I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2144: I'm in danger, save me~

While landing quickly, Jiang Siming checked the situation beside him. It was not bad. Although it was in the ranking, there were still people who chose to shoot in Autism City just like him.

Jiang Siming glanced, besides him, there were a total of four umbrellas.

When he reached the limit, Jiang Siming opened the parachute bag, controlled the direction of the parachute, and landed towards the central city.

Skydiving is still a technical activity, even if Jiang Siming has played many times, skydiving is still only at the basic level.

The basic level he said is that you can refer to where to jump now, instead of flying off the track and falling to other places like before.

But Jiang Siming knows that for those who are proficient in skydiving, his skydiving skills are still a lot worse.

There are many students who are proficient in skydiving in his Guoshu University, all of them are elite students from the military and the sky team.

They have been trained in skydiving for a long time, so they are quite knowledgeable and experienced in skydiving.

He was like this, let alone other players, four umbrella bags, two of them were still crooked, almost didn't even fly into the autistic city.

There was one left, flying to the small building on the edge, and the last one, with him, flew to the main building.

What Jiang Siming didn't expect was that this player had better skydiving skills than him!

The speed was much faster than him. When Jiang Siming was ten meters away from the sky, this man was almost on the top of the building.

The audience shouted in exclamation.

"My grass, this is a master and a master!"

"This is the first time I have seen someone jump so well."

"I saw a professional skydiving coach on YouTube, but that's all."

"It's over, Myojin met a parachuting man in the first hand, hahaha, it's over."

"Hello everyone, what you are watching now is the first game of Myojin into the box."


The barrage of the water friends all sympathized with Jiang Siming. The first encounter with a unique paratrooper was dangerous.

After all, people first land to pick up a gun, what can you do?

Jiang Siming did not panic. Although the advantage of skydiving is great, it is not absolute.

When he was just playing in the end game Jedi, parachuting was faster than anyone else. The advantage is great, but it also varies from person to person.

Besides, he can completely land in a different place, as long as the opponent's marksmanship is not the kind of gun king level, don't even want to shoot him down.

Jiang Siming thought about it and saw that after the opponent landed, he was still five or six meters away, so he broke free of the umbrella rope!

Falling from the air to the roof!


Jiang Siming lost half of his health, the higher the place he dropped, the higher the damage.

The start was half-life. For others, the game was already cold, but for Jiang Siming, it was nothing at all.

The place where Jiang Siming landed was pinpointed where there was a gun, so as soon as he landed, he quickly picked up all the bullets and started loading.

Although the skydiving brother landed before him, the landing position was still a short distance from the nearest gun.

So when he picked up the gun, Jiang Siming was already changing it.

Jiang Siming held a handful of S686, calmly reloaded, and walked towards this person.

Judging from his appearance, this is still a foreigner player.

Holographic Jedi does not divide into Asian, European, and American servers.

All players are on the same server. Based on the base of more than 20 million foreign players, it is not unusual to match foreigners.

When the foreigner saw that Jiang Siming was already loading his ammunition, he was still a shotgun, his face paled in shock.

"Nonono, friend, friend, let me go, I am the first in qualifying...I am a professional skydiver, I can teach..."


Before the word ‘you’ was spoken, the man’s forehead received a shot from Jiang Siming!

Powerful, a KO shot.

In close combat, the shotgun is a god!

Once this person died, he was probably exhaling fragrance, but the dead person could no longer speak with a wheat, so it was useless to scold him.

[Tu Huang Bounty Level 1]: +4.7w yuan (less than 10w, no universal fragments)

It's a pity that the Tu Huang bounty was triggered, but it didn't break 10w, otherwise, there will be an extra omnipotent fragment for every next kill.

The pirate bounty failed to trigger, and it seems that the first in the ranking is not lucky.

Jiang Siming quickly picked up the man's gun and installed it, a QBZ95 rifle.

There are second-level A and second-level helmets next to it.

Jiang Siming wears them all, and the ranking is the same as the competition mode, with four times the materials.

So there are abundant resources everywhere, and it is easy to pick up all the equipment you need.

Holding the QBZ rifle, Jiang Siming began to look around on the roof of the main building, looking for other players.

The player who fell in the edge of the annex was easily found by him. This person has obviously not adapted to the intensity of the ranking, and is still immersed in the joy of searching things.

Little did he know that a ‘beast’ was already eyeing him.

People who search for the auxiliary building prefer to search for things on the balcony of the auxiliary building, because there are often good things on the balcony.

This person obviously saw the equipment he wanted, and there was a sniper silencer lying next to an M24.

How could this kind of good thing be let go, and without thinking about it, he immediately jumped out of the window of the room and picked up this alluring silenced sniper rifle.

Jiang Siming could see clearly in the main building, and raised QBZ.

Although there is no scope on the gun, in the holographic Jedi, as long as you can play with the gun, you can still shoot without the scope, which is more accurate than the one in the end game.

Of course, the premise is that you really know how to play or have a real talent for firearms.

Otherwise, you have to use a scope.

Jiang Siming then aimed his small machine at his heart and pulled the trigger.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Three shots in a row, headshots.

That buddy's helmet, like a popped corn, tore instantly.

Then the bullet entered the head and belched on the spot.

What Jiang Siming did not expect was that the first ranked fragment appeared so soon!

The shiny gray shards in this man's box made Jiang Siming immediately abandon the excellent observation point of the main building and ran to the adjacent auxiliary building.

It's a pity that I haven't picked up the [Auto Pickup] game skill yet, otherwise Jiang Siming will not move and the debris will automatically float over.

But it's no harm, as long as there is debris to pick up, let alone move it by yourself, even in outer space, Jiang Siming will immediately run to pick it up.

"Pick up [1000 tons of TNT explosive] gray fragments*1 (1/1). The fragments are full and can be used directly."

Jiang Siming saw this fragment and was unable to complain.

It must be Zhao Xiaoxiao, a stupid girl, who talks about blowing up school and blowing up school next to his ear every day.

Now it’s okay. It’s really explosive. The 100 tons of explosives we used to have finally used up, but now it’s coming again, and it has doubled tenfold.

What does he want this stuff for? Smelly, wait until the game is over to clean up you.


Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was also playing Holographic Jedi with his mothers in the room, felt a chill, as if cursed.

"Little moms, I'm in danger! Help me!" Zhao Xiaoxiao said.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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