I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2418: Be a professor!

Now schools all over the country are learning Chinese martial arts classes, with Jiang Siming as the initiator and patriarch of innate skills.

But it was not as easy as he thought.

Originally, Jiang Siming thought that a public class would be enough, but he didn't know that the Ministry of Education would not let him go.

To be precise, it is to continue to ask Jiang Siming to go to class and do more publicity for the Chinese martial arts class.

Now is when the Chinese martial arts class is just getting started, you, the initiator, the founder, it's a bit unreasonable if you don't work hard to promote it.

The Ministry of Education also wants to integrate the Chinese martial arts class into everyone's life and daily thinking, so as to completely replace the traditional position of English in everyone's hearts.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education wants Jiang Siming to serve as a professor in a university and take time to give public live lectures.

When they came up with these reasons to persuade Jiang Siming, he could not find any reason to refute.

You said that if you didn't do it yourself, Jiang Siming would not pick it up. He who can sleep until he wakes up naturally, how can he stand to teach others every day.

But the problem is that he initiated the national martial arts class. The national martial arts class is now in its infancy. It is indeed not good for him as the ‘chairman’ to not go to work and create some benefits for the company.

At least the initial stage requires strong support.

Jiang Siming could only agree.

Who would have thought that Jiang Siming let go, and all the major colleges and universities all over the country have thrown olive branches at him, all wanting to hire him to teach in their own schools.

Including Peking University and Tsinghua University in Kyoto, Fudan University in Shanghai and so on.

Even Harvard and Cambridge from abroad have joined the invitation ranks, and foreigners are eager for Jiang Siming to teach them Chinese martial arts classes.

However, Jiang Siming only wanted to tell them that he was thinking about eating. He didn't even want to go to the school in his own country, and wanted him to go abroad to teach foreigners.

I'm afraid these foreigners are crazy.

Finally, after discussing with his wives, Jiang Siming decided to go to Peking University.

Originally, he wanted to go to his alma mater Fudan. After all, he was familiar with each other and was very close. Lu Yao, Xia Ran and Irene were still studying there.

It is the most suitable place.

However, the influence of Fudan University is not as good as that of Peking University and Tsinghua University. Since he started from the starting point of propagating the Chinese martial arts class, he can't just seek distance and closeness.

If you want to teach, you can teach the best universities in the country, so that both influence and propaganda can play the best role.

At first, Jiang Siming hesitated whether to go to Peking University or Tsinghua University. After all, these two universities are the best in China.

Which one seems to be quite appropriate.

Finally, he received a text message from Dongfang Weixi, a little Nizi, saying that she was attending classes at Peking University.

Jiang Siming chose Peking University, purely to accompany Xiao Weixi this girl more.

This is what Huo Wu and Bing Mei mean

The old man Dongfang Su has no time to accompany her, and now Huo Wu and Bingmei are also in Shanghai.

There used to be two older sisters with them, but now both of them are married, and they are busy cultivating again, and they don't have time to come over.

So the two women begged Jiang Siming to go to Peking University to take care of Xiao Weixi.

Jiang Siming naturally had to agree, after all, he had always regarded Xiao Weixi as his sister.

As for distance, it's all in pediatrics, anyway, after class, Jiang Siming wants to go home in an instant.

The elders knew that he had this ability anyway, and he didn't bother to pretend it.

After Peking University received Jiang Siming’s reply, he was overjoyed and immediately issued a professor qualification certificate to Jiang Siming, and publicly announced that Jiang Siming would become a visiting professor of Peking University and be inducted into the Peking University Hall of Fame.

The Hall of Fame at Peking University is not a joke, it is only the big names who are qualified to enter.

And it was the first time that Jiang Siming was in the Hall of Fame as soon as he arrived.

He also gave Jiang Siming a professor's allowance and a unit apartment with a monthly salary of more than 30,000 yuan, which is what teachers at the professor level have.

Although they knew that Jiang Siming certainly didn't care about this allowance and the house, they didn't care, they still had to make arrangements.

After knowing this news, the students of Peking University were very happy.

The saddest ones are Fudan and Tsinghua University.

Fudan thought it could safely ask his brother to go back to teach, after all, Fudan is Jiang Siming's alma mater.

Tsinghua said it was not far behind Beijing, but it also lost the election.

The reason is that there is no Xiaoweixi in Tsinghua~

Although he chose to be a professor at Peking University, Jiang Siming also said hello in advance. He doesn't go to class every day.

He arranges the time by himself and will notify in advance before going.

After all, in addition to propagating the national martial arts class, his old Jiang still has a company to be busy, his family to take care of, competitions cannot be absent, training cannot be stopped, and his wife must accompany him.

It's pretty busy thinking about it.

There is no objection from Peking University, so it would be nice to come.

People can also understand Jiang Siming. After all, in addition to initiating Chinese martial arts classes, people were the world's richest man before this, and it is normal to be busy.

If you really want to let the family go to class every day, make sure that Jiang Siming loses his temper.

By then, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, Peking University agreed to Jiang Siming's request one by one.

On the second day of becoming a professor, Jiang Siming went to Kyoto.

People are so dependent on themselves, so he has to show some face, right? Just as a professor, he has to be more active at the beginning.

Ahem, mainly... Recently, I practiced with my wives a little bit diligent, and the wives complained that they were not energetic at work every day.

They offered to rest, but they have not allowed Da to be in the same bed these days.

In addition, the competition hadn't started yet, and Jiang Siming just went to Kyoto to avoid it.

I don't have to look at so many stunning wives at home and can't help but lack strength.

The night before class, Jiang Siming arrived in Kyoto, Xiao Weixi still came to pick him up as soon as possible.

Originally, Jiang Siming planned to go the morning of class, but this time it happened that Ice Beauty and Huo Wu wanted to return to Kyoto to take a look at Xiao Weixi.

The three set out for Kyoto the night before.

Dongfang Weixi was very happy to see that all three of them were coming. Maybe it's been too long since Huo Wu and Bingmei have been seen.

The three women hugged each other as soon as they met, weeping with joy.

For Xiao Weixi, Bing Meiren and Huo Wu had always accompanied her to take care of her. Although they were bodyguards, Xiao Weixi regarded them as his own sisters.

Now that Sister Three hasn't seen each other for so long, it's strange not to cry.

I haven't seen it for half a year.

They were crying there, but Jiang Siming looked a little embarrassed by the side.

After all... the ice beauty Huo Wu hasn’t seen Xiao Weixi for so long after following him...

So in order to compensate.

Jiang Siming took the three of them that night and wandered around in Kyoto, playing late.

Send Xiao Weixi home again.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu decide to stay with Xiao Weixi at Dongfang Su's house, and sleep with Xiao Weixi at night.

Jiang Siming didn't refuse, he almost blurted out: Can you count me?

Fortunately, the brain reacted in time to keep up with the mouth, and didn't say this kind of LSP...


First more~

Update update! take off!

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