I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2450: Qingming ancestor worship

Seeing his sister's happy look, Jiang Siming shook his head and laughed.

But Ah Huang, who was sobbing and complaining under Jiang Wanwan's hand, immediately ran to his feet to beg for mercy after seeing Jiang Siming.

Immediately leaving its favorite owner behind, he was eager to act coquettishly and cutely with Jiang Siming's trouser legs.

Jiang Wanwan didn't know that Jiang Siming had rescued Ah Huang, and when she saw this, she said with her arms akimbo:

"Smelly Ahuang, I'm so good to you, you don't get close to me, but you only know to cheat my brother and lick the dog! Bah! I was sad for you for two days, you a scumbag with no conscience!"

Jiang Siming and Zhao Xiaoxiao both laughed at the same time.

"Son, let's go, let's set off and go to worship the ancestors." Dad Jiang came over and shouted.

"Oh, then go." Jiang Siming agreed.

Dad Jiang asked, "Are you planning to go by yourself or bring your family with you?"

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Then go together, just to show the ancestors of the Jiang family to see how many people are in our family."

Dad Jiang was pleased, and said with a smile: "I think that is the prosperity of the Yin and the Yang. If you have time, you should give birth to more cubs. It is best to have two or three each. That's why people are thriving."

Zhao Xiaoxiao interrupted with a smirk: "Wow, then I will have hundreds of younger siblings!"

Jiang Siming coughed awkwardly and said, "There will be, Dad, don't worry."

In the end, the whole family set out to go up the mountain together and embarked on the path of worshipping the ancestors.

There are many other families on the way to worship their ancestors.

However, there are only a few people in the family, and there are more than a dozen people.

Jiang Siming's family is different, plus the uncle's house, with more than fifty people marching forward together.

Those battles were completely different from others. I didn’t know that the school had organized a whole class of students for spring outing...

Jiang Siming took the lead in holding Xiao Luoyu and walked in the forefront. He had to hang two cute pets on his shoulders, Ari and Ayan.

The two little guys sat on Jiang Siming's shoulders and went on tour in micro clothes.

The daughters-in-law behind Jiang Siming supported their grandparents, father and mother, respectively, or carried items needed for ancestor worship.

In the end, he followed a lazy panda Xiangxiang, who also wanted to be able to sit on the shoulders of its owner and travel like Ari and the others.

But it also knows it in its own mind. If it is to blame, it is too fat and too big, alas~

Jiang Siming's family didn't blush or breathe when they got up the mountain.

Even Grandma and Grandpa Jiang Siming walked with wind without any difficulty at all.

Jiang Siming and his wives are all cultivators, so it is natural to climb a mountain.

As for the older generations like Grandpa and Grandma Jiang Siming, they are also used to climbing mountains. Coupled with the sacred fruit and the detoxification pill, there is nothing wrong with them.

Naturally the uphill is steady and fast.

On the contrary, Nancy's parents were out of breath after only walking a few steps.

"Sure enough, everyone in Huaxia has Chinese Kungfu, and I can't even compare to the old man." Nancy's father said shockedly.

Nancy's mother agreed very much, and said: "You were a soldier anyway, just this physical fitness?"

"No, I also want my son-in-law to teach me that innate skill, and I also want to learn Chinese Kungfu~" Nancy's father muttered.

Nancy said dumbfoundedly: "Mom and dad, we will be thrown away if you don't go faster, and we won't be able to go back when we get lost in the mountains."

Nancy's father turned his head and glanced at his daughter. He was quite puzzled to see that she had been so relaxed after so long.

"Daughter, I remember that you used to be very weak, weak and sickly. Why do you think you are in a completely different state now?"

Nancy Tsundere replied: "Of course my husband taught me Chinese Kungfu~"

"I said, no, I have to go to my son-in-law and teach me!"

Nancy's father said, speeding up and catching up, but there is no tendency to catch up at all...

The family climbed all the way, admiring the mountain scenery along the way, talking and laughing, it was very pleasant.

It is custom to worship ancestors and go outing on the Ching Ming Festival, and it does not require a heavy atmosphere to visit the ancestors.

After arriving at the ancestor's cemetery, Jiang Siming skillfully began to clean the cemetery.

Jiang Siming has been able to do this since he was a child, so he is naturally proficient.

The Jiang family’s cemetery has all been moved from the hills of Dongshan to the west.

When Dad Jiang was rebuilding the family house, he discussed with Jiang Siming to move all the tombs of the Jiang family's ancestors and relatives together, and then repair it well.

Jiang Siming is very supportive, it is really necessary.

In the past, their family was poor, and the ancestors' cemetery was scribbled.

But now, as the richest man in the world, Jiang Siming would be embarrassed if his ancestors' cemetery was still downright.

When the descendants develop, they forget that the ancestors failed.

This is forgetting the ancestor, and it will be pricked on the backbone.

After that, Dad Jiang moved all the cemeteries of the ancestors of the Jiang family together, and invited a Feng Shui master to make a treasure of Feng Shui as a cemetery for the deceased Jiang family.

In addition to secretly protecting the safety of Jiang Siming's parents, Dongfang Su sent people to guard Jiang's cemetery.

Nothing else, just in case.

People with psychological distortions that are hard to keep will dig other people's ancestral graves, and then they are afraid of some tomb robbers making ideas.

I think Jiang Siming is the richest man in the world, and there must be something good in the tomb of his ancestors.

There are also those who are superstitious, who think that the ancestral grave of Jiang Siming's family is dragon-like, and if you dig it out, you can make a fortune like Jiang Siming.

This kind of thing has happened more than once or twice.

Many tombs of wealthy people have been stolen and destroyed.

However, Dongfang Su's kindness was declined by Jiang Siming, and he did not want to waste public resources.

Just secretly install a concealed combat robot here.

Seeing Jiang Siming's hands, everyone started to clean the cemetery.

In fact, the newly built cemetery was very clean, so you just need to clean it up.

After finishing, burn the joss stick and put on the offerings, and then everyone will take turns holding the incense and bowing to worship.

"Hello ancestors, the younger generation Jiang Songlin worships!" Grandpa Jiang first began to worship.

Following everyone else, following the grandfather's look and tone, they took turns bowing and offering incense.

After all the adults worshipped, there were only children left.

Children don’t need to put incense, just use their hands.

Jiang Siming asked the children of the uncles to finish their worship first, and then walked forward with Xiao Luoyu in his arms.

He didn't even teach Xiao Luoyu how to do it. After seeing the actions of his parents, the little guy learned it immediately.

Facing the tombstone of the ancestor, his little head pierced down, but he didn't expect to use too much force, and directly thumped and knelt down in front of the ancestor.

This cute look is too cute.

After kneeling, Xiao Luoyu didn't cry or make trouble, but made a small gesture, nodding along with his little head.

The mouth is still milky and milky: "Pig... Mr. Pig (ancestors), hello~ Humbei (junior) Wanwan~"


Everyone was happy.


Second more~

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