I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2386: Brother's bet is not money

But the vacation days were soon broken.

That night, Jiang Siming gambled at the Las Vegas casino as usual, surrounded by a few big blonde girls waiting around him, and he just threw money at the gambling table.

Las Vegas casinos are more attentive to Jiang Siming than to his relatives, joking, they will send them money tomorrow, and Lao Jiang will be even closer to their relatives.

These big girls are also given to him by the casino, so they can do whatever they want.

"Lord Dragon God, I'm sorry you lost again." The croupier said softly to Jiang Siming with a smile on his face.

"Oh, bet again." Jiang Siming didn't even look at it, just pushed all the chips out of the table, turned his head and opened his mouth, and a big blonde girl brought the red wine glass to his mouth.

The girl deliberately stood up proudly, Chi Guoguo's seduce, wishing Jiang Siming could look at her a few more times and then take her out.

Unfortunately, Jiang Siming is not interested in this vulgar fan.

The croupier opened quickly and lost again.

"Come here with another 10 million chips." Jiang Siming tasted the red wine, leaning on the ergonomic mat of the blonde girl behind him, and said calmly.

"Okay, but Lord Dragon God... you already owe 120 million tonight..." the dealer said.

Jiang Siming said without blinking his eyes: "Old rules, take the IOU to Hundred Palace, and someone will pay you."

"Good, good, bring 10 million more chips to Lord Dragon God!"

If Mr. Ao sees it, he will definitely feel distressed. In the past two months, Jiang Simingguang has lost tens of billions of dollars in the casino.

These are all Baigong's **** wipes for him, not including other aspects of consumption. The Minister of the Treasury scolded him all day, his hair was half bald.

Just as Jiang Siming continued to gamble, a figure appeared next to him.

"I heard that you have never won in a casino in the past two months. Is this kind of gambling luck too bad?"

It was the widow sister who came to see Jiang Siming.

Compared with the attitude of other reunion heroes who don't want to see Jiang Siming, the widow sister is the only one who will go to him for a chat when she has time.

Regarding Jiang Siming's cynical attitude toward life, the widow sister persuaded him once, but Jiang Siming didn't listen at all, so she had to give up.

She originally decided to ignore Jiang Siming, but ran over to find Jiang Siming again.

The widow sister said that she had a mission this time, not because she wanted to see him, and it was definitely not because of Jiang Siming's amazing looks, absolutely not!

Damn it, well, she admits that she can't dislike Jiang Siming at all.

The same goes for the American people.

It doesn't matter how Jiang Siming loses his family, how he loses his ambition, how he spends their taxpayer's money.

Except for men, young women can't be angry at him at all.

There are even many reporters who take pictures of Jiang Siming's life every day and sell them to magazines. If you publish one, you must grab them all.

Jiang Siming seems to have become a female emperor, no matter what bad things he does, he can be forgiven by men.

Where are you going to make sense?

Seeing the widow sister coming, Jiang Siming still went his own way, and once again pushed out 10 million chips.

"Brother's bet is not money."

"Oh? What are you betting on?" The widow sister asked, tilting her head and looking at him.

Jiang Siming did not answer her question, but said to her: "Do you think I will lose or win?"

The widow sister replied without even thinking about it: "I heard that in the two months you were in the casino, you didn't win a game, and of course you couldn't win this one."

"Then let's make a bet. If this one wins, you will replace the waiter behind me and give me a pillow." Jiang Siming smirked.

The widow sister did not rush to refuse, but smiled: "What if you lose?"

"If I lose, I won't come to this casino anymore. This is the task assigned to you, right?"

The widow sister was taken aback for a moment, but Jiang Siming didn’t expect to know her intentions, and smiled bitterly: “The Federal Administration told me that you spent tens of billions of dollars in the treasury in these two months. They hope you can have correct values, not If you continue to be like this, Mr. ZT may cry."

"It's only a few tens of billions. As for being so stingy, I saved New York. If it weren't for me, New York's losses would be trillions, right?"

The widow sister said helplessly: "You are right, but..."

"Stop it, you want to persuade me to bet on this round with me. I won't come after I lose." Jiang Siming interrupted her.

The croupier next to him heard that, like a concubine, he was afraid that Jiang Siming, the God of Wealth, had really gone.

The widow sister thought for a second, then nodded and said: "Okay, I bet with you."

"That's right, let's open the croupier." Jiang Siming said with satisfaction.

The croupier tremblingly started, Alexander opened the Gu clock and found that Jiang Siming had won!

"Oh! Lord Dragon God! You won! You won!"

Jiang Siming, the winner of the money, was not excited yet, but the croupier in the casino was jumping up excitedly.

Jiang Siming looked at the widow sister with a smile.

The widow sister had a delicate expression, and finally got up helplessly and came to Jiang Siming's back.

Squeezing away the reluctant Boba girl, she pushed herself up and acted as a pillow for Jiang Siming.

Feeling the pressure of Jiang Siming's head on his body, the widow sister's face quickly heats up.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, the widow sister simply raised her hand to give Jiang Siming a head massage SPA.

Jiang Siming turned his head back and lost the money he won again...

The widow sister was frustrated for a while, rolled her eyes and asked, "You did it on purpose?"

"If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense. This is destined. Get a good massage. I'll tip you later."

Jiang Siming said jokingly, after he finished speaking, he deliberately twisted his neck, so that his widow sister was in a mess, and her body trembled.

In order to conceal her chaos, the widow sister quickly changed the subject and said: "Actually, I am looking for you, not just for this mission. Do you know S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra?"

"Of course I know, I'm a Marvel fan." Jiang Siming blurted out.

"Marvel fan? What is that?" The widow sister didn't understand.

Jiang Siming coughed dryly and said, "It's nothing, you just keep talking."

The widow sister did not doubt, and continued: "Hydra has been eliminated long ago, but the remnants have been lurking around the world. They have the ability to invade S.H.I.E.L.D. Confidential information, and they stole the psychic scepter."

"You won't use this kind of excuse, just want to not follow our previous agreement?" Jiang Siming pretended not to believe it, pretending to question.

The widow sister hurriedly explained: "Of course not, this is true. The psychic scepter was stolen by the remnants of the Hydra. It seems to be doing a secret experiment."

"And then." Jiang Siming pretended to be very angry, and deliberately pressed down the back of his head with a little force, let alone the feeling of full elasticity, very strong~

The widow snorted and almost didn't call out.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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