I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2413: Jiang Siming painted pie

When Jiang Siming was slowly flying into the sky, the audience fell into a strange silence, and the needle fell.

Jiang Siming lifted off, one meter, two meters, three meters...

Until he reached the height of six or seven meters, he walked in the air and walked a full circle around the auditorium.

Finally, he stopped in the air, lowered his head and smiled and asked everyone: "Do you still think I am a lie?"

No one answered, because everyone hadn't recovered from the shock, everyone present opened their mouths, and seemed to be unable to believe it was true.

Some people wipe their eyes, some slap their mouths, and some take out their phones to take pictures.

The scene became extremely noisy.

On the Internet, it is a million times more lively than this.

Whether it is at home or abroad, it seems like the sky has been turned upside down, as if the new world has been discovered.

You can rule out a few points, that is, Jiang Siming does not have Avia, nor is it the effect of the lens.

Because this is live broadcast by Yang Ma, the camera is aimed at 360 degrees, and there is no possibility of fraud at all.

Combined with the light work performed by Jiang Siming during the original martial arts conference, this has to convince everyone that this is true.

A few seconds later, Jiang Siming landed steadily and re-said: "All of what I have just completed, you can regard it as light work. At the end of light work, you can complete a short suspension in the air."

"I know there must be many people who still don't believe it and think it's unscientific, but I want to tell you that there are many things in the world that are not explained by science. The end of science is a field that everyone hasn't yet explored."

Seeing that everyone was still dumbfounded, Jiang Siming had to say something that everyone can understand better.

"Everyone knows parkour, right?"

"Know!" everyone responded, who doesn't know about parkour. Many parkour masters often watch the video and walk around the wall. The action is cool in one go.

Jiang Siming explained: "In fact, parkour is an introductory level of light work. It uses objects to complete a series of actions such as climbing, jumping, and shifting. It is the ultimate exercise of the human body that ordinary people can learn."

"However, the real light skills for beginners, parkour in front of them, are all very pediatrics, do you want to become flying like me?"

miss you!

The loud voices present must penetrate the ceiling.

Especially the children, all of them looked at Jiang Siming excitedly, as if they had seen Ultraman in reality.

Yes, Ultraman can fly, and Jiang Siming can also fly, so Jiang Siming is equivalent to Ultraman!

If before this, the idols of these children are still different.

So today, their idols have become very unified, and they are all Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "In fact, science can completely help people fly. Airplanes are the best example. Another example is that the most advanced aircraft can also take people to fly."

"Science, like metaphysics, can do things that humans think cannot be done, so there is no need to fix your thinking. There is nothing that humans can't do. Even if some people can live forever, and some people can travel through the universe, I think it can be achieved in the future."

Jiang Siming's remarks are like drawing a big pie. Everyone looks at this big pie, full of expectations.

"Close to the subject, back to our innate skills. Innate skills are the Taoist method of breathing and breathing. In fact, they are not martial arts novels, nor are they unique in martial arts novels, but this title often appears in martial arts, so give It’s just a solidification of everyone’s thinking."

At this time, a student couldn't help standing up by himself and asked, "Teacher, is it possible to fly like you after learning the innate skills?"

Jiang Siming poured cold water on him, and said: "No, you can see flying as playing a clearance game. The final reward for clearance is flying. Then you need to continue to challenge the level before you clear the level to get more and more. Touch the final reward."

"In other words, innate skills are the foundation you must learn if you want to fly. If you don't learn it, it's like a bow without arrows and a boat without oars. Then flying can only become your dream."

After hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed, thinking that they would be able to fly immediately after learning the innate skills.

Jiang Siming saw through everyone's thoughts, and then said:

"But you don’t have to be discouraged. If you can learn the innate skills to the perfection, I can guarantee that you will have an extremely healthy body that will not invade all diseases, and any future illnesses will insulate you, and it will be simple. He’s flying over the walls, his strength has greatly increased, and he can even do the light water floats in the martial arts movies. It’s completely achievable."

"In the future, innate kungfu will be popularized throughout the country. People who are not studying can actually learn it. There is no age limit for innate kungfu. You can learn it at any age. Use your work and leisure to practice your body, even if you only learn fur. No harm to the body."

"And I promise that after most people have learned it to the proficiency level, I will tell you the more difficult mentality, so that you can proceed step by step, and soon, everyone will be like me."

Jiang Siming is really drawing a pie, a pie that everyone can't touch.

After all, if the Chinese martial arts class is really promoted, there must be a gimmick.

And Jiang Siming just took off in the air, which is the best gimmick.

It is not easy to really fly, it is not at the level of martial arts, but the level of immortals.

Unless there is a major change in the earth in the future, the spiritual energy is revived, and the conditions for comprehension are available, you can learn to fly.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming is drawing a grand blueprint for everyone without restrictions, an unfinished goal.

But it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that now the Chinese martial arts class needs this kind of vague thing to inspire everyone.

Sure enough, after Jiang Siming finished speaking, both students and teachers in the audience were full of enthusiasm for this ‘innate skill’.

Everyone has an obvious meaning on their faces: I want to learn innate skills!

Then, Jiang Siming began to recite the introductory mental method of innate kungfu, and guided everyone as he recites it.

Thousands of people at the scene followed Jiang Siming's instructions, slowly mastering and groping.

Innate skills are worthy of being a Taoist mental method that is extremely easy to get started. It didn't take long for most people to get started.

Especially children, who are the most suitable age to learn, almost all have mastered the key to getting started.

"Remember, there are two most critical conditions if you want to really learn innate skills."

Jiang Si said clearly.

Everyone immediately raised their ears, and some even took notes to write them down.

This is completely different from the look just questioned.

"The first condition is that you need to exercise more frequently, so in the future Chinese martial arts class, most of the time will be used for exercise. Don't think about practicing well without sweating."

Everyone nodded in agreement, which also coincides with the essence of the Chinese martial arts class, to keep fit.

What about the second?


[Author's digression]: Fourth more~

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