I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2179: Zoom in!

Jiang Siming coughed twice in cooperation.

Then pretend to act like Yungong is healing.

Who ever thought that Shuiyue accidentally touched Jiang Siming's vomiting blood, and she felt something was wrong, and she took a serious look at the "bloodstain" on her hand.

Why does it smell like sugar?

Shuiyue leaned to her nose and smelled it, good fellow, fake!

Shuiyue was angry at that time, her eyebrows frowned, her eyes glaring at Jiang Siming.

Before she could speak, Jiang Siming interrupted: "Well, I admit, this blood is fake."

"Huh! Is it fun to lie to me? What else is true for you?"

"Of course there is."

"Then tell me."

"My heart for you is true."


Shuiyue was speechless by these words, and the anger that had just disappeared instantly.

Jiang Siming hit the iron while it was hot, and quickly held her suet-like jade hand. In order to prevent Shuiyue from reacting and breaking free, he immediately made a big move!

Say something that I was moved by myself.

"Shuiyue, do you know? In fact, during the time in the Demon Abyss, I wandered between life and death several times. Whenever I was desperate, I would think of your appearance. The sound transmission note you sent me, I have been Reluctant to tear it apart."

As he said, what Jiang Siming's hand lit up was the sound transmission note that Shuiyue gave him to save his life more than two years ago.

Shuiyue looked at the sound transmission note, and there was a momentary dullness in her eyes.

"Do you know why I didn't touch this sound transmission every time when I was on the verge of life and death, because I didn't want you to worry about it, let alone tearing up the only gift you gave me."

As Jiang Siming said, his eyes filled with affection, but he had already vomited in his heart. The dog didn't believe this.

But it's okay, as long as someone believes it.

Sure enough, Shuiyue's eyes were surprised and moved, and said dullly: "Why don't you use it, I will give you one more if it's used up."

"It's different, because this is the first gift you gave me, and it's also the motivation for me to persevere while practicing outside."

At this time, Jiang Siming's hand was already stretched from Shuiyue's hand to the other's face, touching it gently.

Shuiyue's face was instantly covered with red clouds, even if she had always been calm and graceful, she began to panic like a deer.

But is Lao Jiang's big move such a small scene?

While touching Shuiyue's cheek, Jiang Siming murmured: "There are beautiful people, and you will never forget them. If you don't see them for a day, you will think like crazy."

Shui Yue Xin'er trembled and trembled. Who can withstand this numb and invincible love poem...

But it's not over yet.

"When will you see Xu Xi, comfort me for your hesitation. May your words be worthy of virtue Xi, and join hands together!"

Shuiyue's eyes suddenly became foggy, and she had such an important position in this kid's heart.

"But... but I am an elder after all, your elder..."

"so what?"

"But I am...so much older than you..."

"True love, not to mention age, even distance, gender, skin color, and even race can be ignored. The love stories I have heard are far beyond the little boundary between us, and beyond. too much."

Shuiyue looked at Jiang Siming blankly, the mist in her eyes became thicker and thicker, and she never wanted to break free from Jiang Siming's hand.

On the contrary, from Jiang Siming's palm, she seemed to feel the temperature that made her feel at ease.

"You...you are in the land of Demon Abyss...do you really always... miss me?"

Shuiyue blushed and pretended to ask casually.

Jiang Siming smiled softly and replied: "Fortunately, the miss is silent, otherwise it will be deafening."

Shuiyue finally couldn't bear the bombardment of this love story, and the line of defense in her heart began to collapse.

"You really don't care about my age and seniority?" Shui Yue was moved to tears.

She felt that it was worthwhile to be alone for so many years, and God finally gave her a marriage.

Jiang Siming helped her wipe away her tears, and said with a chuckle: "If I really care, why would I come here to provoke you?"

Shuiyue sucked Qiong's nose lightly, and the night breeze was blowing. She turned her head and leaned on Jiang Siming, and she had already expressed her meaning without words.

Jiang Siming very cooperatively reached out and put his arms around her shoulders and embraced them. The two looked at the moonlight in the night.

At the time when Jiang Siming was worried about how to get cheaper.

"You said you have heard many love stories, can you tell me one?"

Jiang Siming had no choice but to say: "Okay, let me tell you a story about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

After speaking, Jiang Siming began to tell the love story with his arms around Shuiyue.

After the story was finished, Shuiyue didn't say anything, just looked at Jiang Siming a few times, then got up and left.

Before leaving, Shuiyue left Jiang Siming a sentence: "After you have a baby, I will live up to your wishes."

This means that when Jiang Siming breaks through the primordial infant stage, she decides to be with him again.

Still can't tell her and Jiang Siming's seniority and age.

But also, after all, Shuiyue has lived for more than three hundred years, and her psychology is far more mature and rational than ordinary girls.

At the same time, her thinking is still too conservative. It is obviously impossible for her to eliminate the grudges of this generation and age.

If she could make her say this, Jiang Siming would have succeeded more than half.

As long as he breaks through the Nascent Soul Stage, he can win it at any time.

In this regard, Jiang Siming behaved quite calmly.

I am impatient and can't eat Damei Niu, it's all about it. Are you afraid to wait?

"Natural infant stage... It seems that you have to find Shuang Ling and Xueqi to practice hard~ Unfortunately, I'm asleep now, emm... After a while, I will see if there is a chance to go to the Ghost King Sect or Cover the Moon Sect."

Jiang Siming said with a smile of'struggle'.

Everything is for cultivation, to become stronger, um, for this, even if you die in a gentle village, what's the problem!

In the next few days, Jiang Siming stayed at Xiaozhufeng every day, under the pretext that it was a Taoist retreat, and worked hard to cultivate under the elder Shuiyue.

In fact, I tuned the X female disciples in Xiaozhufeng every day, and in the evening, they took the Xueqi Shuangling and the three females back to Tongtian Peak to practice.

Late at night after the incident, he went to the Wangyuetai to chat with Shuiyue Private Meeting.

Since the shackles in her heart were opened, although Shuiyue did not accept Jiang Siming directly, she had regarded him as her future lover.

So come here every night and have a tryst with Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming no longer has to find any excuses to talk about cultivating. Now he holds Shuiyue and talks with each other every night, and from time to time he can take advantage of his hand. Meidi is very good.

After these days of training, Jiang Siming broke through again and came to the Sixth Golden Core.

Shuiyue didn't know that Jiang Siming was ‘cultivating’ at night, and thought it was Jiang Siming’s hard work during the day.

She thought, at this rate of cultivation, Jiang Siming should be able to reach the Yuan Ying stage within a few months.

"Wait for Master Master to leave the gate, if you break through the Nascent Soul Stage, then you will be the new elder of Qingyunmen, okay?"

"What if not?"

"If not... you should marry Xueqi and others first..."

Jiang Siming can't laugh or cry, is this afraid of abandoning her lover? The wedding is going to be done for him?


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