I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2161: Movie egg

Back in his office, when he was off work, and as soon as he walked out, Chen Guo ran to Jiang Siming shyly, lowered his head and asked shyly:

"Um... Boss, can you wait for me to go home and change clothes when I go home? I wear work clothes..."

Jiang Siming is willing to believe that this is true. Zhao Xiaoxiao, this girl, does nothing and teases his sister for him. With this daughter, how much does he have to worry about?

"Okay, then at eight o'clock, I'll pick you up at your house, you remember to eat some snack pads, pad your stomach, and take you to a supper after watching the movie."

Jiang Siming had to agree that his daughter got into debt, and he had to pay the father.

"Well, okay~ I'll go back first." Chen Guo smiled like a flower, her short hair smile really charming.

Seeing this little secretary walking briskly left, Jiang Siming suddenly felt that his daughter had done a good deed, cough cough...

At seven o'clock in the evening, Jiang Siming had already eaten at home.

"Wife, I'm going out, something is wrong."

The daughters-in-law did not suspect that he had him, only Zhao Xiaoxiao winked at him, and silently yelled "Dad, come on".

Jiang Siming didn't see it, found a car and drove off.

I drove all the way to the gate of Chen Guo’s house. The house where Chen Guo lived was the old unit house.

Although Chen Guo's annual salary is now tens of millions, her parents do not like to move, saying that they are used to the atmosphere here, and the neighbors have a particularly good atmosphere, and they are reluctant to bear them.

Chen Guo had to let his parents go.

As soon as Jiang Siming arrived, he saw the well-dressed Chen Guo sneaking out of the community before eight o'clock. Along the way, he saw people in the community hiding far away, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

But it was still discovered.

"Oh, Xiaoguo, how do you dress so beautiful today, are you going on a date?"

"I've seen it all. There is a very nice car parked outside. It must be picking up Xiaoguo."

"Haha, I said that it is impossible for Lao Cai to still want to match her son with Xiaoguo. If Xiaoguo is so promising, she will see a young man with a monthly salary of 20,000."

"Xiaoguo, this is not right. If you secretly fall in love and don't talk to the aunts, you are too good at keeping it secret."


Chen Guo blushed and smiled all the way, hesitated to deal with it.

Jiang Siming looked amused in the car for a while, and finally Chen Guo walked out in a sweat and hurriedly got into Jiang Siming's car.

This short distance seemed to be more tiring than her working day.

"I'm sorry, chairman, I'm late." Chen Guo apologized. The first time I dated with the boss, he was still late, which was too ridiculous.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "You are not late, it is I who came early."

"Fortunately, you came early, otherwise those uncles and aunts will definitely have to talk to me for a long time..." Chen Guo smiled embarrassedly.

"Let's go, go to the movies." Jiang Siming said, pressing the sports car start button, the car started and left the community.

Gu Gu~

Chen Guo's stomach rang suddenly, and she was embarrassed to hold her stomach, pretending that nothing happened.

"Have you eaten anything? I'll let you pad it first." Jiang Siming asked Chen Guo.

"Um... I just thought about makeup... I forgot to eat..." Chen Guo replied awkwardly.

Jiang Siming smiled, handed her a box on the console, and said, "This is the grilled fish I brought from home. You can deal with it first. It's just a bit cold. It may not be delicious. Just deal with it. Mouth."

Chen Guo didn't expect Jiang Siming to prepare food for her. He was heartwarming and apologetic. He took the box and opened it. After eating a few pieces, he couldn't help but shout delicious~

With a few chopsticks, the box of grilled fish was quickly wiped out, and it still looked like it was still not enough.

"Boss, what else~ hehe."

Chen Guo couldn't help but want to eat it again. The fried chicken is really delicious. She has never eaten such a crispy fish, and the grilled is so wonderful~

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "No, I will buy a popcorn pad when I'm not full. After watching the movie, I will take you to a supper."

"Oh, good drop." Chen Guo nodded, and couldn't help licking her mouth, greedy~

Jiang Siming drove to the movie theater he found before. In fact, he didn't have many movie theaters, just two or three.

It doesn't matter, there is a private cinema at home, whether it is the same or not.

This theater is still very high-end, located in a high-end business district, and the business is very good, people come and go.

Jiang Siming parked the car, and the two went up to buy tickets.

After picking a Liu Tianwang movie "The Humbling Expert 2" that was released recently, and buying some snacks, the two of them walked into the theater with tickets.

Jiang Siming hasn't been to the cinema for a long time.

"6 rows of 7 seats and 8 seats, here and here." Chen Guo found the position, and the two of them sat there.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming accidentally saw a few familiar figures in the front row, even though his back was facing him, he was still wearing a mask and hat.

But he couldn't escape Jiang Siming's eyes.

"Today's movie will have eggs." Jiang Siming said to Chen Guo with a smile.

"What easter egg?"

"You'll know after reading it." Jiang Siming smiled.

The film then started broadcasting. It was about an explosion in Hong Kong. The former bomb disposal expert, Liu Tianwang, was suspected to be the perpetrator of the bombing because he was at the scene and found his former colleagues to hunt down.

Liu Tianwang had to find the murderer to wash himself off while fleeing. The clue of the story was simple and the plot was easy to understand.

With a strong Hong Kong film policing and gangster style, with the actor Liu Qingyun as a partner, the movie still looks remarkable.

After watching the movie, Chen Guo muttered in wonder: "Where is the egg, did I miss it?"

She just thought so, when the audience in the front row suddenly stood up and turned around.

The audience immediately boiled!

Because these people are the protagonists of "Bomb Disposal Expert 2", Liu Tianwang, Liu Yingdi, who are among them.

A host held a microphone that was already prepared, and said:

"Thank you for watching "The Bomb Disposal 2", and we are very fortunate to watch it with you. In order to give back to everyone, we will select ten viewers, come on stage to receive a small gift, and choose to take a photo with one of the actors."

The audience became more excited, and raised their hands in anticipation.

"Let us five leading actors, report two numbers one by one, Nini will come first."

The hostess Nini reported an 8 row number 1 and number 2.

The two viewers also happily ran to take a group photo and received gifts.

"Then it is our turn, Liu Tianwang."

"Then I will choose No. 7 and No. 8 in row 6." Liu Tianwang also reported a serial number.

Chen Guo suddenly exclaimed, and Chong Jiang Siming said: "Boss, it seems to be us!"

Jiang Siming didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

"Boss, or let's sneak away, it won't be good if we are found." Chen Guo was afraid that Jiang Siming would have the scandal again.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "I need to sneak, let's go, it's okay, the news tomorrow will say you are my new girlfriend."

Chen Guo's face turned purple...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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