I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2145: Flying grass!

"This hapless boy can't talk about anything useful."

Jiang Siming was still thinking about it, he sighed, mainly this fragment is really useless.

Does he still need explosives even if he really blows up the school? Isn’t it just easy to pinch with fingers, any building has to collapse.

But speaking of it, it’s a bit more real and fun to explode with explosives...

Fortunately, this fragment does not need to be integrated, otherwise Jiang Siming will throw it into the furnace, so let's put it away for now.

By the way, this silencer M24 was accepted.

It's a pity that it was equipped with a 2x scope. For Jiang Siming, the 2x scope was too tasteless, so it was simply removed.

In this game, those who can’t play with guns can rely on a magnifying lens, and those who can play with guns do not need a magnifying lens.

If it is at a long distance, high magnification is definitely better than a machine sight, but at medium and short distances, the gunner does not need a magnifier.

At this time there were two people left in Autistic City, and Jiang Siming began a carpet search.

I searched for houses one by one.

Although qualifying and end games are more similar, many details are completely different.

Let’s talk about character actions, and still maintain a serious holographic mode. You can act as you want, as long as you can.

Jiang Siming relied on constant jumping and climbing, moving quickly in the autistic city like parkour.

It's no longer the clumsy and slow climbing jump in the terminal tour. In fact, this kind of complex terrain can fully display the imagination of the unconstrained body.

As long as you dare to operate and know what actions can be done, it can be achieved.

Tens of millions of spectators watched Jiang Siming shuttle through the autistic city like a ghost, shouting one by one.

When they play, they are all step by step, and the tortoise moves forward quickly.

But Mingshen ‘fly’ in the city like you have a light skill.

Are they playing the same game with Myojin?

Soon, Jiang Siming found the location where one of the players roughly hid, because the building on this side was searched, he had been flying over the walls at a high point, and he was sure that no one had been seen walking outside the city.

Therefore, the opponent is likely to hide near here.

Moreover, based on sufficient experience in abuse of food, Jiang Siming basically concluded that this person was hiding behind the door of this building.

"Dear audience, show you a flying headshot."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he stepped forward and pulled to the fastest speed, and then jumped in front of the window next to the door!

The whole person flew into the building like a carp leaping over a dragon gate.

The moment he flew inside, Jiang Siming turned his head in the air and stared at the door, and saw that a player was squatting there.

The sniper rifle in his hand was raised, and before landing, he pulled the trigger.


With a muffled sound, the bullet came out of the mouth.

Penetrate the opponent's helmet and kill with one blow!

After Jiang Siming fired this shot, he landed, and even stopped in the air, landing steadily.

The whole action is like shooting a Hollywood gunfight movie, silky and smooth, and flowing.

Before this person died, he didn't even have time to shoot. When he became a corpse, his eyes widened.

It seems that it is impossible to imagine that the gun battle game can still be played like this. I was so stupid by this operation that I couldn't catch my eyes.

More than him, one of the audience counted as one, and they were all dumbfounded.

This...this is the legendary...flying grass?

"Have you seen it? As long as the marksmanship is accurate and there is enough imagination, there are actually 10,000 ways to kill."

Jiang Siming seems to have done a very ordinary operation, and can take the time to explain it to everyone.

Everyone smiled bitterly, the action is indeed imaginable, maybe it can be done, but the marksmanship is a flaw.

【Tu Huang Bounty**】: +18.8w

There are no fragments, but the money is a little comfort. How can it be 180,000, which is enough for his family's car to drive two days of gas.

This Jiang Siming is not an exaggeration. The dozens of luxury cars in his family have large displacements, and the most expensive fuel is added. One full refill costs several thousand yuan.

No way, there are many wives, and the expenses must be high. Just one month's food expenses for his family will cost several million.

Of course, this amount of food expenses is only a drop in the bucket for Jiang Siming, and his company pays four to five billion yuan in taxes every day.

It pays more than 100 billion yuan a year, and it is the world's first private company to pay taxes.

Jiang Siming was not vague about paying taxes.

His company has an average daily profit of tens of billions, otherwise you think that Lao Jiang, a company of several trillions, came from.

Otherwise, you think why all other countries and cities are eager to beg Jiang Siming to immigrate. The tax collected by his company is more than the sum of thousands of companies.

Jiang Siming found a six-fold mirror in the player's box, which happened to be installed, and then left Autistic City.

Although there is still one person in Autistic City, Jiang Siming is too lazy to find it.

The rank mode brushes circles very quickly, at this point, the first wave of circles has almost contracted.

It was when he was going to the ring to wait for the prey, Jiang Siming didn't want to waste time searching again.

Looking for a jungle pig cart, Jiang Siming hurried to the circle.

The remaining buddy from Autism City breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he would never jump to Autism City again, it was terrifying.

Halfway through, there was a roar of an airdrop plane in the sky, and the airdrop fell a bit far away.

Jiang Siming hasn't used [Exclusive Airdrop]. This ordinary airdrop is not very attractive to him, but while the airdrop is still in the sky, Jiang Siming still marked the location of the airdrop.

Then continue to rush to the circle to find the ‘destined people’ who enter the circle.

Not to mention, there are really a lot of people entering the circle at this time.

Because the ranking mode is in order to eliminate those players who want to rely on the poison to fight for the ranking, the damage of the poison circle is very high, and it will be superimposed, the longer the stay, the higher the damage.

In the front-end game, some teams have used this operation. The whole team does nothing but pick up medicines, bandages, and medical kits.

Then the four people gathered all the medicine they picked up, the other three committed suicide, leaving one behind, and kept fighting the medicine to return blood.

A lot of drugs are enough for him to survive until the finals.

If you are lucky, you can even get the first place in the poison.

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, the end game has been changed a long time ago, and the poison circle damage of the qualifying match has been increased a lot, so that they cannot rely on this method to rank.

The same is true in holography, so if players want to survive, they must drive to a safe zone.

Jiang Siming caught three players who entered the circle in a row, and all fell down without exception, but unfortunately still failed to produce the second fragment.

Lao Jiang didn't get discouraged, and got on the car again and hurried to the place where the airdrop had been before.

At this time, the airdrop had only fallen short, and when Jiang Siming arrived, there was a thief figure who wanted to run away after touching the airdrop and getting on the motorcycle.

The inside of the hologram is different from the end game. If you want to hit someone, you have to cut your seat or get off the car.

In the hologram, in the driver's seat, you can also shoot, holding the steering wheel in one hand and the gun in the other.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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