I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2150: The second player to gain energy

"Oh, who told you not to believe me? I'm a genius and I learn everything super fast."

Jiang Siming said leisurely and picked up the gun.

Jiang Siming hasn’t experienced the long-lost gameplay of "Hit the Birds" for more than a year. Oh, I miss it~

Holding the MINI14 sniper rifle in his hand, he dismissed the helmet and body armor next to him.

After replacing the bullet, Jiang Siming walked out of the balcony door on the third floor of the boxing gym and looked up at the sky.

The feelings that I had just played on the mobile game came back.

When he picked up [Skydiving Proficiency] in the end game, that's it, one step ahead, landing a gun, and wantonly shooting birds.

Only after he was changed to the skydiving operation by Gank, he never experienced the joy of birding.

It's really enjoyable to shoot people down from the sky. It's better than just shooting a gun face to face.

Of course, this kind of feeling cannot be experienced by ordinary players, unless it is a parachute jumper, it must be a gunman.

Now, everything is back, they are all back~

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Jiang Siming squeezed the trigger unceremoniously, and almost every two shots, at least one person turned into a box and floated down from the sky.

The viewers in the live broadcast room saw their palms sweating and heartily, as if they were back when Myojin just played the live broadcast.

Many old fans even couldn't help but shout: Ye Qinghui!

It is a pity that not many people jumped here in the ranking mode. There were only six people in the city, and Jiang Siming shot five from the sky.

Another one escaped because of flying too far.

But even so, everyone felt speechless for a while.

This particular family hasn't landed yet, and this city is almost empty...

"Unfortunately, the marksmanship is a little bit more accurate. If you are more accurate, the last one will not run."

Just about this, Jiang Siming is still a little unhappy with himself. Fans just want to say, please, can you say something about it?

The reason Jiang Siming said so was entirely because of this round, the Tu Huang bounty broke out, hehe.

【Tu Huang Bounty Level 1】: +241555 yuan, reward 1 universal fragment.

[Tu Huang Bounty Level 2]: +483110 yuan, reward 1 universal fragment.

【Tu Huang Bounty**】: +966220 yuan, reward 1 universal fragment.

【Tu Huang Bounty Level 4】: +1932440 yuan, reward 1 universal fragment.

The initial bounty of 240,000 directly triggers the passive of Emperor Tu's bounty.

In other words, as long as Jiang Siming killed ten in this round, he would have ten omnipotent fragments.

The four omnipotent fragments that were just used up came back in one go.

This one didn't explode fragments, Jiang Siming was also satisfied.

The holographic version of Tu Huang's reward Jiang Si was gathered tomorrow morning, but after playing for many days, he couldn't be triggered, and now he finally triggered once.

It seems that brother's European spirit has not been sucked away by the startled salamander. It is still wise to strengthen it.

Moreover, as long as ten people were killed in this round, one hundred and twenty million soft sister coins could be picked up for nothing, a small goal of President Wang~ Don't pick up nothing.

In other words, the 150 billion that Wang Shoufu owed him has not yet been paid, and I don't know if he can pay it back this year, or whether he will kidnap Young Master Wang and threaten to pay it back, hehe.

Just as Jiang Siming thought about it, a striking barrage floated in the live broadcast room.

[Traveling frog frog brother]: Lao Jiang, you are a big star, you knocked me down from the sky, Gan (middle finger)!

Jiang Siming happened to be searching for something, and saw this barrage in his spare time.

"Oh, Young Master Wang can still be ranked? It's hard to imagine. I thought it would take you at least half a year to reach the qualifying standard."

Wang Dashao was so angry that he retorted: "Have you heard of Shibie for three days? From the day he got the ring, he has been soaking in the game every day, thinking hard about the game technology, is it OK to be able to qualify? Okay, who do you look down on?"

"Yes, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck. You don't know the technology. You dare to fly to the pickup. If you are so idle now, you can still play games every day. Your dad won't catch you as a coolie?" Jiang Siming Asked with a smile.

Wang Dashao quickly replied: "There was a time when something happened to the company. I really didn’t have time. I was forced to work in the company every day. But with the 150 billion you borrowed, the company has already improved. My dad said You will be able to repay as many as you want, and you will be able to repay you some interest.

"That's good, don't hinder me from playing games, hurry up and get the next one. Brother will not play in double row today, only in single row, don't think I will take you."

"Damn! Labor and management just wanted to say that when you want to take me down, let's go to the ranks." Wang Dashao'swearingly' left.

Jiang Siming also continued to search things calmly.

However, millions of viewers are not calm, what have they heard?

Jiang Siming loaned Wang's richest man money? Or 150 billion? ?

Ma yeah, my heart is not good, hold on to it.

I feel that there must be this one in the hot search news tomorrow!

Shock! The former richest man in Asia once asked the richest man in the new world to borrow money to survive!

Well, this full of UC news is rushing to the face.

For a time, the barrage was all borrowed from Jiang Siming.

"Dad, can you lend me a few hundred million yuan?"

This kind of barrage was flying all over the sky, and Jiang Siming laughed when he saw it, "You borrow money to find Mr. Ma, can you borrow Mr. Ma's flowers?"

Everyone replied: "That's different, Huabei has to be returned."

"Damn, don't repay the labor money? Turn your heads off, believe it or not!"

Jiang Siming scolded and laughed in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention, after setting off the Tu Huang bounty passive, Lao Jiang seemed to run out of European energy.

After the next night, Jiang Siming only picked up a few pieces of chicken ribs.

Damn, it shouldn't be strengthened by the startled salamander, the European spirit must have been absorbed by him!

Regarding how much he is not a chief, Jiang Siming himself has no idea.

Anyway, if you are unlucky, you have to blame the startled salamander.

After one night came down, Jiang Siming felt that there was no more debris today, so he had to give up his plan to continue.

I hate it, I planned to spend the night with liver fragments.

Now that I am doing this, I have to start Plan B and practice with my wives.

"Well, today's live broadcast ends here, and I have a rest with my wives, Goodbye."

When Jiang Siming finished speaking, he was about to quit the game.

The game's public screen once again pops up a full server message.

[Congratulations to the player ‘Liar’ for completing the wonderful kills and unlocking the ‘Global Kills Highlights List’, temporarily ranking second, reward energy value: 1 point. 】

Jiang Siming was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect other people to get energy points so soon.

Much earlier than he expected.

Jiang Siming started to kill the highlights list, in addition to his wave of operation highlights, there is also a man named Liar's operation highlights.

This man's collection of operations is not a superb confrontation drama.

Instead, it used gasoline to blow a motorcycle into the sky, and the motorcycle landed and killed an enemy passing by in the distance, which was named one of the highlights by Nuwa.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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