I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2414: A live broadcast of 900 million people!

"The second and most important thing is that you must be indifferent and kind, cultivate the Daoist's abundance of righteousness, be generous, and have good morals, so that you can learn the best way of innate skills."

"Those who have an improper mind, lack the awe-inspiring righteousness, and cannot comprehend the essence of innate power at all, but are prone to backlash from the power method. Remember! Remember!"

Everyone who Jiang Siming said about the second condition was stunned.

Really or not, people who are not right in their minds will be bitten back?

If that's the case, that would be great, and there is no need to worry about bad guys becoming more powerful and harming society.

"Teacher Jiang, is this a Taoist secret technique? Will it be learned by foreigners?"

A physical education teacher with great family and national feelings stood up and asked.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Since it's all broadcast live, no matter which country you are from, you can learn it."

Everyone feels a little bit reluctant to hear it, after all, if such a good thing is learned by foreigners, it would be a bit of a loss.

Especially the Korean sticks, it is estimated that they will have to say that this innate skill is theirs, anyway, they will say that everything is good.

As soon as the conversation turned, Jiang Siming continued:

"However, it is very difficult for ordinary foreigners to comprehend the mentality of innate kung fu, because they have never come into contact with the thoughts of our Chinese Taoism, and they don't understand the inner meaning of Taoism. Even if they have learned it, they can only learn something."

"Furthermore, if a foreigner really learns the innate skills to the degree of proficiency, he himself will definitely recognize our Taoist thinking, and he will also be upright. Such a person, even if he has learned it, what's wrong."

Everyone nodded, feeling very reasonable.

"Teacher, how long will it take to learn proficiency?" Another student stood up and asked.

Jiang Siming replied: "There is no accurate time for this, because everyone has different talents and different levels of effort, and the innate ability is gradual, natural, and blindly pursuing the speed of progress, but it will make you stagnate. Not going forward, even going backwards, so this method of mind is more about comprehension than eagerness for success."

"Then how do you see who has good talents and who has bad talents?"

The principal of the school was also interested. He just barely learned the introductory knack of innate gong, wishing to rely on this gong to make his body healthy.

When Jiang Siming heard the words, he glanced at the teachers and students of the whole school and said, "Well, now you follow the tricks I just taught you and start working with your mind with your eyes closed. I don't want to stop without stopping."

Suddenly, both the student and the teacher closed their eyes and began to realize it seriously.

A weird scene appeared on the scene. In the camera, the teachers and students of the school sat upright and motionless, with their eyes closed, entering the old monk.

Before it was replaced, everyone would definitely think that this was feudal superstition, which would defeat the gods, ghosts, and monsters.

But now, not only the teachers and students present are doing it, but also the audience watching the live broadcast. Almost everyone is doing it.

Who doesn't want to be able to fly in the air like in a martial arts novel like Jiang Siming?

No matter how bad it is, Jiang Siming also said that the innate skills are well practiced, all diseases are not invaded, and the body is healthy, so no matter how you study, you will not lose anything.

Everyone just closed their eyes and waited for Jiang Siming to speak.

But a few minutes later, and still did not hear Jiang Siming's voice, a few restless children couldn't help but open their eyes.

After a few more minutes, more and more people couldn't help but open their eyes.

These people belong to the impatient generation, and it can be said that learning innate skills is much more difficult.

However, there are still many people who keep their eyes closed and feel seriously.

A full half an hour passed.

There was no sound from the auditorium.

But 90% of people have opened their eyes, and only 10% of people still have their eyes closed.

"Okay, open them all."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, everyone was relieved and opened their eyes.

"Do you feel any changes and differences in yourself?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Hey, it seems that my physical fitness has become stronger!" a math teacher said excitedly.

Jiang Siming poured cold water on him without saying a word, and said: "Close your eyes and settle for half an hour to become stronger. You are afraid that you are talking in a dream, but you are just talking nonsense."


Everyone had fun, and they continued to feel the difference in their bodies.

"By the way, it stands to reason that my waist has not been very good and I can't sit for a long time, but after sitting for half an hour, my waist doesn't seem to hurt much."

A female music teacher said, and asked Jiang Siming for confirmation, she was afraid she was thinking about it.

Jiang Siming snapped his fingers this time and said, "This is right!"

Everyone immediately felt the sensation of the lower waist and buttocks after hearing the words, it was better than to say, really.

"It seems to be true. My waist is not good. I used to sit for half an hour and I definitely started to have acupuncture-like pain, but now I feel that my waist is only slightly painful."

"My waist is very good, I don't feel this way, but I feel that I am a little better after half an hour in the concentration. I was yawning before."

"I feel that my stuffy nose is passing through inexplicably, is this feeling true?"

"It stands to reason that I closed my eyes for half an hour. A sleepy person like me has already fallen asleep, but I have been wondering how to operate my mind, but I don't even feel sleepy at all. I still find it very interesting."

"Haha, I will close my eyes for a while after nothing else, it is really good."


Everyone, you talk to me, the discussion can be lively.

Jiang Siming raised his hand and pressed it down, and immediately regained his silence.

"Innate skills are the essence inherited from Taoism. The body was not as good as thought in the early stage, but it is a process of accumulation and development. The longer you practice, the better it will be for your body in the future."

"But when you practice in the early stage, your body will have some subtle changes, and these are also all"

Speaking of Jiang Siming, he added: "I also advise those who are more impatient to practice this. Don't always think about rushing to achieve success. Perseverance and precipitation are the fastest way to achieve innate success."


Everyone applauded, and they became more enthusiastic about this innate merit.

If Jiang Siming brags that this thing can be dripped as soon as he practiced, what kind of benefits it has on the body.

You may still not believe it.

But when Jiang Siming said so now, everyone trusted more.

After a class, Jiang Siming spent more than three hours.

During this period, the students didn't feel boring at all during such a long class, and none of them dropped out.

Including the teachers and school leaders, they listened to Jiang Siming's entire class seriously.

In Yang Ma’s live broadcast room, the number of people has not been less, but has been on the rise.

The highest number of people online in the live broadcast room has even reached 900 million!

There are more than seven billion people in the world, 900 million of which are watching this live broadcast of China's classroom.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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