I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2460: Start with an orange slice!

On the standings list, the score has been updated a lot.

【NO.1】: Ming

[Nationality]: CN

【Kills】: 97

[Points]: 245 points


【NO.2】:Furi ザ (Frieza)

[Nationality]: JPN

[Kills]: 26

[Points]: 88 points


[NO.3]: debuttante (rookie)

[Nationality]: ITA

[Kills]: 25

[Points]: 79 points


[NO.4]: away.

[Nationality]: CN

[Kills]: 19

[Points]: 68 points


[NO.5]: The daughter of the grassland

[Nationality]: CN

[Kills]: 18

【Points】: 62 points


In the ranking, with the exception of Jiang Siming, who was on the high side, the scores of the top ten were chasing very tightly.

In the last game, because of meeting Jiang Siming, the God of Goose has fallen from third to seventh.

The original fourth player Shura also fell out of the top ten.

Anyway, the people who are ranked in Jiang Siming are basically dropping points.

However, there was a person in the same game with Jiang Siming, and the score ranking did not drop but rose instead.

This person is Li, the female player who killed many people in a row in the last round, and also killed the fourth Shura.

In the end, Oolong was hit by Jiang Siming's car to death and picked up her head.

Although she was killed by Jiang Siming, she killed a lot of people, plus she scored a lot of points in the previous games.

The end of this wave of competition, on the contrary, let her rank fourth.

In fifth place, Jiang Siming has also seen him and played against each other.

She was the last woman with a bow and arrow who competed with him in the woods.

After failing to match Jiang Siming to one round in the last hand, it rushed to fifth.

There are currently three Chinese players in the top ten rankings.

This made the Chinese audience particularly excited.

Except for China, no country has achieved more than two players in the top ten.

This shows that it is our Huaxia Division cowhide!

Although ranking does not absolutely represent strength, some people are very good, but bad luck, bad luck, so the ranking is lower.

But players who can reach the top ten and win double-digit heads must not be underestimated.

This final round of the final round will determine the final ranking.

Only players who reach the top 100 can enter the finals.

Of the three thousand players, only one hundred people have this chance. The last game is especially critical!

Knowing that this is the last finalist, so the global audience is much more than the previous games.

Nearly 260 million people watched online simultaneously.

This data and popularity are already unmatched by the end game Jedi, and even Zeng Jin’s big brother League of Legends can only look back.

This is the change that holographic games have brought to the game market.

If we say that the game market was still in the Three Kingdoms era, where one party ruled the roost, then it has now completely evolved into an era where the Holographic Jedi dominated and led the world.

When the time came, three thousand players were disrupted and randomly assigned to thirty rooms.

Jiang Siming was assigned to Room 1.

Seeing Jiang Siming enter room 1, audiences from all over the world all looked at Room 1 to see if there were any unlucky ones who were in the same room as Jiang Siming.

When seeing Frieza in room one, the expressions of Dong Ying's audience were miserable, and Dong Ying could hear wailing everywhere.

Their King Frieza met Myojin, but after all, he ran into him.

Most of the Dongying audience have already decided that they are going to lose.

But there are still many Frieza fans who firmly believe that the king can crush the gods! Even if he is Jiang Siming!

In addition to the second place, the third Italian player is also inside. In addition, there is a fourth place away.

Among the top ten, the top four were all gathered in the same room.

Almost all countries focus the lens on room one.

The one in room one has gathered four ceiling-level masters, and it will undoubtedly be the most exciting game.

What's more, there is Jiang Siming in it. You can predict how **** and violent the game will be in a while.

260 million people, at least 200 million people choose room one.

In addition to wanting to watch the first three fights, there is one more important thing.

That is the rules of the game. After the final points are played, the first wave of energy value rewards will be issued according to the ranking of the top 100 players.

The higher the ranking of the finalists, the more energy rewards will be.

Everyone is looking forward to it. The chaebols all over the world are also focusing on this game, and they have prepared a lot of money.

As soon as the energy value is released, they will find a way to find the players who have obtained the energy value to buy, and recruit the top 100 players to enter their club team.

Thirty rooms enter the game at the same time.

It is still a desert map.

A plane carrying a hundred players flew over the map filled with yellow sand.

The route of the map runs from north to south, at a west angle, from the railway station to the prison in the southwest corner and the island where the Fig Town is located, across the map.

This kind of route is much more complicated than the exact center, because there are not many route resource points left for everyone, and there is a greater probability of encountering other people.

Many players began to wonder where to go.

As soon as the plane flew on the map, many people jumped off at the beginning, and there were seven or eight players visually.

But Jiang Siming did not follow, mainly there are ruins in the northwest corner, trailer park, railway station and meteor crater.

There are a lot of resource points, even if it goes down, there are not a few.

Moreover, it is far away from the center point. If the northwest is not brushed in the first wave, it will take a long time to run poison.

The plane went through the big E city again, and went down a lot of people, then M city...

People keep jumping down.

The number of people on the plane is constantly decreasing.

But Jiang Siming was indifferent and unmoved.

The audience was curious, why the plane passed the central store, and Myojin didn't fly yet?

Isn't it where people usually go?

Why do you look like you are going to the edge today?

It really made them guess right.

Knowing that the plane had reached the prison island, Jiang Siming jumped off the plane.

Although it is the final destination, there are still six umbrella bags to follow.

These people want to jump to the last spot and avoid running into people.

It's just that many people have the same ideas as them, so they all touched.

A hundred people, plus the route is a bit off, almost every resource point will be flying, it is normal to run into it.

"Myojin should have predicted their thoughts, so I chose the final destination. I didn't expect the effect to be really good, haha."

The commentator smiled and analyzed, everyone agrees with this statement. Myojin must have made this idea.

But in fact, Jiang Siming jumped to this place, and it was not at all pre-judged to arrest people.

It was all because as soon as he got on the plane, he saw the corner of the prison on the map, and an orange beam lit up.

This means that an orange shard was refreshed in that place.

At the beginning of the game, there were fragments on the map, which made Lao Jiang's eyebrows smile and a good start. It seems that this is going to be the emperor of Europe!


First more~

Recently, the jet lag has reversed, and the biological clock has been completely messed up, alas~

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