I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 812: End of life...

Fortunately, there are many vehicles nearby. The speed of this Audi is not fast. The traffic police kept chasing by the car, slapped the window with their hands and ordered him to stop.

But the driver turned a deaf ear and continued to drive forward.

Jiang Siming didn't hesitate to let Reba stay here, and he rushed forward, no longer looking like an old man.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Siming ran to the side of the car. Regardless of the traffic police's obstruction, Jiang Siming rushed to the side of the car.

He took a fist and directly smashed the driver's seat window to pieces. Jiang Siming was not used to this kind of stupidity at all. He opened the door and screwed out the shortage.

The car stopped at once, and the traffic police were dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then immediately came over to help Jiang Siming subdue the drunk man.

"Thank you old sir." The traffic police thanked Jiang Siming, and at the same time, he was surprised that Jiang Siming was definitely an old man?

Jiang Siming waved his hand at random, said something, and then he wanted to slip away.

But at this time the traffic police stood in front of him, wanting to collect evidence and thank him.

At this time, the crowd also gathered around, Jiang Siming didn't have a chance to slip.

Within a few seconds, Jiang Siming was recognized.

"Isn't this Jiang Siming!"

After this shout, Jiang Siming knew it was over...

Sure enough, then many people recognized his name and started calling him.

One, two, three...

Until I can't count how many sounds.

Jiang Si understood that he rolled his eyes, covered his face and smiled bitterly. When he was done, he was'ending his life'...

After being recognized by everyone, the traffic police also recognized Jiang Siming's identity.

"I'm recording the show, so I painted this makeup. I just left when I was fine." Jiang Siming said to the traffic policeman.

The traffic police were very sensible and escorted Jiang Siming to squeeze the crowd away. Before leaving, he did not forget to give Jiang Siming a salute to express his gratitude.

After Jiang Siming left and returned to Reba, Reba came over.

Just now Jiang Siming ran too fast, she couldn't keep up with him at all, and she was late.

"How about it, are you okay?" Reba asked anxiously.

"Hey, what can I do, it's just a stupid drunk driving, stopped me, OK, let's go quickly, otherwise I'm afraid someone who recognizes me will follow."

Jiang Siming finished talking and pulled Reba out of the neighborhood. At this time, the cameraman told Jiang Siming that he could no longer go because he was over 80 and was dead.

Hearing this, Reba got out of control on the spot and said: "He is doing good deeds. Does this also count?"

It may be that Reba could not accept Jiang Siming's death.

Jiang Siming raised his hand to signal to the cameraman that it’s okay, and then pulled Reba to appease: “This is just a game. Besides, if I have an accident because of a good deed, it’s a fixed number. We can’t break the rules of the game, right?”

Hearing Jiang Siming's comfort, Reba still couldn't accept this fact. Maybe she was already in the drama.

However, Reba apologized as a sensible cameraman, and then pouted and looked at Jiang Siming grievously, and his eyes turned red.

But soon Reba made a decision. She took off her wig, walked into the crowd, and shouted: "Hello everyone, I am DL Reba!"

After a while, Reba regained a smile and walked back and smiled and said to Jiang Siming: "I'm 80 too."

Jiang Siming looked at her with a helpless but warm smile, and couldn't help holding her in his arms.

Because Jiang Siming and Reba are both 80s, the "old man and old wife" can no longer reach the bridge of life.

Although some regrets, both Jiang Siming and Reba felt very satisfied.

The two were sent back to the final location and waited for more than two hours. The other talents came out of the Life Village Bridge and joined everyone.

Knowing why Jiang Siming was'dead', everyone only admired him, and no one laughed at him. Even Sun Meili, who had always liked to joke, gave his knees to Jiang Siming.

Regarding Reba’s approach, several female guests were very envious. If they had such a partner, they would also be willing to ‘send love’ along with them.

The show ended in the last peaceful atmosphere, and the recording of the show was completed when everyone shouted ‘this is fate’.

Everyone had a meal together before they parted ways. Some stayed in Hangzhou and waited for tomorrow to leave, and some slipped away that night when the schedule was more urgent.

Jiang Siming and Reba also returned home in Shanghai that night.


In the past few days, it was almost the end of September, and the design drawing of the headquarters building in Jiang Siming's hand was finally completed!

Looking at the final design drawings in the computer, Jiang Siming couldn't help sighing: "I'm such a genius~"

This design drawing consumed Jiang Siming's energy for nearly half a month.

Every day I took time to draw a little, and finally a super building came out.

The style of the entire building is extremely grand and magnificent, and it is a unique work. Jiang Siming can guarantee that no designer has ever made such an architectural work.

After this building is completed, Jiang Siming can predict that it will definitely become another landmark in Shanghai.

"You can invite people to start work." Jiang Siming not only looked forward to the building's appearance after it was completed, but even started to make arrangements.

A few days later, construction began on a 70,000-square-meter wasteland located at the junction of Xuhui District and Changning District.

Jiang Siming was also able to get away, and then left it to the construction team and the richest man Wang to help.

He invited Wanda's top team to build this building. The richest man Wang was shocked when he saw Jiang Siming's design and promised to help Jiang Siming complete the work.

Of course, Jiang Siming didn't pay any price. He promised to design a new building for Wanda as well. This satisfied the businessman's unprofitable heart.

On the other side, another good news reached Jiang Siming's ears.

The winery jointly established by President Wang and him has already produced wine!

The first batch of 30,000 square meters of high-purity liquor has come out, and Wang Dazheng is asking Jiang Siming what name it should be.

The name of the wine is very important, such as Moutai, Wuliangye, Mengzhilan and so on.

The names of these wines are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Colonel Wang said that their names must be better than them.

Jiang Siming didn't have the ink on him. He just chose a name. Even if he took a "bomb" for a good drink, someone would remember it.

It's awful, even if you take a ‘jelly jelly’, it’s useless.

Although the product name is important, the decisive factor is the product quality.

Major Wang couldn't see through this, Jiang Siming expressed his contempt.

In the end, the two discussed it, and it was called "Jiu Jiang". The English abbreviation is JY.

After the name was chosen, Colonel Wang planned to go to Russia to discuss business.

Jiang Siming visually observed that he didn't even want to return to China this year, but when the sales chain was negotiated, he only had to transport the wine to sober on time.

In the future, Colonel Wang can also be a shopkeeper, but now he has to work harder.


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