I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2152: Dare he hang up my phone?

Danni remembered that before she quit the game, she took a special look.

In the extra energy value column, it is [1], but now it has become [0].

"Where is my energy value? Where did it go?"

But she couldn't find it no matter how she looked for it, rummaged through her backpack and personal warehouse, but couldn't find it.

And this game didn't give any explanation, it was quite mysterious.

Just when she was puzzled, Dany suddenly remembered that she was the second person to gain energy, and there was another person who gained energy earlier than him.

So Dani quit the game again and said to her father: "Dad, I want to find someone, maybe only he knows the reason for my recovery."

"Who? As long as you say your name, Dad can help you find it." Dany's father said firmly.

Both the daughter and the wife are convinced, and the other men are probably bragging about drinking too much vodka.

But the head of their family never tells lies.

Just because his name is Vladimir Kayguski, he is most likely to succeed the next king candidate in the position of Lao Pu.

He wanted to find someone, even if it was Old Special, he could contact him.

"It's the owner of the game I played, Huaxia, and the richest man in the world." Dany said.

"Game boss? Huaxia people? Does this... have anything to do with your illness?" Dany's father wondered, why did he get involved in the game?

Dany didn't conceal it, she spoke out her doubts.

Danni's father's first reaction was impossible, and he didn't believe it at all. After all, no one would believe such a strange story.

Playing a game can cure diseases? Not getting sick is a good thing.

But Danni was very persistent, and helplessly, Dany's father, who had always spoiled his daughter, happened to arrange someone to call Jiang Siming immediately.

His subordinates are extremely efficient, and within half an hour of work, they can get Jiang Siming's personal phone number from a special channel.

Dani's father dialed this number and handed the phone to Dani.

Dani exhaled nervously and waited for the call to be connected.

It didn't take long for the phone to connect.

"Hello, are you Mr. Jiang Siming?" Danni said, fluent Chinese.

This is what she learned in the past five years of illness. In addition to Chinese, she can speak seven other languages. She can also help her mother translate some physics research documents sent from abroad. Her mother is a physicist. .

"I am, who are you?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Siming's voice came, in fact, it was just knowingly asking.

Dany didn’t know, and immediately introduced herself seriously: "My name is Vladimir Danipova, a Russian, my father wants to get your personal phone number, I don’t know if you have time to talk to me, two Minutes are enough."

"Speak up, I'm free."

Dany immediately said about the energy value she gained in the game.

"So I want to know, why is my energy value gone? Sir, you have also obtained energy value, is your energy value still there?"

Dani waited nervously for Jiang Siming's answer.

Jiang Siming chuckled lightly and replied frankly: "Mine is no longer there, it's [0]"

"Then do you know where the energy value goes? You are the boss of this game, should you know?"

"Ok, I know."

"Can you tell me?" Dany became more and more nervous, because she felt closer and closer to her guess.

"Of course, the energy value you get has of course been absorbed by your body."

"What!" Dany's pupils expanded instantly, which was more exaggerated than she thought.

"No surprise, this is the most mysterious easter egg in this game. The energy value obtained in the game can be absorbed by the human body, and there is no harm in it. It will only make your body better and better."

Jiang Siming directly told Dani the truth. In fact, he could have told the whole world, but even if he said it, no one would believe it.

Because this is too much of an era, everyone doesn't believe it has such a magical effect.

But Dany is the gainer of energy points, telling a personal experiencer, the credibility is much higher.

"Nonsense, this must be fake." Dany's father frowned and said, not believing it at all.

Indeed, you now make people believe this, it is better to make people believe that the sun comes out from the west.

"Believe it or not, I have no obligation to explain, nor will I sell any products to you. Your daughter is very lucky to get the energy in the game, so she can say it all. Okay, I'm going to rest and hang up. "


In the next second, Dany's phone hung up.

"Dad, you are so impolite." Dany smiled bitterly. She wanted to ask more, but her father interrupted her, making the call unpleasant.

She is very grateful to Jiang Siming, without this game, how can she be so happy recently.

Danni's father didn't expect Jiang Siming to hang up as soon as he said it, but he still insisted on his own opinion. This is a fallacy and falsehood.

But the daughter has believed it all, and is unwavering.

"Dad, do you look at my current state, do you seem to be joking with you? Do you think I suddenly recovered because of God's favor? This game itself is very magical, as my mother has said, this game surpasses her perception , She has been studying this game ring and this holographic game recently. If you don’t believe me, ask mom."

Dani’s mother next to her nodded to her husband and said: “I told you a while ago that this popular game launched by China Xia is not just a game, it is beyond the current physics theory and technology. Theory. I have been studying it with my colleagues recently, and I haven’t found anything yet."

"It's not just our research, but scientists and physicists all over the world are now very interested in studying this topic."

When Dani's father heard the words, his heart began to shake.

Dani’s mother continued: “This game can connect to the Internet and enter the game with just a ring. To be honest, even the highest-tech computer equipment does not have this effect. We suspect that this ring contains There is a kind of energy that has not yet been developed in the world. If this kind of energy has a certain amount of energy to feed back the human body, it does have credibility."

Danni's father was dumbfounded, and asked in a daze: "You mean, playing this game will make your body healthier and stronger? More and more powerful?"

Dani’s mother nodded and said: “In theory, this is the case, and Dani is the best example, but I think everything has to be communicated with the producer of this game, which is the boss behind the scenes, to know more, but I think He will definitely not say more, because it’s a big deal, and your bullish temper just made people unhappy, and it’s even more useless."

Danni’s father was a little embarrassed, and said domineeringly: “Then I’ll call him one more, I don’t believe he dares to hang up.”

After speaking, Dany's father took the cellphone, dialed the phone again, and the phone was connected again. Dany's father immediately spoke.




[Author's digression]: Second more~

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