I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2451: You foreigner!

Not only that, Xiao Luoyu did this one by one in front of each ancestor's tombstone.

Both rain and dew, very dedicated.

When the family went down the mountain after worshipping the ancestors, Xiao Luoyu was already able to react.

Seeing other people’s tombstones, they would subconsciously nod their heads, and then shouted: "Hello, Mr. Pig, I will give you a few prayers~"

This can make the family laugh so much that Jiang Dad and Jiang's mother burst into tears.

Jiang Siming, who is a dad, smiles from ear to ear, he has a silly girl~

After returning home, the family began to prepare lunch.

Because Nancy's parents seldom exercise, they exercised too much today, and they were very tired after taking a plane all the way.

Jiang Siming asked Nancy to take them to the guest room for a sleep meeting, and then call them after dinner.

Nancy's parents immediately agreed and went to the guest room to fall asleep.

In their sleep, the two couples suddenly heard a crackling noise outside, and they were awakened instantly.

"Daughter! What's the matter? Why is there a gunshot? Is there a war?" Nancy's father panicked and shouted outside the door.

The king thought he was in Syria, so he fell asleep.

I saw Nancy push the door in from outside, and said dumbfoundedly:

"That's setting off firecrackers, a custom of Chinese festivals, you foreigner! Don't understand anything, hahaha."

When Jiang Siming heard the movement, he rushed over, and after clarifying the situation, he suppressed his smile.

In addition to smiling at Nancy's parents, she also laughed at the phrase ‘you foreigner’ just said by Nancy.

One foreigner laughs at another foreigner, it's too much of a peace, hahaha.

But it also proves from another angle that Nancy is already a very qualified Chinese daughter-in-law~

In fact, it is true. Nancy has been in China for more than a year and has perfectly integrated into China's life.

If you lose your princess status, you don’t need to learn etiquette every day, and you don’t need to attend the boring and fake Swiss State Banquet.

Nancy couldn't wait to stay in China for the rest of her life.

Now Nancy speaks Chinese as well as Yoona, Ji Hyo and others, and even knows a little bit about idioms and allegorical words.

Moreover, China's etiquette and customs and various entertainment methods are quite proficient.

What kind of mahjong fights the landlord tractor, even fell in love with watching Peking opera, Jiang Siming doesn't like to watch this stuff, she actually likes it, and she is also drunk.

After a false alarm, Nancy's parents were also very embarrassed, and finally had to pretend to be calm and get up to eat.

All the members of the Jiang family gathered in the courtyard, and there were only eight tables.

It's normal for other people's homes to eat, but Jiang Siming's family, every time he eats in his hometown, he just likes to set up a table (cover his face).

At first, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were a bit embarrassed, afraid that neighbors would gossip.

But now they are used to it long ago, and the family eats, of course, the livelier the better, so they now set the table quite naturally.

Jiang's mother also bought dozens of tables to store in the garage. She knew that there would only be more and more people in the family. Even if there were not many grandchildren, the daughter-in-law would definitely keep increasing.

So prepare more tables for easy seating...

And these eight tables are not separated, but pieced together to form a long dragon.

It's a bit like the feeling of Baijiayan.

The table is full of rich dishes, and everyone sits down at will, regardless of position or priority.

Because... there is no way to tell the priority...

Jiang's mother wanted to hug Xiao Luoyu for dinner, but Xiao Luoyu refused mercilessly.

When there is a father, Xiao Luoyu will only pester her father, even the mothers love to answer~

"Grandma, I will eat with you~" Zhao Xiaoxiao, the eldest daughter, is very sensible.

"Well, my granddaughter Xiaoxiao, come and sit down with grandma." Jiang Ma happily pulled Xiaoxiao and sat down.

In fact, Xiaoxiao's position in Jiang Ma's heart is always strange.

Jiang's mother certainly knew that Xiaoxiao was Jiang Siming's goddaughter, and she also regarded Xiaoxiao as a granddaughter at the beginning.

But the strange thing is that she can't feel that kind of grandfather-grandson love in Xiaoxiao.

But Xiao Luoyu is different, it is a kind of family affection where blood dissolves in water, a kind of induction, as if blood is connected.

But Xiaoxiao, not only did she have no such affection, but for a few moments, she always confused Xiaoxiao as her daughter-in-law...

Especially Xiaoxiao is now getting bigger and bigger and more beautiful, this feeling is more frequent.

Jiang's mother was very embarrassed, so she didn't dare to tell others, even Jiang's father didn't tell.

She was very blushing and dirty for her thoughts.

But every time she saw Xiaoxiao's increasingly beautiful face, she always had the illusion, as if she had seen a new daughter-in-law in the future.

You say this is nonsense.

Everyone sat down one after another, Grandpa Jiang called out, and the family banquet officially began.

"Dad~ want this~"

In Jiang Siming's arms, Xiao Luoyu had already focused on the food on the table.

She was very curious when she saw the green pastry-like thing on the table and wanted to eat it.

Jiang Siming poked one with chopsticks, like a cotton candy, and handed it to her hand.

The little guy picked it up and opened his mouth to take a bite, and immediately fell in love with it.

"What kind of food is this? Why have I never seen it before?" Wang Xiaoyu felt whether he was a fake Chinese.

Why doesn't she know Huaxia Food...

Except that she didn't know Tang Ru, who was also born as a northern girl, she didn't know him, especially the other foreign wives.

The King of Switzerland interjected: "This is food? I thought it was just a display at first..."

The queen added: "I think so too, this green lump... can you eat it?"

Yan Sisi smiled and said: "It is edible. This is called Qingtuozi. It is a special food for Qingming Festival in the South. Xiaoyu is a northern girl. There are very few people who eat this, and it is normal if I don't know."

When Wang Xiaoyu was curious, he also poked one, and after taking a bite, he felt that a new door to food was opened.

"Hmm! It's delicious! It's soft and waxy, with a little sticky teeth, the key is the bean paste with the scented mugwort skin. This combination is really amazing! It's even better than grilled meat with vegetables!"

Under the comment of Wang Xiaoyu, the professional host of Yang's mother, everyone was attracted by her description unconvincingly, and one after another picked up the Youth League and ate it.

Is this green pile of things so magical?

Why don't you believe me a little bit.

But when everyone ate this, they were full of praise.

Grandma Jiang saw that everyone was eating the green dumplings she wrapped, and she was so happy that she regretted losing her bag.

Not to mention, the delicacies like Qingtuanzi are usually packaged by the older generation.

Few young people know, especially those living in cities.

Because you need Ai Ye to be a youth league, Ai Ye generally can't buy it in the city.

Wang Xinyi and the others immediately pestered their grandmother and studied humbly, so that they could eat them if they wanted to eat Youth League in Shanghai in the future.

As for Ai Ye, let her husband handle it, he will teleport anyway~


First more~

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