need to register with an identity verification name, and must accept face recognition registration.

This heavy punch is undoubtedly an unprecedented blow to all keyboard men.

From now on, they will comment on the Internet and they can be found at any time.

This day can be called a day of mourning for the keyboard men. They lost their invincible keyboard. Although the keyboard is still in their hands, they dare not type words at will.

At this moment, those keyboard men who hated and disgusted, seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and honestly went back to their lives as their grandsons.

As far as Jiang Siming is concerned, nothing has changed. No matter if these keyboard men are present or not, he has never regarded them as human beings, let alone put them in his eyes.

The only thing that has changed is that now I read the news and read Weibo, there are not so many comments on cerebral palsy, and I feel more comfortable.

I used to watch a piece of news casually, no matter what the news was, there would definitely be a keyboard man who jumped out and pointed at the news.

For example, when Jiang Siming read the news, he said that in an ambulance, doctors and nurses were too tired to eat in the car to replenish their energy.

Below, there was a keyboard man who stood up and accused these doctors and nurses of not being able to eat in the ambulance, saying that they were squandering their lives, disrespecting patients, and not worthy of being a doctor.

The key is this kind of brain-dead comments and many keyboard guys follow the trend and like.

Seeing this kind of comment, I really didn't feel the mood to watch the news at all, and I even felt angry.

Although the guy who made this comment was beaten to death by Jiang Siming with online justice gloves, it still affected his mood.

It's fine now, the news is clean.

It seems that this trick of the General Administration of Networks restricts everyone's freedom of speech. Think about it with practical toes. If those keyboard heroes really feel that their speech is correct, what are they afraid of?

They didn't dare to comment anymore, it was obviously that they had a guilty conscience. Before, they dared to post because they felt that no one was in charge.

This is the same as China's Skynet surveillance. Public places are all monitored. Instead, everyone does not feel restricted. On the contrary, they feel safe.

Because the bad guys don't dare to do bad things at will, the society is safe and guaranteed, and it is profitable and harmless.

After returning to calm, today's Jiang Siming is still as usual, ready to go to work in the company.

It's just that because Xiao Luoyu wanted to sleep with him yesterday, Jiang Siming sneaked and ran to sleep with her mothers.

Today, Xiao Luoyu woke up very aggrieved and insisted on sticking to Jiang Siming. She would go wherever his father went.

"Baby, Dad is going to make money. Dad promises you that he will definitely accompany you to sleep tonight and not drink your dinner. This is fine."

Jiang Siming opened the car door, but the little guy still held his leg, dumbfounding.

Wang Xinyi, who was following by her side, originally wanted to help Jiang Siming, but when he heard this, her face suddenly blushed and she slapped Jiang Siming, she’s a mother, don’t care~

Leave it to the dad's own headache.

"Dad, hug~"

Xiao Luoyu didn't believe it at all, his father won't grab her rations?

That is impossible.

Since her father woke up, she hadn't found any "food" from Xinyi's mother in the past few days. She was so hungry that she had passively learned to drink milk powder, hum.

"But why did my dad hold you to work in the company? No one in the company takes your children to work." Jiang Siming muttered.

In fact, this guy just wanted to go to the company to play games, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to play games with his children (guilty conscience).

"You can only deceive Xiao Luoyu by saying this. Sister Xuan and others told me that you were sleeping and playing games at the company. It happened that Xiao Luoyu hadn't been out these days. You took her. What happened to going to the company?"

Huo Wu, the 30th mother, knew about Jiang Siming's virtues. She knew that she hadn't even been to the company, and immediately took care of her daughter.

It is conceivable that Jiang Siming is like at work, no one in the family knows, that is, Xiao Luoyu.

Jiang Siming's old face was embarrassed, and his eyes sent a'threat' signal to Huo Wu, Xiao Niangpi, dare to tear down the platform, and you must'clean up' at night.

Huo Wu knew what Jiang Siming was thinking when he saw this look, and immediately admitted.

"When I didn't say, la la la la ~ I went to find ice to learn, just a little bit~"

After talking about it, people are gone, want to'clean up' me? Sleeping with Bing tonight, she will push Bing out as a shield if she dares to come, perfect~ hee hee.

Jiang Siming is helpless now, these wives don't care, only he is the father.

Forget it, go to the company if you take your kids to the company, and experience the feeling of being a dad in the company.

Jiang Siming finally succumbed to Xiao Luoyu's insistence and held her to get into the car.

"Dad~this car, I want this car~" Xiao Luoyu didn't like Jiang Siming's Lamborghini poison, pointing to a pink Mercedes-Benz big g banging at Jiang Siming.

This car was newly bought by Xinyi, mainly because the cars in the family are supercars, RVs, and so on. The space is either too small or too big. The only suitable Babot is still too high-profile.

Xinyi wants a car that is more spacious, not too small or too small, and a little low-key.

So I bought a simple and unpretentious Mercedes-Benz G, top-fitted with a customized version, pink color, only more than 6 million, very cheap.

This car has enough space, and Xinyi usually takes Xiao Luoyu to drive this car out.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu can still sit in the car as bodyguards, so Xiao Luoyu is used to this car.

Jiang Siming said amusedly: "How can this car be expensive than Dad's, Dad's is so cool, let's take this one."

Jiang Siming didn't want to rely on his daughter, but... who's so big guys drove a pink car out (covering his face).


[Author's digression]: First more~

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