I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2140: Sing a nursery rhyme in the next issue?

Xiao Luoyu still listened to Jiang Siming's words very much, and readily agreed, and just planned to get into the car with his father.

Shengxue stepped out and joked, "My husband, it looks like this is the first time to take a child out?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Jiang Siming nodded a little embarrassedly. Xiao Luoyu has been a few months old, and it is indeed the first time he drove his children out...

Mothers usually take her out.

Shengxue gave Jiang Siming a roll of eyes and said, "Then you don’t know if babies can’t sit in the co-pilot, and they need a safety seat. Put the child in the back seat. If you go out like this, you will encounter traffic police Points must be deducted, and then there will be news."

Jiang Siming slapped his forehead and forgot about it.

"It's still a big G with safety seats on it. We specially placed Xiao Luoyu on it. If you want to temporarily change it now, it will take time, which is very troublesome." Shengxue pointed to the pink big G and persuaded.

Jiang Siming was tangled in his heart for a few seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and blushed on the pink car.

Xiao Luoyu smiled happily when he got into the car he was familiar with.

Jiang Siming arranged his daughter in the back seat, and quickly got into the driver's seat, started the car and ran away.

I was afraid that the wives would come out to laugh at him.

Don't say, once he left, the family was smiling.

"This big idiot, I really believe that this safety seat is troublesome, but it's actually super simple, hahaha."

"When he reacts, he will come back and find us to settle the account."

"It's none of my business, you made fun of Shengxue, not me."

"Huo Wu, you are too interesting, you made me say that."

"I don't, I am not, don't talk nonsense."


Jiang Siming drove this pink girly Mercedes-Benz Big G, and he was relieved when he left the door. The wives did not laugh at him.


Xiao Luoyu was in the back seat and pointed at the mixer on the car with ease. It seemed that he was used to sitting, and he knew how to sing.

"Haha, okay, Dad will let it go for you." Jiang Siming smiled and turned on the car stereo.

"Two tigers ~ two tigers ~ run fast~"

Cut the song.

"Happy little frog, leapfrog~~"

Cut the song.

"Little rabbit, please open the door~"

Well, Jiang Siming discovered that the songs inside are all nursery rhymes...

Sure enough, when the wives had children, they no longer worshiped his husband.

In the past, they were all his songs in their cars.

Wives are his loyal fans.

Now my good guy, my songs are not found in the capital, they are all nursery rhymes, oooooo, heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming finally found one of his songs..."Chongerfei" is also a nursery rhyme.

This song was also sung by Jiang Siming and Reba on the chicken strip recording program in the kindergarten to coax the children.

The reason why he appeared here, Jiang Siming absolutely believes that it is not his wives admiring him, but that this is also a nursery rhyme, Xiao Luoyu loves to listen to it, nothing more (crying).

However, Xiao Luoyu also liked this song very much, humming along in the back seat, and Jiang Siming was more pleased to hear that his daughter liked it.

Damn, do you want a new nursery rhyme in the next issue of "Le"? Write a few more nursery rhymes for my daughter, Emm... this is a good idea.

In the next episode, in front of audiences all over the world, sing "A Child with a Dad is Like a Treasure"! Ok, deal! Perfect~

"Insects fly fly~~Flowers sleep~Acridine~Flowers sleep~"

While driving, Jiang Siming listened to his daughter's singing. Not to mention, her daughter's singing is better than any car music.

"Dad also sing~"

Xiao Luoyu also begged her father to sing with her.

Jiang Siming had to close the window and began to sing Chongerfei with his daughter in the car.

As for why the car windows are closed, of course, I am afraid of being heard when waiting for the traffic lights. Similarly, I am afraid that others will see him driving a powder car...

Jiang Siming's car drove all the way to the company. When the security guards saw that the car was unfamiliar, they stopped it.

Jiang Siming had to roll down the window, and the security guard immediately let him go.

Seeing the security guards holding back a smile one by one, it was a joke that he drove the powder car.

Jiang Siming pointed to their captain and said, "Daniu, if any of you dare to laugh, I will go to the company and tell your wife that you are teasing a little girl at the gate."

This Daniel is a veteran security employee who has been working as a security guard under Jiang Siming since Yinghuan. Wei Daniu, who was previously retired from special forces, has always been loyal and has excellent character.

Jiang Siming also brought together a young lady in the company's financial department with good morals to stay with him. The two were married and had a very happy life.

However, although the guy Daniel is old and strong, he still suffers from bronchitis.

When Daniel heard it, his expression instantly turned into a bitter face, and he was wronged: "Chairman, what does their laughter have to do with me? I didn't laugh."

"I care about you, they are yours, you are in charge, they laugh at me, of course you are responsible."

Jiang Siming said that he was all smiled by his own logic, and then Daniel and the others couldn't help laughing anymore.

They know that the boss is joking with them.

"Okay, Daniel, wait to go back to the washboard at night." Jiang Siming had nothing to do with them, so he had to put down the cruel words and drove away quickly.

Finally, when he arrived at the company, Jiang Siming got out of the car with his baby daughter and entered the company gate.

When the employees of the company saw this angelic baby, they stopped and watched.

"What are you looking at? I don't work yet, I want to bring a baby like me." Jiang Siming said funny, holding his daughter in the elevator, and finally came to his floor.

Isn’t it just taking my daughter to the company? What a big deal.

Anyway, the company is also playing...No, he is not playing in the company, he is going to work seriously, and almost missed the word.

In short, Jiang Siming came to the company today with Xiao Luoyu.

This was the first time Xiao Luoyu came to work for his parents.

Xiao Luoyu was very curious about everything in front of him. His big jewel-like eyes looked around in Jiang Siming's arms, looking full of surprise at everything, really cute.

Chen Guo, who was working in the secretary's office, was shocked and covered her mouth when she saw Xiao Luoyu.

"Wow~ Chairman, your daughter is so beautiful~~~ Can I... hug her?" Chen Guo pleaded, she is not resistant to Xiao Luoyu’s face, okay~

Jiang Siming smiled and graciously sent his daughter over: "Let Miss Chen Guo hug me, my father is tired."

Xiao Luoyu was innocent and believed it to be true, obediently in Chen Guo's arms.

Although Chen Guo hugged the child very strangely, she was extremely gentle, for fear that someone might hurt the child by accident.

But it can be seen that Chen Guo loves Xiao Luoyu three hundred percent from the heart.

"It's so cute~ If I have such a lovely daughter in the future, it will be worth it in this life~" Chen Guo said emotionally.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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