I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2151: The whole family was shocked!

Although this operation is very weird, it is also a wonderful shot, and it is reasonable to be on the list.

All players are also discussing this Liar person.

Jiang Siming had already quit the game, found Nuwa, and searched for this person's information.

He is the boss, isn't it easy to look at the player information?

This Liar is also a ‘liar’ and he is a Russian. This guy should have received energy points now.

Jiang Siming hasn't seen anyone other than him who received game energy points.

After checking the other party's IP address, the next second, Jiang Siming appeared in Moscow, a cold city.

Now this season, Moscow has no tears, oh no, there are no pedestrians, there is snow everywhere, three feet frozen.

Not long ago, there was a news in Russia that a Russian internet celebrity anchor wanted to get a thousand dollars reward from fans.

As a result, his girlfriend who was pregnant and only wore thin pajamas was locked out of the door for several hours to enjoy fans.

After that, his girlfriend was directly frozen to death, with one dead body and two lives. The anchor was also taken away by the police.

This news tells us that no country lacks cerebral palsy.

Jiang Siming was a little surprised at the place where Liar lived. He seemed to have come to a military powerhouse.

Because the house is guarded by soldiers with live ammunition around the house, surveillance is extremely strict everywhere.

But Jiang Siming looked again, and there was no military base nearby. It seemed to be the home of an important person.

It is a pity that no matter how tightly controlled it is, Jiang Siming can't be stopped at all.

Liar, a liar, can also be called a liar.

The person who took this ID should have been a man, but Jiang Siming did not expect that he was actually a girl.

Moreover, she was still a girl with muscular dystrophy.

And it looks very serious, lying on the bed, there is a babysitter next to it 24 hours a day.

The girl could not do anything, but Jiang Siming's holographic game ring allowed her to immerse herself in the game.

This game has become the best spiritual sustenance for girls now.

In fact, many disabled patients around the world are very grateful to Jiang Siming.

Because of this game of Jiang Siming's company, they can re-experience free running and free movement in the game, and the joy of playing in the game like a normal person.

The girl was still immersed in the surprise of the game announcement. She did not expect that, relying on the physics knowledge her mother gave her, she killed a player in a strange and alternative way.

But it has achieved the world's second wonderful kill collection.

This made the girl blush with excitement. She hurriedly quit the game and shared her joy with the babysitter next to her.

"Aunt Nata, you know, you know, I'm famous, I'm famous all over the world! I have accomplished an incredible achievement!"

The girl danced with excitement, holding the hand of the nanny, and sharing her joy excitedly.

But the nanny didn't hear what she was talking about, just opened her mouth wide and looked at the girl's hand dumbfounded.

"Dani...you you you..."

"What's wrong? Auntie." The girl hadn't realized her change yet.

"Your hand...Dani...your hand, can you move?"

The girl named Dany came back to her senses, and then she looked shocked at her holding the hand of the nanny's aunt. From above, she could feel a long-lost sense of power.

Although this sense of power is very slight, it is not even as good as a ten-year-old child, but this is something she hasn't had in more than three years!

Five years ago, she changed into muscular dystrophy. In two years, the muscle atrophy became more and more serious and finally reached the point of paralysis.

During those two years, I clearly felt the pain of losing strength every day and not listening to her commands. Dany's memory is still fresh.

But now, after three years, this long-lost sense of power once again filled her hands, and even her legs were conscious!

"Why... how could this be..." Danni's eyes were hollow, and she was completely overwhelmed by this sudden change.

The nanny rushed out of her room and knocked on the door of the owner of the house, Dany's parents.

Soon, a middle-aged Russian man ran out in his pajamas: "What's wrong, did something happen to Danny? Call a doctor! I immediately contacted the military vehicle and took it to the hospital."

Behind him was his wife, who thought that her daughter's condition was getting worse, she was already crying before she came out.

The nanny hurriedly explained: "Sir, no no, Dani is okay, not only is she okay, she seems to have recovered her mobility!"


"It's true, she just grabbed my hand, very hard, I swear."

The two couples immediately ran into Dany's room, but at this time Dany had actually stood up from the bed and was walking carefully in the room.

Although she still stumbled a little, this was happier than any happy event for Danni's family.

"Dad, Mom, I seem to have recovered." Dany cried with joy, and fell to the ground inadvertently because of too much excitement.

But Dany didn't care about the pain at all, but got up trembling again and continued walking.

Dani's parents were also in tears of excitement. What can be more important than the recovery of their only baby girl.

"Dani, don't move, let's go to the hospital for an examination immediately. This must be checked and confirmed."

After the father finished speaking, a phone call passed, and within a few minutes, an ambulance drove up late at night and respectfully took Danny into the car and rushed to the most famous hospital in Moscow.

After the doctor's examination, he was also shocked, with an unbelievable face, and he called a miracle miracle, which is a miracle.

"What's the situation?" Danni's father asked the doctor seriously.

The doctor replied respectfully: "General, we actually don’t know. According to the diagnosis, your daughter’s muscular dystrophy is already a very serious one. Unless a new drug is developed, it is impossible to recover. But just after our examination, we found that, The degree of atrophy of Danni's limbs has recovered a lot, which is incredible."

"Could it be that it's getting better because of the medication?" Father frowned.

It's not that he doesn't want his daughter to be good, but he is afraid that this phenomenon will only come back to light and change back to the original state after a while.

The doctor shook his head and said confidently: "The drugs we prescribe can only stabilize her condition and not continue to worsen, but there is absolutely no recovery effect."

With full of doubts, Dany's father still asked Dany the reason.

At first, Dany didn't know anything, but after reminiscing, she remembered one thing.

That is when she got the game announcement information in the Holographic Jedi, she also got a little energy value given by the system.

It was just that she was immersed in the joy of accomplishing the achievement at the time, and did not notice this energy value.

Thinking of this, Dany hurriedly re-entered the game. She had been wearing the game ring on her fingers, so she could enter the game at any time.

As soon as she entered, Dany was dumbfounded, her energy value showed that it became...0!

[Author's digression]: First more~

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