I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 827: "Flying Insomnia"

Just used here, a super private plane was transported from abroad, on the way to China Shanghai Airport.

He also indicated to Shanghai Airport that this was Jiang Siming's scheduled plane.

Shanghai Airport immediately called Jiang Siming to confirm.

After being correct, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport said very politely that the plane can stop at their airport at will, and they will arrange a special location for it.

Jiang Siming wants to go on a private plane at any time, as long as he has a pilot's driving license, he can go anytime with a notice two hours in advance.

After hanging up, Jiang Simingle blossomed.

"People today are so happy~~"

The audience couldn't laugh or cry. Did Myojin pick up the **** of the old lady today, so happy?

Who knows that Jiang Siming sang the song inadvertently and didn't react when [Danger Perception] rang.


A yin guy at the back killed Jiang Siming at once.

"Oh, let me go! Didn't I just sing a song? It's so bad that it won't kill me!"

Jiang Siming was angry and felt no love.

But this time it was the audience's turn to laugh and leaned forward and backward. Hahaha, Myojin was solo killed by passers-by and asked you to laugh, but can you still laugh?

What made Jiang Siming most angry was that the person who killed him was one of his high-scoring water friends who deliberately attacked him.

After this kid killed Jiang Siming, he laughed more exaggeratedly than Master Xing, and yelled that his fans for a certain sound were going to skyrocket.

"Smelly boy, don't let me queue you up next time." Jiang Siming was angrily happy.

For a whole afternoon, Jiang Siming completed the task of killing one hundred sprays.

The spray is still a bit difficult to fight, mainly because it can only fight melee, unlike with a rifle or sniper rifle, Jiang Siming can end him at long distances.

But anyhow it is finished.

[Complete the task, reward a random gray fragment]

Jiang Siming quickly checked.

"Pick up [Unlimited Ammunition MPSAA Automatic Shotgun] gray fragments*1 (1/1). The fragments are full and can be used directly."

Jiang Siming covered his face, and he knew that he couldn't expect much from the gray fragments.

But when he checked the gun, he knew that this shotgun was actually the number one shotgun in the world.

Unlike other shotguns, this shotgun can shoot continuously like an automatic rifle!

Have you seen the movie "The Expendables"?

Inside, Teri Cruz is holding an automatic shotgun to kill all quarters. The firing rate of 300 rounds per minute makes this gun extremely lethal and large-scale lethality of a shotgun. It also has a super high rate of fire to achieve real fire suppression.

Coupled with unlimited ammunition, I dropped my mother. Jiang Siming felt that this gun might be stronger than a rocket launcher.

It's just that these gray weapons are useless, no matter how strong they are, they can only be stored in their own minds.


But thinking that today’s harvest has been very good, Jiang Siming is also satisfied with the completion of the private jet business.

The live broadcast ended in the afternoon, and Jiang Siming's live broadcast room received millions of gifts.

In fact, since knowing that Jiang Siming is super rich, fewer people give him gifts.

Of course, this is also Jiang Siming always telling them that he doesn't need gifts, don't give them.

The reason why there are so many today is because fans feel that Jiang Siming worked very hard to'reward' (laughs and cry) today, which inspires Jiang Siming to make persistent efforts.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Jiang Siming worked so hard today because it was all for mission fragments. If they knew it, they would call ‘refund’...

"Since you are so good today, then I will bring you a next show, a new song!" Jiang Siming said.

But Jiang Siming continued: "I sang this song together with Tuan Tuan, so everyone wait first, I will switch on the microphone of the next Tuan Tuan."

The audience was very surprised. Didn’t expect Jiang Siming to sing a new song with the group?

"Sure enough, I still can't forget Tuantuan."

"Haha, it seems that Yoona Lin's charm is nothing more than that."

"You don't understand nonono, this is called a family flower and it smells like wild flowers."

"Hehe, Myojin really still loves Tuantuan."

"The Ming Tuan Party is resurrected, and the Qing is revived, upup!"


These good guys, haven't done anything yet, but they have made the atmosphere first.

Tuan Tuan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately called out excitedly: "Brother Xiaoming~Long time no see~"

Tuantuan also pretends to say that he hasn't contacted Jiang Siming for a long time.

Jiang Siming laughed, and cooperated with her and said, "Long time no see."

"Thank you very much, Xiao Ming, for inviting me to sing with him the new song he wrote. For this song, I practiced for a long, long time, hehe."

After Tuantuan finished speaking, he prepared a little with Jiang Siming, and Jiang Siming began to play the accompaniment in his room.

Although Tuan Tuan wanted to learn, he knew that he had no talent for musical instruments, so he had to give it all to Jiang Siming.

An accompaniment sounded, and the singing sounded under the extremely anticipation of the fans on both sides.

Surprisingly, Tuantuan actually sang first.

"I want to fly low with you

And you collect oxygen everywhere

If you can't see the fog

Better fall into my heart


Although Tuan Tuan can sing hundreds of thousands of audiences when it is live broadcast blindly.

Even the song she covered on Douyin became ‘one of the largest sand sculpture music suppliers on Douyin’.

But this is actually just the result of her spoofing and singing. The really serious Tuan Tuan does not lose to ordinary professional singers.

And the tone of Tuan Tuan is very comfortable, and it feels like first love.

"I want to take you from noisy to peaceful

I want to take you from cloudy to sunny

I want to organize your shirt

Collect verses everywhere for you

I'll give you another night..."

Not only is the tone comfortable, but this song is the most comfortable to listen to. The tone and composition are full of youth and love.

It's like a love letter written by a first lover for his beloved.

It also makes people feel as if they have done this before, but the love letters they wrote will never be as artistic and elegant as this song.

Tuan Tuan sang all the way, and Jiang Siming seamlessly joined this section.

"Time for hot milk

On the bed there are videos we haven’t finished watching

In the time after leaving

Do you still have insomnia

I never stay up all night, my eye circles are obviously dark

The doll you gave is still with me..."

What surprised the audience again was that Jiang Siming sang only a chorus rap. This was the first time Jiang Siming sang rap.

"You can sing, dance, rap, basketball, and you still say you are not CXK?"

"Hey, Myojin raps so well, why not go to Huaxia New to rap."

"Boy, do you have freestyle?"

"Several people upstairs, pull away the bouncing cotton."


And soon, the audience stopped teasing.

Because, the amazing chorus part has come...

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