I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2200: The first gentle town in the world

In Shuiyue's eyes, there is no more shadow of Wan Jianyi. For her, she liked Wan Jianyi back then, just like the admiration and ignorance of handsome guys in her teenage years.

Now, she has already looked away, and the girl's feelings of the year have completely disappeared.

Instead, there is a brand new water moon, one, the water moon of another man in his heart.

If the area that Wan Jianyi occupies in her heart was a star, then the area that Jiang Siming occupies in her heart now is a round of blazing sun!

That's why Shuiyue said hello to Wan Jian so frankly. In the words, only the affection of the same family was left, no more affection.

Wan Jianyi was a little surprised, but he still responded to everyone one by one. After that, he expressed full disappointment to Cangsong.

If Cang Song only assassinated Dao Xuan and coveted the position of the head, then Wan Jianyi might even intercede for him.

But after the fact that Cang Song made the indignation between humans and gods and the demons indistinguishable over the years, the entire Qingyun Gate could no longer accommodate him.

In despair, Cang Song finally chose to commit suicide and ended his sinful life.

However, before committing suicide, Jiang Siming used the "Hand of God Stealing" once on Cangsong based on the principle of waste utilization.

No need to do it, Cang Song's storage bag is always embarrassed to sprinkle it.

"Steal [Mystery Token] x1."

Token? What bird thing? carry on!

"Steal [Rongling Pill] x1 box."

"Steal [Superior Spirit Stone] x10."

"Steal [Fire Spirit Crystal] x1 block."

"Steal [Cangsong's Underwear] x 1 set"

"Steal [Water Cloud Stone] x1."


Jiang Siming performed [Stealing God's Hand] on Cangsong a dozen times in a row, and the things he stole were different.

Things like Rongling Pills and Supreme Lingshi, Jiang Si knew tomorrow, they were all good things.

Fire Spirit Crystal and Water Gathering Stone are the best materials used to forge fire attribute water attribute magic weapons, which are very useful.

As for the mysterious token, Jiang Siming played with it for a long time and didn't know what it was doing, so he had to throw it into the ring first and study it later when he was free.

Before Cangsong died, he always felt that his storage bag was getting deflated. I don't know what happened...

After Cang Song died, all the dust returned to the dust.

Daoxuan also had lingering fears after he knew what had happened in his retreat.

Fortunately, Qingyunmen has Jiang Siming, otherwise the Qingyunmen will not exist.

And Jiang Siming saved his life.

It just so happened that Cangsong died, and the position of Dragon Head Peak became vacant.

Daoxuan wanted Jiang Siming to replace Cang Song.

However, Jiang Siming refused mercilessly.

To no avail, Daoxuan had to ask:

"Why don't you want to be the first seat of Dragon Head Peak? There must be a reason?"

Jiang Siming hadn't spoken yet, but Shuiyue stood up and explained for him: "Because he is going to be the first seat of Xiaozhufeng, of course he cannot be the first seat of Longshoufeng."

"Junior Sister, what do you mean by this?" Daoxuan was a little confused and didn't understand. Does Shuiyue want to be the Dragon Head Peak?

Shuiyue smiled happily and said: "I want to marry him, so naturally I will no longer hold any position as an elder. I am going to retreat to Xiaozhufeng and help him manage Xiaozhufeng's affairs for my husband while practicing in retreat."

amount! ! ! !

All the elders dropped their jaws in shock, including Daoxuan, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

I rely on! What's the situation, isn't it because I haven't come out for more than two years? Why do I feel that the world has changed?

Their younger sister was soaked away? The man who made her is still a disciple...this...

Daoxuan was stupid, and he never thought that he had taken him to death, but the apprentice he had received would be able to deal with him, the most pure-hearted and reluctant junior girl thousands of miles away.

Wan Jianyi is dumbfounded, what is the situation, is she getting married? The groom is not himself?

Finally, after digesting the news, Daoxuan and the others were willing to recognize the reality.

But Jiang Siming could marry Shuiyue, that would be great.

This is equivalent to completely tying Jiang Siming to Qingyunmen, so there is no need to worry about him quitting.

But they knew on the day of their wedding that they had to contribute more than just a month of water, but also Lu Xueqi, Zhao Ling'er, and Tian Buyi's baby daughter Tian Ling'er.

Good guy, all of the four most beautiful goddesses of Qingyunmen were married away.

The key is that the four of them are still willing to say that you are not annoying?

In the eyes and resentment of all the men in Qingyunmen that were envious and mad, Jiang Siming married the four Qingyun goddesses and ran to live in his family, Xiaozhufeng.

He also served as the new elder of Xiaozhufeng, and Shuiyue became the elder's wife.

Lu Xueqi and Shuang Ling also became one of the wives and became the deputy elders of Xiao Zhufeng.

So far, Jiang Siming has no scruples at Qingyunmen, and has lived a life without shame and shame in Xiaozhufeng.

In the daytime, cultivate feelings with female disciples, communicate with some of the most beautiful female disciples like Solanum, Wen Min, and other high-quality female disciples, and often give pointers and hands-on teaching.

Shuiyue and the others will also help Jiang Siming as a wingman and help Jiang Siming take them down as soon as possible.

With their help, coupled with their own ‘effort’, Jiang Siming’s relationship with these female disciples has grown rapidly and rapidly.

In the evening, Lao Jiang, who had been ‘working hard’ all day, took his four little wives into the day of hard practice.

This small life was quite fulfilling.

It also made him forget the time for a while, and he has been in the instance for almost half a year this time...

Several days have passed outside.

Jiang Siming also had to temporarily end his Xianxia gentle hometown career, found a reason for retreat, reluctantly withdrew from the copy.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Jiang Siming found that a pair of big eyes were staring at him bored by the bed.

I was taken aback by Lao Jiang, and after seeing it, I realized that it was Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"Dad~ You are awake. If you don't wake up, I will think you are being pressed by a ghost."

Jiang Siming got up from the bed, coughed dryly, and said, "I have practiced too much. Blame me, blame me, and forget the time."

Zhao Xiaoxiao asked strangely: "Dad, I heard for the first time that some people practice lying down. My mothers and I sit cross-legged. Why is your practice different from ours?"

Jiang Siming’s brain turned quickly, and he quickly found a reason: “Oh, that’s because my cultivation level is too high and I need a deep sleep cultivation method. Otherwise, the turbulence of cultivation will be too great, which will cause the heavens and the earth, which will be exposed at that time. ."

"Oh, that's it." Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded suspiciously.

Although she was a little skeptical, she couldn't confirm it. She could only know if he was lying to herself when she had cultivated to the realm of her father.

I always feel that Dad has a little secret to keep her, hum~

"Dad, since you are awake, let's start our plan quickly!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaoxiao put the matter behind, her plan with her father is the most important!

"what's the plan?"

Jiang Siming stayed in the dungeon for more than half a year. He just came back with jet lag and his brain has not been fully activated.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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