I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2201: Father and daughter act separately

When Zhao Xiaoxiao saw that Jiang Siming seemed to have forgotten the agreement he made with him, he pouted and said angrily:

"It's the school bombing plan. Let's say we are going to bomb the school in the United States. Tomorrow is Christmas. All schools in the United States will be closed. This is a great opportunity for us."

"It really blows up the school? Not so good." Jiang Siming still hesitated a little.

"What's wrong? It's not our school that bombed. Besides, those two schools did too much. They obviously discriminated against us Chinese people. Give them a lesson. It should be true!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao said confidently, she never admits that her main purpose is to realize her ideal!

Jiang Siming glanced at Zhao Xiaoxiao and glanced at her several times.

"Dad, why are you looking at me like this?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked with a guilty conscience.

"I suspect you are violent now."

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately denied.

Jiang Siming always felt so familiar with this line.

"If you want to explode, go at night. It's daytime. Go to school quickly."

"Dad, did you really fall asleep? This weekend."

"Um...Where do I practice, remember the time, correct it, I am not sleeping, go, go downstairs, I am going to eat."

Jiang Siming chose to quickly skip this embarrassing topic and went downstairs to have a meal.

The wives were relieved when they saw him coming out. Although Jiang Siming had been in retreat for only a few days, they were still very worried.

Almost every few minutes, his wife came to the bedroom to look at him, confirming that he had been asleep quietly, and there was nothing strange, so he was reassured.

Moreover, there was no Jiang Siming activity at home for three days, and the wives felt very bored, and everything was dull.

The master is not in the family, they have nothing to think about~

Now that the main backbone appeared again, their hanging hearts were also let go.

As usual, Jiang Siming went to the kitchen to make a big meal, to compensate his wives, and to help them hug Xiao Luoyu during the meal, let them eat slowly, and bring their own children.

"My dear, why do you always feel like you are a guilty conscience every time you come out of retreat, making us so many delicious things."

Zhao Xuan is indeed Zhao Xiaoxiao's mother, and she has a super detective sense of smell like her.

Fortunately, Lao Jiang has always been thick-skinned, and calmly said: "Why? I have been lying down for cultivation. What is guilty of conscience? It is purely you thinking, I just miss you and love you, that's all. "

Jiang Siming's words moved all the wives, and all of them leaned over to give him a sweet kiss.

Zhao Xuan also felt that she was too suspicious, so she hurried to kiss more to apologize.

Jiang Siming had lingering fears, thinking that it was a pity that these two mothers and daughters did not become detectives. Can this be seen? It's too ridiculous.

It seems that I have to pretend to be a little more like "retreat" in the future~

In the evening, Jiang Siming took Zhao Xiaoxiao to an outside bookstore to buy some extracurricular materials, so he drove Zhao Xiaoxiao out.

After the two opened the door, Jiang Siming immediately stopped, put the car in his ring, then picked up Zhao Xiaoxiao and took off!

The two of them appeared over the United States in the next second.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was amazed and admired: "Dad, you are so powerful! This is too strong! This is N times stronger than what is shrinking in my practice! Can you teach me?"

Jiang Siming slammed: "This is based on your cultivation base. Even if you teach you your cultivation base, you still can't learn it now, so let's wait for your cultivation base to come up."

Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little discouraged, but quickly regained confidence: "No problem! Sooner or later I will surpass Dad you!"

After finishing talking, Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately turned the topic to her ‘dream’ and said: "Dad, which school do you think we will bomb first?"

Jiang Siming said angrily and funny: "Fry whichever is near first."

"Then did you bring explosives?"

"Don't worry, is one thousand tons of TNT enough?"

"That's enough, this can ruin half of the city, hehe, then it seems I don't need to study explosives by myself." Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled sly.

Jiang Siming wanted to make a quick battle, and his wife would doubt it after too long.

Besides, there is a ‘big show’ tonight, and it can’t be delayed too long. He is still waiting to go home to participate in the ‘big show’.

Swept away the consciousness, immediately identified the nearest school, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This is an American university of higher learning, located in Boston.

It is a very famous research university in the world, and its technology research and development is amazing.

During World War II, the computer, radar, and missile systems studied by MIT made a huge contribution to the victory of the United States.

At present, MIT is also one of the best institutions of higher learning in the world, and it is a palace where elite students from the world dream of entering.

It’s just that the administrators of this temple and the powers of the country do not regard the school as a school at all, but as a bargaining chip for their political negotiations.

Discriminate against Huaxia to suppress Huaxia and threaten Huaxia students.

Chinese students are not allowed to enter this school.

Such blatant behavior is disgusting and chilling.

And Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming and Zhao Xiaoxiao were just to export evil to Chinese students and add chaos to the country.

The two came to the school, under Jiang Siming's spiritual knowledge, although most of the teachers and students have gone back to Christmas.

But some students still stay in school.

What Jiang Siming has to do now is to'invite' them out.

"I'm going to empty the people here, how about you put the explosives and split up?" Jiang Siming asked.

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately made an OK gesture.

Jiang Siming immediately took out ten tons of TNT explosives and threw them into Zhao Xiaoxiao's storage ring.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also has a storage ring. He asked for Jiang Siming after spending a long time, but now it seems to be really useful.

"How come you gave ten tons, Dad, isn't there a thousand tons?" Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little dissatisfied.

Jiang Siming knocked her on the head, and said in a bad mood: "A thousand tons, do you want to blow up all of Boston, silly girl."

"Okay, let's blow up the school first. I'll install the explosives." Zhao Xiaoxiao happily ran away and went to B point to install the bag.

Jiang Siming started to faint all the teachers and students who were still on campus, then sent them out of the school, and found a park for them to put them all in.

After finishing all this, Jiang Siming went back to MIT to find Zhao Xiaoxiao. He didn't expect that this girl was very efficient at work, and all the explosives had been installed.

After Jiang Siming confirmed that there was no problem, he held her and flew away to the next target.

Not long after he left with Zhao Xiaoxiao, a huge explosion sounded from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The fire blazed into the sky, and a small mushroom cloud rose in the sky.

The entire Massachusetts Institute of Technology was razed to the ground and nothing left...


[Author's digression]: Third update~ Today's update is over, there are no more owes, comfortable~

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