I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2387: Come here and break your head!

Fortunately, the widow sister who is a special agent is still very patience, she can bear shame, and said:

"We have investigated that the remnants of Hydra are hidden in Sokovia. The director informed us that we will go to Sokovia together to completely eliminate Hydra and regain the Scepter of Mind."

"Don't go, it's boring." Jiang Siming refused decisively, his head continued to become restless.

"This is an order from the Federal Administration. All heroes of the reunion must participate, including you." The widow sister said ‘painfully’.

"So what? Before I joined the alliance, I had three chapters with that bitten egg."

"Marinated egg? What is that?"

"That's a kind of Chinese delicacy, an egg that never slips into the autumn. Isn't Fury that way."


The widow sister didn't know what to say for a while, I guess Fury would definitely get upset if she heard it.

"During this time, you have been spending money from the national treasury, and the federal side also said that this action is your reward, the task is successfully completed, and everything is cleared."

"If I don't agree to them, will I be arrested as an old Lai?" Jiang Siming asked carelessly.

"That won't..."

"Then don't go."

"..." The widow's sister has no choice but to be'soft' without being hard.

"Just treat you as if I beg you once, accompany me once, okay~" The widow sister leaned into Jiang Siming's ear, exhaling like blue.

Speaking of this, he took the initiative to push his body towards Jiang Siming's head, pressing his fingers harder.

Jiang Siming's expression has finally changed, and there is no way. It won't work if you don't want to change. Concentration does not support it.

"You can go, but when you come back, you have to come to my house and do a brain spa privately for me."

The waitresses next to me were jealous and hated after hearing this, and they wanted to kick the widow sister and tell Jiang Siming that I would go! Let me go!

There was a battle between heaven and human in the widow sister's head, and finally... she obediently agreed.

The next day, in Fury's office, seven superheroes finally assembled again.

Jiang Siming arrived late and walked to the office with a yawn.

Instead of being angry, Fury looked at him with a smile.

It would be nice if Jiang Siming could come, but being late is just a trivial matter.

Tony and the US team still look at him upset. Hulk doesn't care about anything more than Buddhism. Sol is a little bit frustrated with Jiang Siming, for fear that he will be thrown into the pit like Loki.

Only the widow sister has a completely different attitude from them.

"Have you eaten early? I bought it for you."

Having said that, the widow sister handed Jiang Siming a copy of the American style earlier.

The men present here are all aggrieved, and only bring breakfast for Mao? They are not satisfied!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming rejected the beauties’ loving breakfast. He even rejected it. Do you dare to believe it!

"No, your American hamburger breakfast is really hard to swallow. If you want to prepare it for me next time, bring a Chinese breakfast."

Even so, the widow sister was not angry, but nodded:

"Okay, I will go to learn after this mission."

Tony and Yingyan even gritted their teeth. Isn't Jiang Siming the only man in this world? As for?

"Since he doesn't eat... can I eat it?" Sol whispered from the side.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tony's murderous eyes fixed him.

"Take it." The widow sister said generously.

In the face of food, Sol still ignored Tony's death gaze, and started eating early, saying that it was delicious while eating.

"Eat, eat, forget it!" Tony hates that iron can't make steel.

"It's delicious, I'm not wrong."

Tony: "..."

"Okay, everyone, let's take action. The Kun-style fighters are waiting outside to wipe out the remnants of the Hydra and regain the scepter. Even if the mission is completed, I will wait to come back and open champagne for everyone to celebrate."

Ferry was afraid that several people would pinch each other, so he arranged the task quickly.

Everyone got up, left the office, and boarded the fighter plane.

The plane started and flew to Sokovia.

Everyone sat in the cabin without talking.

The atmosphere in the cabin was a bit weird. There were two rows of seats, one of which was the American team and the other row, but only Jiang Siming and the widow sister.

No one else seems to want to sit with Jiang Siming...

Jiang Siming didn't feel squeezed out and restrained at all. Instead, the space in this row was big enough, and he lay directly on it to sleep.

And when he was lying down, he leaned his head on the widow sister's thigh, moved a very comfortable posture, and fell asleep.

The five men sitting across from each other were speechless.

Unable to hold back Tony opened his mouth and said to the widow sister: "Can you endure his nonsense?"

The widow sister replied with a guilty conscience: "It's nothing, they are all good friends."

Sol immediately asked next to him: "Then can I lie down too?"

The widow sister's eyes immediately became sharp: "Come here and break your head!"

Thor shrank his neck and shut up quickly.

"Doesn't this kid just have a good skin? Among us, who is not more handsome than Hulk?" The US team said sourly.

Before Jiang Siming came, he was responsible for the appearance of Fulian.

When Jiang Siming came, everything changed. His perfect fitness trainer's figure and handsome features didn't seem to be very popular.

On the contrary, it is Jiang Siming's oriental face that is popular in the West, and the US team is wondering, is his American **** not fragrant anymore?

The widow sister immediately retorted: "Captain, you seem to be talking in a dream."

The American team's chest became tight, and a thousand words were stuck in the throat and couldn't say a word.

A few hours later, the plane was about to arrive in Sokovia.

The widow sister awoke Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming woke up with a pleasant face. He slept really comfortably. The main reason was that the pillow was too soft and smelly.

The US team didn't bother to look at Jiang Siming's sullen look and began to arrange tasks.

"Sol, Tony, both of you can fly. You are in charge of aerial reconnaissance and obtain all the intelligence of Sokovia. Once the Hydra is found, the person will report immediately."

"The remaining people, join me in three batches and invade Hydra's base from the ground."

As the US team said, they began to call people: "Hulk is a group with Hawkeye, Natasha, you are a group with me, Jiang Siming has outstanding ability, you can group by yourself."

Jiang Siming hadn't spoken yet, but the widow sister spoke first: "Captain, let me be with Jiang."

The US team turned black and said, "Give me a reason."

The widow sister is anxious and wise, said: "Jiang needs mechas to be so powerful, but if he summons mechas easily, he will stun the snake, and the destructive power is too strong, it is easy to destroy the surrounding cities of Sokovia and endanger the people of Sokovia. I can’t summon the mech for the time being. If that’s the case, I can help him by my side."

The US team was said to be speechless, and what the widow sister said was indeed reasonable.

You can’t just let Jiang Siming summon the Big Mac mech as soon as you get down. It is estimated that the small country of Sokovia was crushed by him every minute...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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