I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2169: Targeted by the samurai

[Pirate Bounty Level 2]: Reward ‘One of the Five Swords in the World·Dian Taiguang Shi’, the most popular among the five swords.

It's another Japanese sword, Jiang Siming haha, it's better to gather a piece and destroy it, that's a pleasure.

The fragments were not picked up, but it was not bad to pick up two Japanese swords.

After playing the game today, take advantage of this special day and use them to pay homage to the heroes of our ancestors.

If it weren't for the game, Jiang Siming really wanted to broadcast it now to destroy the sword.

This wild spot was temporarily unoccupied, and Jiang Siming searched for basic supplies.

With the volcano map and four times the qualified materials, every wild spot is fat and oily.

After searching a few grass houses, Jiang Siming collected a second-level set. Scarl matched a 98k and worked together.

It's a pity that neither [Spirit Weapon 98K] nor [Spirit Weapon Mosinagan] were picked up. This is not a game, otherwise, this 98K can bring him a lot of omnipotent fragments in the game.

Just after searching things and walking to a small hill, under the [Fire Eyes Golden Eyes], Jiang Siming saw a dark and sneaky figure lying in the grass under the hill.

This person is very disguised. He didn't even bring a backpack and a pan, and he was almost flawless. If it weren't for Jiang Siming's [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes], I really need to look away.

This guy is absolutely proficient in concealment even if he is not a master of disguise. He hides so well that none of the audience finds it.

It's a pity that disguise is not easy to use with him, as long as it is within the line of sight, no disturbance can escape his eyes.

"Everyone is optimistic, and I will show you a unique skill." Jiang Siming stood on the top of the mountain and said with a smile.

Everyone was puzzled, but Jiang Siming had taken out a Molotov cocktail and threw it into the sky inexplicably, and then raised the gun to explode the Molotov cocktail accurately!

The flame splashed in the air and fell on the grass under the hill.

Just as everyone was wondering, a figure jumped up in the grass, slapped the flames on his body, strangely called Lianlian.

At this time, all the talents were suddenly shocked, and at the same time felt a bit of fear for Jiang Siming.

If they were to be replaced by them, they would definitely have to be frightened by this old Yinbi.

This old Yinbi hides too well! Definitely at the same level as Jiang Siming when he played the game!

This person was found, did not hide, even put the gun away, looked at Jiang Siming, questioning.

"Can you tell me how did you find me?"

This person speaks Japanese, and it looks like he is another Japanese agent.

Today’s game is also a coincidence. Two of the three opponents are Japanese agents? Jiang Siming almost thought that he had fallen into the den of Japanese thieves.

The agent still didn't believe anyone could spot his disguise.

"No matter how good a mouse is, there is a smell. Your body odor exposes yourself." Jiang Si was obviously too lazy to explain to him.

"Hachiga! I am the Shinobu of the Japanese Empire! Not a rat!"

With that said, Comrade Shinnin drew a long sword from behind and provocatively said: "If there is a kind, come to a hand-to-hand fight with me. I will show you the samurai of our Great Japanese Empire..."


Before the voice of Shangren Xiaopenyou finished, Jiang Siming lifted his head with a shot.

The water friends in the live broadcast room all laughed and hurriedly shouted: My lord, the times have changed~

"You deserve to challenge me too? Bushido, right? Wait at home, there will be ‘good news’ for you."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he reloaded the 98K bullet, stepped on Shinobu's box, and walked away.

If it weren't for insulting the corpse, he promised to make repeated hurdles on his corpse.

This person is probably already mad, but after being killed, he can't speak, so even if he wants to curse, he can only curse to himself.


Sure enough, somewhere in Japan, a man with an ancient Japanese moonband samurai head raised his sword in anger, destroying all kinds of furniture that could be seen at home, and venting his anger.

If a Japanese warrior sees the samurai sword in this person's hand, he will immediately kneel down and call him respectfully.

Because this person's family is the largest samurai family that has been passed down from the Edo period to the present.

Their family, even involved in the Nanjing incident before, is one of the representatives of the culprit.

But because of the Japanese asylum, their family is still living well.

This man is the Patriarch, he is not only a top Japanese swordsman, but also a Shinobu.

Because his character is extremely tyrannical and cruel, and his heart is extremely small, as long as someone dares to confront or offend him, he will end up miserably, so almost no one in the Japanese martial arts world knows or dares to provoke him.

"Patriarch, what happened?" A subordinate walked in and asked.

After cutting a sandalwood incense case in half, the man calmed down and sneered twice.

"In this world, since there are still people who dare to insult our Japanese bushido and ninjas, they really do not live or die. They immediately passed the order to tie up the parents named Ishihara Rimi, and then notify Jiang Siming to come to Japan to fight with me. His wife's parents will become a pile of minced meat!"

"Yes!" The subordinate immediately followed suit, but he still reminded the man: "Patriarch, this Jiang Siming, known as the Valkyrie, has defeated many masters."

The man smiled treacherously, put away the knife in his hand, and said with pride: "Of course I know this. I just want to compete with him and broadcast it all over the world. I have the lives of his wife and parents in hand, so he can I dare not win if I win, because I will chop them into mash. The one who wins will always be our Ota family!"

"Patriarch is clever, the subordinates will do it."

Jiang Siming didn't even know about it, and he was surprised at the third [Pirate Bounty].

[Pirate Bounty**]: Reward ‘One of the Five Swords in the World·Bozi Chian Gang’, the most murderous of the five swords.

It seems that today I can really get this set of Japanese swords together, very good.

At this time, the distant volcano officially began to erupt magma, and the magma cluster quickly flowed down from the top of the mountain and spread across the island.

Jiang Siming is at the center, but he doesn't need to run poison at all.

Just at this time, the first wave of magma circles started, and Jiang Siming saw that no one could be seen for the time being, so he summoned [Exclusive Airdrop].

After a while, a very special transport plane appeared on the horizon, flying over with a huge airdrop box.

The airdrop of the volcano map needs to be shot down by yourself.

Therefore, even if Jiang Siming is summoned, it will not automatically drop. The propellers on both sides of the transport plane must be broken before the airdrop can fall.

Before the airdrop arrived at Jiang Siming, gunshots sounded in the distance, and it was another player who was hitting his airdrop.

"Oh, this airdrop mechanism is great!"

Seeing that his airdrop was being watched, Jiang Siming didn't panic, but smiled happily.

Because...as long as someone shoots at this airdrop, it is equivalent to revealing their own position...


[Author's digression]: First more~

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