I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2461: Both hands!

Although there was an orange fragment at the beginning.

But this fragment is not so easy to handle.

It is located at the top of the guard tower in the prison, seven or eight meters above the ground.

And can't climb up from below.

So Jiang Siming wanted to get this fragment, so he could only jump to the spire of the tower.

Otherwise, if you miss it, you will never get it again.

But at this time, there were six people flying with Jiang Siming in the prison.

It's more lively than Picardo and the mansion.

After Jiang Siming took the fragments, they must have picked up the gun.

If you change to someone else, it is estimated that you will give up small and keep big, not wanting to risk a piece of debris.

But Jiang Siming is different. This guy doesn't want to miss any fragments, he wants them all!

Although destined to be difficult, Jiang Siming resolutely jumped onto the sentry tower.

Fortunately, he is proficient in skydiving, otherwise Jiang Siming may not be able to jump to this small position.

When audiences from all over the world saw Jiang Siming first land, but landed on the tower, everyone's eyes stared out.

I rub? Myojin, is this... a mistake?

It must be, who would be okay to jump to this.

The Chinese audience smiled bitterly, and when it was over, Myoshin made a mistake in the start, and it was difficult now.

But they didn't panic. After all, Myojin scores were already firmly in the first place, and even if this one fell into a box, it wouldn't matter much.

It's nothing more than watching Myojin's violent killing show.

The spectators in other regions were gloating with misfortune and laughed. It's a good opportunity. It's rare that Mingshen made a mistake. There are so many people around here, so quickly beat him to death!

It turns out that God also makes mistakes!

Of course, they didn't know that Jiang Siming made a deliberate mistake.

Had it not been for the fragments from the map to fly into his pocket automatically, he would have been fighting with a gun in prison now.

After falling to the spire, Jiang Siming put the fragrant orange fragment into his bag.

Although the fragments of the map refresh cannot be picked up automatically, it does not need to integrate fragments and can be used.

It's a great deal for nothing.

"Pick up [Eight Magic Skills·Full Hands] Orange Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Eight Wonders]: Eight Wonders, a powerful method from the comic "Under One Person", divided into double hands, Daluo Cave Temple, Liuku Immortal Thieves, Divine Skills, Wonderful Doors, Tongtian Urn, Judgment The origin of spirit dispatching generals and Qi body.

[Double All Hands]: With incredible abilities, both hands are divided into blue hands and red hands.

The blue hand can modify the soul, including polygraph, read or delete memory.

Red hands can modify the body, including disguise, healing or reshaping limbs.


Unexpectedly, the first piece of the start today is the Eight Wonders.

Now Jiang Siming has obtained five of the eight magic skills, and he has learned all three of them.

If you follow the plot setting in "Under One Man", if someone has learned all the eight magic skills, he will be invincible in this world.

It's a pity that Jiang Si will be invincible tomorrow, of course, except for the Wizarding World.

This double-handed skill is a bit tasteless, and he already has the ability to modify the soul.

As for the disguise to heal injuries, he is not a problem, but this physical reshaping skill is a bit BUG.

And it just happened that he couldn't do it.

In other words, if he encounters missing arms or legs in the future, he can treat with both hands.

Collecting the fragments, Jiang Siming quickly jumped off the guard tower.

After landing, sure enough, half of his blood was lost.

The start was in the wrong place, and half of his blood was lost. From everyone's point of view, Jiang Siming's look was too bad.

At this time, Jiang Siming's best choice was to run away and find a place for wretched development.

After all, the other six people have already flown into the prison.

But Jiang Siming didn't know what wretched development was. Even if he knew that the prison was full of people, he still rushed in like a stunned boy.

In addition to the prison, there are several arsenals and textile factories in this place. The place where Jiang Siming is going is the Honglou Textile Factory.

But there are already people in the textile factory, but this person is searching things inside, and Jiang Siming goes straight to the platform outside.

Taking advantage of the poor field of vision, through the stairs outside the textile factory, he slid up to the roof of the third floor.

And the players inside heard Jiang Siming's footsteps, how could anyone snoring on the side of the couch?

Immediately rushed out with a gun, trying to kill Jiang Siming, a guy who didn't have long eyes and ran into other people's territory.

After Jiang Siming got on the third floor platform, although he didn't see the automatic rifle, somehow there was an M16 waiting for him.

The M16 is a continuous-fire rifle and cannot be considered fully automatic.

Generally no one will pick it up.

But at this time, there is no way to pay attention to these.

As soon as the bullet was loaded, I heard footsteps on the second floor platform.

The other party also heard the sound of loading upstairs, and did not directly rush up, but very wittyly threw a flash bomb from the second floor.

The moment the flash flew up, Jiang Siming chose to turn his head back.


The flash bomb exploded, but because Jiang Siming was on his back, it only caused tinnitus instead of blindness.

There are two effects of flash bombs, one is deafness and tinnitus, and the other is blindness for a short time.

The condition for these two effects to appear at the same time is that the flash bomb is thrown directly opposite the opponent.

Many people don't actually know this little trick.

But whether the player on the second floor knows it or not, he has to rush, and the only thrown object has been thrown, there will be no better chance at this time if he doesn't go.

Besides, he can be sure that Jiang Siming is at least deaf, that is, the other party can't catch his footsteps.

He has the advantage in everything.

There is no more time to wait at this time.

If the two effects are both achieved, it will be a good deal.

The man rushed up the stairs from the second floor.

The audience held their breath and watched the scene with accelerated heartbeat.

Not only was Myoshin deprived of hearing by the flash bomb, but he was only half-blooded, and he had no head or armor.

If you get two shots from the opponent, you have to hang yourself.

This kind of start was too suffocating.

On the third floor, Jiang Siming, who was an absolute disadvantage, set up his rifle calmly.

The audience sweated for him, but he himself was calm.

He chose the position of the third floor of the textile factory, which has made him invincible.

There is one staircase on the third floor. Even if Jiang Siming can't hear the footsteps for a while, he can still bet on this staircase with a gun.

It's just that everyone doesn't know his advantages, and they all think he is in desperation.

The player on the second floor rushed up the stairs. In that moment, even if there was no early warning of footsteps, and no hearing was needed, Jiang Siming's reaction power was as fast as lightning!

It was just a face-to-face time, just by a flash of scenes, Jiang Siming's M16 had already fired a deadly bullet!

The opponent hasn't even seen where Jiang Siming is, but only vaguely sees the outline of a figure, and his picture freezes into black and white.

Don't even give him a chance to shoot.

Died quite happily.

As soon as this person died, a pleasant voice rang in Jiang Siming's mind.

"Butcher Bounty Level 1..."


Second more~

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