I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2168: I insulted Bushido!

[Enter the game...the number of ranked 70...volcano map]

Jiang Siming didn't say much, so he entered the game directly.

At the end of the year, we will start playing the first World Championship. At this time, masters from all over the world are training in the game day and night.

You can run into a lot in just one round.

That is, there is no [Lucky Connection] skill, otherwise Jiang Siming will be able to determine how many masters there are in this round.

Moreover, his rank is the first in the whole server, and the ranks must be top players, which can be said to be elite.

However, Lao Jiang played elite!

It's a pity that this is a volcano map, a new map, he hasn't found [Map Mastery] in this game, so this is the first time for him to play this map.

As soon as you enter, you can see thick smoke billowing in the distance from the plane. At the far end of the map below, a huge volcano is continuously emitting magma.

The magma flows out of the mountains, eroding the entire map along the way.

Unlike other maps, this map does not have a power grid, but instead uses magma.

The magma will be the same as the power grid. Over time, the map space will continue to be compressed. The player cannot touch the magma and will continue to drop blood.

And the blood loss rate is much faster than the grid.

Therefore, in this round, you must stay in the safe zone at all times and never stay in the dangerous zone.

Because this map was played for the first time, Jiang Siming flew directly to the center point.

The volcano map has no cities, but is full of wild spots. This map is very small, only 3x3, which is smaller than 4x4 than Sano.

So players are very dense after landing.

When Jiang Siming went down, he had already seen Wudao Umbrellas flying with him.

Without the slightest intention to leave, Jiang Siming quickly opened the parachute and used the [Skydiving Proficiency] skill to quickly land in the wild area at the center point.

Of the people who followed him, two of them didn't lag far behind, and then they flew down with a gap of less than two seconds.

Just from the speed of these two people's parachuting, and the movement of daring to fall after seeing him land first.

Even ordinary players can see that these two people are definitely masters.

For two seconds, Jiang Siming could still fight birds on an open-air platform like the Autistic City.

But such wild spots are houses, he has to go in and pick up the gun before coming out, there is not enough time.

And there was no chance to see the rest, immediately turned around and went to other nearby places.

In this round, Jiang Siming had no chance of hitting the birds.

But anyhow, two people followed him and landed in his neighbourhood. When Jiang Siming took the gun out, the two had already entered the house to pick up the gun.

Jiang Siming only picked up a handful of S1897, and while changing the bomb, he walked towards the nearest house.

He could clearly hear the sound of changing bullets, and it was Scarl's reloading sound.

Many water friends have already begun to panic.

They have watched many anchors playing live broadcasts in the past few days, and they have all encountered masters of this level.

They are sophisticated in action, accurate in shooting, and all of them are great gods.

Many anchors have been abused, including the former second Leizi in the national service, and they are often killed by passers-by.

From the second place at the beginning, now it has fallen to fifty.

It can be seen how terrifying these new masters are.

It's just that they can't do it even if they want to remind Jiang Siming, he has already posted it to others' windows.

The people inside heard that there was someone in the corner, and they were already waiting by the windows inside.

Jiang Siming tentatively poked his head at the window, and the opponent's gun rang instantly!

Fortunately, Jiang Siming hid quickly, or at least one shot or two.

According to his headless and armorless state, half of the blood is so empty.

Jiang Siming continued to show his face at the window as if he had not accepted the lesson.

The other party was obviously angry, thinking Jiang Siming would taunt him again, and shot again!

But the moment Jiang Siming showed his face, he shrank back again.

And in this gap that the naked eye can barely catch, Jiang Siming fired a shot midway.


The sound of the huge shotgun shook people's ears.

The wood around the window was also powdered by scattered stray bullets.

The other more bullets flew into the room and hit the player inside.

Thanks to this man, he picked up the second-level A and the first-level head, and blocked a lot of damage, otherwise he would have lost the shot.

Because of this, the blood bar still dropped a big tube.

The face of the person inside changed drastically, and immediately wanted to go upstairs and hide.

However, Jiang Siming flashed from the window like a ghost again, and another shot hit him in the back with a stray bullet.

He completely emptied the remaining blood bar and turned it into a corpse.

All the water friends stared blankly, huh? Is this the elite? this one?

Looking at Jiang Siming's operation, it seemed that he had solved the opponent very simply and easily.

It made them think that they could do it too.

"The player [Ming] used the S1897 shotgun to kill the player [いとうじゅんじ?]"

The kill message popped out and he was a Japanese player.

Now, behind each player’s name, the national flag of the opponent’s region will light up. This person’s name is in Japanese, and behind it is a plaster flag icon.

It must be a Japanese player who didn't run away, and looking at his actions just now, if he guessed right, he was a Japanese special soldier.

Everyone called out for a beautiful job!

Myojin killed well! It just so happens that today is a special memorial day, kill ***, relieve your breath!

Jiang Siming killed this person, although he did not see the debris, but he was surprised.

[Pirate Bounty] triggered!

[Pirate Bounty Level 1]: Reward "One of the Five Swords in the World·Three Days and Moon Zongjin", the most beautiful of the five swords.

[Five Swords of the World]: Japan’s national treasure-level cultural relics, which are divided into five pieces, namely the famous three-day Tsukizongjin, Shuzhumaru Kenji, Toshikiyasu, Daiden Taikoyo, and Onimaru Kunitsu.

The five swords have profound historical allusions and legends, and they are the noble pursuit and belief of all Japanese Bushido.

Seeing this bounty reward, Jiang Siming smiled unkindly.

Sorry, this sword waiter will find a time to shoot a video to destroy it, and then post it on the Japanese website, pour **** on their belief in the Bushido spirit.

One more sentence: I insulted Bushido!

For the time being, finish this game first.

The people in the other house heard the firefight between the two here, and had confirmed the location of Jiang Siming, and were coming.

Jiang Siming opened the window and entered the house. He didn't even bother to change the gun. He walked to the door and kicked the door open, rushing up like a reckless man!

The other party obviously didn't expect Jiang Siming to fight like this. He thought that Jiang Siming must have been beaten up with a lot of blood, hiding in the house.

So when he came over, the grenade was pinched, and just as he was about to throw it, Jiang Siming rushed out to face his brain.

The skull was instantly pulpy, and the man hung upright on the spot, with the grenade pulling the ring and leaving it on his corpse.

Finally, there was one more time, the corpses were all flying...

"Me! @##¥R$%$#B...."

The opponent was angry and desperate, Zuan blurted out his honorific words.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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