I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2178: Lao Jiang's ambitions!

Being interrupted by Jiang Siming, this training course would definitely not go on.

Shuiyue regretted letting Tian Linger listen to her Xiaozhufeng.

Because Tian Ling'er was bored in Dazhufeng and became close sisters with Lu Xueqi and Zhao Linger, he told her mother that he would go to Xiaozhufeng to practice.

That is, Shuiyue's senior sister Su Ru, naturally agreed with her daughter's proposal, and she, who was a senior sister, readily agreed.

It now appears that this decision is wrong.

After Tian Ling'er rushed over, Zhao Ling'er and Lu Xueqi obviously had no intention of attending class.

Shui Yue had no choice but to say dullly: "Xueqi, Ling'er, you too, take your senior brother to another place, don't disturb other disciples in class."

"Thank you, Master!" Zhao Ling'er got up happily, pulling up Lu Xueqi, who was blushing and a little embarrassed, and quickly followed Tian Ling'er's footsteps to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, in front of Shuiyue and the other female disciples, was very uncomfortable to hug each other and kiss the other.

At the same time, all the female disciples were blushing.

Shuiyue is also speechless, thinking you kid can't change places? Don't look at the occasion?

Even if you soak away your three lovers, you can still take advantage of her.

As a three-hundred-year-old girl of Huanghua, Shuiyue could not see this, and it is inevitable to remember the scenes seen in the cabinet of Jiang Siming's bedroom when the Qimai was in martial arts...

"Hurry out! Disturb the elder's teaching again, I will expel you from Xiaozhufeng!" Shuiyue scolded with a straight face.

Zhao Ling'er and Tian Ling'er both shrank their necks and hurriedly whispered to Jiang Siming: "Come on, brother, master is angry."

Jiang Siming didn’t take it seriously. He still smiled and said to Shuiyue: “I’ve been in retreat for a few years. I miss my beloved so much. Don’t blame the elder, this is what I got in the land of Demon Abyss. A'Detoxification Pill', which is extremely good for women's skin, was given to Elder Shui."

After speaking, Jiang Siming threw the box over regardless of Shui Yue's disagreement.

The box containing the medicine pill flew to Shuiyue, and Shuiyue didn't pick it up, nor did she pick it up.

After all, I just got angry with Jiang Siming just now, and I took him a gift on his back, and it was still a gift from a junior. How can I receive it?

But she didn't want to save Jiang Siming's face because she was not really angry.

Just when he was embarrassed, Jiang Siming seemed to understand her thoughts and put the box on the chair next to her, without forcing it to her.

Shuiyue breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this kid would really be considerate.

Putting the box there, Jiang Siming took the three daughters away.

Shuiyue did not see it, and continued to teach the students.

Finally, when the class was over, Shuiyue got up and told the disciples to concentrate on practicing, then turned and left.

Before leaving, don’t forget to secretly take away the box next to it...

After Shuiyue came out, I asked, I learned that Jiang Siming had already taken her three lovers and ran to Tongtian Peak.

This makes Shuiyue feel angry and has no place to sprinkle it. Now this guy blatantly hooks up her disciple out to live a happy life?

Please take a look, she is still panting as a master!

Sure enough, as Shuiyue expected, the three lovers had not returned until night.

It looks like it's not coming back.

She had been staring at Shuiyue at the entrance of the peak with her Nascent Soul Stage divine consciousness, and gave up, wanting to meditate carefully.

However, she found she couldn't calm down at all, and the agitated Shuiyue simply walked out of her yard and came to Wangyuetai to relax.

It is strange to say that Wangyuetai rarely came back before, but in recent years, it has become her favorite place for Shuiyue.

Almost every day, I stayed at the Moon Platform for a while, and sometimes stayed overnight without doing anything, just sitting on the Moon Platform and watching the moon.

Coming to this familiar place again, Shuiyue looked at the bright moonlight, and his thoughts flew.

She is also wondering why she likes coming here so much in recent years.

Also, why is there always a person in my mind somehow.

On the contrary, it was the senior brother Wan Jianyi whom he had a crush on, he had already forgotten, and even the appearance of the other party was almost completely forgotten.

Thinking of this, Shuiyue took out the small box, opened it, and found a crystal clear medicine lying in it.

Seeing this, the corners of Shuiyue's mouth rose, showing a smile.

"This kid is still somewhat conscientious, and it's not in vain that I have been helping the master teacher cultivate him."

But soon, Shuiyue thought again: "This kid must give Xueqi Ling'er and the others a better gift. I am an elder who has a bad temper and a bad age, and I can only get a little gift."

Thinking of this, Shuiyue felt like she had knocked over the five-flavored jar, complicated and strange.

In a daze, a figure has appeared behind her, quietly grabbing her fragrant shoulder from behind.


And also deliberately drank.

Shuiyue was so frightened that she thought she would be conditioned by a sneak attack, and instantly turned her head back.

But this palm was easily held by the opponent's hand, and the opponent didn't seem to attack at all.

But because of the strength of his palm, he screamed, and flew out directly and crashed to the ground.

That scream is a bit exaggerated, right?

Only then did Shui Yue realize that it was Jiang Siming.

But before she told Jiang Siming to calculate his frivolous account, Jiang Siming had fallen on the ground and grinned in pain.

Shuiyue immediately walked over without thinking about anything, and helped Jiang Siming up.

"Are you all right? Where did you get hurt."

He also took out a treasured healing pill.

Jiang Siming gritted his teeth in ‘pain’, shook his head, and said ‘injustice’: “It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

After Shuiyue confirmed that Jiang Siming was not injured, her heart was relieved, and she immediately began to complain: "You said you didn't do a good job, doing such a naive thing, if it weren't for your cultivation base, I would give you a hand. Half-life is gone."

Jiang Siming said with a smile on his ‘strong support’: “It’s okay. If you really die in Shuiyue’s hands, I have nothing to say. Who would make me just a little rookie in the golden era.”

Shui Yue Xing glanced at Jiang Siming, and threw the healing pill on Jiang Siming, angrily said: "You should be killed, this kid, there is no right way!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Siming spit out blood.

Shuiyue lost her color in shock, caressed Jiang Siming's chest with her jade hand in a panic, and said eagerly: "It's okay, I'll take the medicine soon, and I'm still stubborn."

Jiang Siming almost didn't laugh. This silly woman couldn't tell the difference between syrup and blood. Couldn't she smell this full of syrup?

This is of course he played it, he played it from beginning to end.

The purpose of course is to capture this beautiful girl, and then plot the entire Xiaozhufeng!

Jiang Siming's ambitions have never been forgotten.


There is something at home today. It is estimated that the update will be very late. This is the first update. If you owe more, make up tomorrow!

[Author's digression]: First more~

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