I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2417: Being a teacher is very hard, okay!

The presidents of the Taoist associations in various places unanimously discussed that Jiang Siming was the ancestor of Taoism.

All Taoist priests everywhere, when they met Jiang Siming, they had to give a great gift of master and apprentice.

This is not because Taoists are in the limelight and want to curry favor with Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming has given them an inexhaustible favor from Taoism.

Jiang Siming brought Taoist mentality into all schools in China and taught all children to learn Taoist mentality.

It is conceivable that in a few years or even decades, the influence of Taoism will be immeasurable!

Taoists must always remember this favor.

What's more, Jiang Siming is still the only heir to congenital power, and his strength is even more speechless.

Definitely worthy of the honorable title of Taoist Master.

After the Buddhist school knew that all the good guys were as if they had eaten lemons, they were so sour.

On the one hand, they mocked the Taoist way of doing things that are very shit, on the other hand they tried every means to dig Jiang Siming to their Buddhism side.

He even suggested that as long as Jiang Siming fell to the Buddhist school, the conditions could be opened by him, even if he was the third in the Buddhist school.

Being the third child, that is to say, Jiang Siming's position in the Buddhist school is second only to the first and second child.

Moreover, there are so many Buddhist believers, Jiang Siming is equivalent to sitting on countless believers at once, ruling the entire Buddhism!

However, in the face of this temptation, Jiang Siming didn't even pay any attention to them.

Even a certain member of the Standing Committee level in Kyoto wanted to intercede as a lobbyist for the Buddhist family and call Jiang Siming.

He refused without giving any face.

Later, when the elder heard about this incident, he criticized the big man by name, and frightened the other party to the point that he no longer dared to accept favors from the Buddhist family.

Just kidding, if Jiang Siming really has a fondness for the Buddhist school, he wouldn't fight against the Buddhists everywhere in the copy of the green snake.

It is precisely because he has seen through the hypocrisy of the Buddhism that he owes them no favor.

In his copy of the Three Kingdoms, after Jiang Siming unified the world, he directly expelled all Buddhists from the Ming Dynasty.

As long as it is a place in the Ming Dynasty, Buddhism is not allowed, let alone the construction of Buddhist temples.

He would not allow Buddhism to be his religious belief in the Ming Dynasty. To believe is to believe in religion.

Of course, what Jiang Siming is most happy to say is that the people of the Ming Dynasty believed in him as the emperor.

Brother Xinjiang will live forever!


In addition to congenital skills and national martial arts class fire.

Secondly, the holographic Jedi exploded once again. After knowing the role and importance of the energy value, everyone rushed to order the game ring.

In short, Jiang Siming has been committed to replacing English with the traditional Chinese martial arts, and promoting the holographic Jedi, and finally he has gained something today.

It is not in vain that he has made so much effort and endured a lot of abuse and doubts.

But when he thinks that the children will get better and better because of their innate skills, and the next generation of Huaxia will get better and better, Jiang Siming feels that his contribution is absolutely worth it.

With innate skills and foundation, the next generation of Huaxia's flowers will surely thrive and have excellent genes.

With more good seedlings, there will definitely be more outstanding geniuses.

In the future, whether it is physical fitness or brain IQ, Huaxia people will be ahead of other countries.

For example, the average physical fitness of Huaxia people is 60 points, and the average IQ is at a medium level.

Wanting to show a genius and an athlete here is actually one in a million.

But in the next few decades, the average physical fitness of China's next generation will be 80 points, and the average IQ will be at a superior level.

There will be geniuses everywhere.

At that time, whether it is technological development or human progress, Huaxia will definitely lead the world! Leading the world.

This is vital to China's future development and strength.

The most important thing is that in the future, China wants to develop and make further progress. The ‘battlefield’ must not be in the small one-third of the earth.

The battlefield for competition at that time must be in the universe.

Imagine a time when other countries are still wondering how to extract the earth's resources, and they have been fighting **** wars for this.

China has already occupied all the planets of the solar system and even other galaxies that have development value in advance.

No matter how you grab the resources of an earth, it will be so small. When the time comes to the universe, the resources are all in the unit of ‘planet’.

At that time, no country can surpass China's development!

Because when other countries were still in the first few layers, China had already jumped out of the atmosphere to grab space resources.

This is the purpose of Jiang Siming's painstaking effort to promote Chinese martial arts.

While everyone was still looking at his feet, he was already imagining the future.

Although Lao Jiang is usually joking, lazy, and obsessed with female **** at home every day, he has no fighting spirit.

But he has not forgotten what he said to the lonely tombstone in the cemetery on the Tianzu base.

He will definitely do his best to let the dragon of China take off!

He not only wants China to take off on the earth, but also makes it famous in the universe.

Thinking that this old Jiang was moved by himself, he woke up from his dream, looked at the Yubi Xiangshan beside him, turned over, took a few beautiful wives into his arms casually, and then went to sleep...

Can't he enjoy it if he has made such a big contribution?

Liu Bei can smoke a cigar. What happened to his wife while he was sleeping?

After a day of class, it was very hard, okay?

Just now I gave my daughters-in-law a "class" all night, how tired!

It’s just a little embarrassing for them. They ‘studied’ all night, after all, the weekend is over, and they still have to go to work tomorrow.

It is estimated that when I get up tomorrow morning, I will have to yawn again.

Fortunately, they are all cultivators, and sleeping less is not a problem, otherwise Jiang Siming would not toss them until four or five in the middle of the night...

Although there is an upsurge of learning innate skills throughout the country, there is still not much change in daily life.

Everyone should still work and go to school.

Even if you practice innate skills, you are all in your spare time.

Jiang Siming has said that innate skills are a step-by-step process of accumulating and accumulating. It is not something that can be achieved in a short while.

In fact, only one and a half hours of practice a day is enough, and more will not have much effect.

The students in the Chinese martial arts class also mainly learned theories and physical exercises.

So from the outside, everyone's daily life is still the same.

It's just that in my spare time, everyone talks about different topics, and they are all talking about innate skills.

More people are discussing how strong Jiang Siming really is.

After all, he is currently the only person on earth who can fly in the air.

He is also the founder and promoter of Congenital Kungfu, which can be said to be Patriarch.

But how high the strength of the Patriarch is, everyone doesn't know at all.

Everyone guessed that Jiang Siming might already be the innate master in the legendary martial arts novels!


Fourth more~

[Author's digression]: The fourth shift~Yesterday’s four shifts are finally made up~ Go to bed and get up to catch up with today’s four shifts~

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