I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2160: Should I give her a knife?

"What you think is simple. People just said that they would not accept Chinese students, and you blew it up on the back foot. Everyone suspected that we did it. Moreover, if the school was bombed, the school students and teachers had to die." Jiang Siming complained.

"Don’t worry, I’ve already thought about it. I’m going to have Christmas in the West right away, and I’m sure they will all go home. Even if there are those who stay in school, dad, you can just send them out. They all have laboratories. We came out with a chemical explosive device and exploded in minutes."

Jiang Siming turned his head and said mockingly: "It's like you're going to make a chemical bomb?"

"I will! I really will. I taught myself to be a bomb. It's too simple."

Jiang Siming was speechless again, he really didn't doubt it, because of Zhao Xiaoxiao's heavenly mind, if she was interested in chemistry, it would be really easy to be a bomb.

"It's impossible to make a chemical explosive that blows up the entire school."

Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Then teach you Dad, you must have a way."

Jiang Siming helped his forehead and had a headache with such a daughter.

Isn't she a prophet? I knew that he just picked up 1,000 tons of TNT explosives a few days ago, or he would give her a knife...

I hope Xiao Luoyu will never be damaged by her.

But the United States is really disgusting to do so, obviously it is for China.

"Okay, you go back to school quickly, and we will do it when Christmas is almost here."

Jiang Siming agreed, mainly to coax the children. It was definitely not that he wanted to explode, absolutely not!

"Ok Ouke, then we have an appointment. When you are going to go, you must take me with you, dad, or I will have to cry to death at home."

Zhao Xiaoxiao kept telling her that she was done and slipped out joyfully, preparing for the fat school.

"Why are you going back?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Take the bus, I came secretly, but I dare not let my mother Zhirou drive me, and you don't let me fly over the wall." Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

"Come here, I'll take you there. When you get to school, I guess it's over."

Jiang Siming was worried that she would go alone, but it was not that she was abducted by bad guys, who would dare to kidnap her.

He was mainly afraid that this girl had been back for too long, and the teacher called Zhao Xuan and it was over.

At that time, Zhao Xiaoxiao is not the only one who will suffer, but his dad who protects his daughter will also be criticized.

Although Zhao Xuan would definitely not scold him, Jiang Siming didn't want to see whether his wife was angry.

"Hee hee, I know that dad treats me best~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately came to Jiang Siming obediently. Jiang Siming led her to the balcony of the office, opened the glass, picked her up, and disappeared into the office instantly.

He can use the small movement technique himself, but he can't hold someone to use the small movement technique.

Jiang Siming found that although the small shift technique could not keep up with his speed, it was still very useful, at least it could appear anywhere at any time.

The only drawback is that it is not allowed to bring people, which is a little flawed.

The next second he disappeared, Jiang Siming hugged Zhao Xiaoxiao and came to her school.

But at this time it happened to be the end of get out of class. The school was full of students. Jiang Siming couldn't let her go.

"Wait on top first, and I will send you off after class," Jiang Siming said.

"Well, dad, pick me up." Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm wearing a skirt, if someone underneath looks up, I'll run out." Zhao Xiaoxiao said shyly.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said, "Please, we are above the clouds. Do your students have clairvoyance?"

"Oh, just give me a princess hug~" Zhao Xiaoxiao once again used her coquettish skills, and her current level of coquetry is better than her mother.

Jiang Siming didn't move. He picked her up, stepped on the clouds, enjoying the sunshine, and watching the bright sun in the distance, the atmosphere seemed very warm.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also changed her active attitude, staying in Jiang Siming's arms obediently, looking at the scorching sun in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Dad." Zhao Xiaoxiao said suddenly.


"I often dream about a woman these days, she is so pretty, prettier than mothers."

With that, Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes showed envy.

"Who." Jiang Siming didn't realize it yet.

Zhao Xiaoxiao continued to speak, and by the way, pulled the blue silk on the temples, and said:

"I don’t know, I don’t know, I feel like she is a bit like me, hehe, narcissism? I have dreamed of her before, but it’s vague, but I don’t know why, it seems that as I practice more and more diligent, she It becomes clearer."

Jiang Siming was stunned for a moment, thinking that it was bad, this girl would not dream of the same woman as the woman in his dream, right?

The more you think, the more possible.

From this point of view, Zhao Xiaoxiao may continue to improve as his cultivation level, and that haunting memory will become clearer and clearer, and he will have the same dream...

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaoxiao is not even a golden pill now. He only had that dream at the transformation stage. It's still early. It may have to wait for her to be several thousand years old before it can happen. Hey, don't worry.

Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't know at all, she was still chattering to herself: "Dad, I told you that if you met this woman, you would definitely chase her. It's really prettier than moms. If you can marry home, Make sure you don’t get bored for eight lifetimes."

The more Jiang Siming listened, the more guilty he was, and he felt that holding Zhao Xiaoxiao was like holding a piece of hot potato.

"I guess I have read too many fantasy novels, so I dreamt that this woman is a bit like me, hehe, dad, do you have the skills to watch other people’s dreams? You have come to my dreams recently. Look at the beauties."

"No, I am not a god." Jiang Siming replied immediately.

"That's a shame, but it's okay. I'm going to learn to paint and paint her for you, but I don't think she can paint her a little bit of charm no matter how great the painting level is. I enjoyed it myself, dad, you have no luck." Zhao Xiaoxiao laughed.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes. At this moment, the silence is golden, so stop talking.

Finally, the bell of the school below rang, and Jiang Siming immediately sent her off.

"Take classes well, read less novels, and remember, if your mother finds out, don't confess me."

Jiang Siming put her in a secret place and rubbed her head.

"I know, I'm so unreasonable, I want to eat grilled Meiyu tonight, I haven't eaten it for a long time~"

"Okay, I will do it for you when I go back."

Before leaving, Zhao Xiaoxiao did not forget to remind him: "Dad, don't forget to promise the secretary to watch the movie. It's best to take it home and watch the grilled fish in the private theater at home. Do what you want. Well."

Jiang Siming staggered when he heard this, and almost fell down, and finally slipped faster.

Seeing his father left, Zhao Xiaoxiao hummed a small song and went back to the classroom happily.

I can blow up school soon~


[Author's digression]: First more~

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