I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 811: Elderly makeup

Both of them put on very fine old-age makeup, their faces were vicissitudes of life, wrinkles all over their faces were deep, and even the eyebrows became pale white.

It seems that the chicken strips are really attentive, and the makeup artist hired is very good.

Everyone went to the locker room to change into the clothes worn by the old man and the old lady, and all of the show guests became the old man and old lady.

Even Jiang Siming has become an old man who is dying of issues.

Seeing his appearance in the mirror, Jiang Siming couldn't help but wonder, will he really look like this when he grows old?

But it doesn't seem to be right. He is a cultivator, and the life span of a cultivator is much higher than that of ordinary people, and he also has a pill to increase his life.

Jiang Siming feels that he can live at least a few hundred years old, and then he will feed the holy fruits to his wives and family members, so that his family can live a long time.

But if it looks like this when he is really old, Jiang Siming is willing to accept it, it is fate, and there is nothing to complain about.

The people with good makeup received the task issued by the director.

"You now need to go to the Life Village Bridge. During this period, you must maintain the appearance of your old people. Once you are recognized and call out your name, you must increase by one year. Once you are 80 years old, it represents your life span. When you reach the end and cannot reach the life bridge, your mission will be completed for you by another partner."

The director never forgot to exhort: "Remember, after you go out, you must behave most like an old man, and support each other with your significant other to walk to the life bridge. What we hope is that no one will die alone, okay?"

"it is good!"

Everyone agreed and started to act.

Reba hasn't entered the rhythm of the'old man' yet, she still walks lightly to Jiang Siming, holding his hand and going forward.

Jiang Siming laughed at her and said, "Old lady, you are an old lady now, know that you will be noticed something is wrong if you walk so fast."

When Reba heard it, she smiled embarrassedly. With this smile, one of her front teeth was missing, and Jiang Siming amused the toothless old lady.

This front tooth is actually painted with makeup, and it will be gone if you put some black powder on it.

The two began to walk slowly, and the other lovers also separated.

At this time the sky was getting dark, Jiang Siming and Reba were walking under the street lights in Hangzhou.

The dim light was projected on the rickety backs of the two, which made people feel a little embarrassed.

Young and old, it seems that there are still decades, but if that day comes, it will feel like a blink of an eye.

It's like when we think back to the time when we were in elementary school, and think about now, we will feel that time flies so fast.

No one recognizes these two ‘old men’ as public figures who are now very popular, one is a super rich and the other is a popular actress.

The pedestrians who passed by could not associate the two with the wealthy actress.

"Old lady, are you tired from walking with your back?" Jiang Siming didn't forget to tease Reba as he walked.

Reba gave him a funny look and said, "Old man, how about you?"

"Old man, I'm in good health, I'm not tired at all," Jiang Siming replied.

"Then my body is great, it's okay to carry you." Reba smiled proudly.

"Really? Would you like to try?" Jiang Siming asked jokingly.

"Try and try, come, I'll carry you." Reba came to the real and walked to Jiang Siming and squatted down.

Jiang Siming was happy, and without hesitation, he lay on Reba's back.

Reba blushed and wanted to get up, but found that Jiang Siming couldn't move at all.

Jiang Siming decided not to tease her, and used a bit of [Controlling Objects] to make himself very light, and Reba carried Jiang Siming on his back.

"Hey, did you see that, did I carry you on my back? I can take two steps."

Reba said that he walked with Jiang Siming on his back, with a proud tone.

After all, the two are young and have never experienced what an old man is like. They are still very playful.

I never thought that when the two were making a fuss, a girl passed by and saw her grandma carrying her grandpa. She hurried over and asked: "Grandma, is grandpa sick? Would you like me to help me carry it?"

Now Reba and Jiang Siming were a little embarrassed, and Jiang Siming turned his head to steal music because he was afraid of being recognized.

Reba smiled embarrassedly and tried to lower her voice as much as possible: "It's okay, he just doesn't have convenient legs and feet."

Although she kept her voice down as much as possible, Reba's voice was still very young. The girl lowered her head in doubt, and carefully looked at Reba's face in doubt.

Suddenly! The girl exclaimed: "You are...DL Reba!"

It's over (cry and laugh).

Reba also wanted to explain that Jiang Siming had gotten off her back, then grabbed her arm and ran forward.

The girl’s excited voice suddenly sounded behind her: "DL Reba! And Jiang Siming!!!"

This call was over, and the pedestrians around began to follow the trend.

When Jiang Siming took Reba and ran out of this area, the accompanying PT told them that Jiang Siming was called 10 times and Reba was called 8 times.

So they are now 62 and 60 years old.

The two couldn't laugh or cry at each other, so they shouldn't make a fuss. If they do this, they will soon overtake Sun Meili and them.

"I blame you, I hate ghosts." Reba smiled and spoofed Jiang Siming, and then took Jiang Siming's arm again.

The two set off again, no longer daring to hide, and be honest and old ladies.

When passing by a square dance, Jiang Siming's playfulness revived, and he started to run into the group of old ladies and twisted his waist with them.

Reba laughed, seeing her smiling so happily, Jiang Siming dragged her into the square dance group.

The two danced in there without any sense of disobedience, and even received praise from the lead dancer, who praised them for their good dance.

In fear of being recognized again, Jiang Siming and Reba jumped for a while and quickly slipped away.

In this way, I stopped and went all the way, having fun, and I was very happy, and I was getting closer and closer to my destination.

When the two were happy, a traffic accident happened at the end of the intersection.

It seems that the traffic police is investigating drunk driving, and there is a black Audi that refuses to be inspected. It is estimated that he was afraid of being investigated after drinking.

This black Audi dared to drive straight away, and it knocked over two traffic policemen and ran away desperately.

Jiang Siming has only seen this situation in the news, and there are many.

But in reality, he really saw him for the first time, and he had never seen such a stupid idiot. What use is it for you to run? Can't you catch you with so many probes?

The more you flee, the more serious the behavior, like this kind of traffic police who has hit the traffic police and escaped, regardless of whether they are drunk driving or not, they will have to be sentenced heavily.

But there is no way, some people just don't have a brain, they drink for fear of going to jail.

Coupled with the instigation of alcohol and the courage of alcohol, this stupid thing came about.

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