I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 828: The joining of the two kings

"I want to break into the forest and dive into the sea with you

I want to watch the weather from sunrise to sunset with you

I want to fly with you through Greenwich and time

I want to hug you with you through the church and the crowd


In this section of chorus, group singing, Jiang Siming and the two cooperated tacitly, all the audience only felt that their ears were about to be pregnant.

This chorus is so nice!

The whole paragraph is a parallelism of "I want to be with you", but like a poem, it is written more beautifully than a fairy tale love.

Many people may think that the third sentence is Jiang Siming's random lyrics to make the lyrics catchy.

Greenwich and time flight? What is this stuff.

Just like the song "Take You On A Trip", I have to go to Turkey, Tokyo and Paris, then to Miami and Los Angeles, Beijing and Shanghai, and then to Dali.

In one song, the singer wrote dozens of place names. Someone used a map of the world to connect these places together, and found that the singer was insane.

Because if these places are connected together, if they have to go to the end, they can toss the dead, which is simply a messy travel spot.

It was the singer who came up with the place name for rhyming, not just him, but also many songs like this, in order to rhyme the lyrics.

Jiang Siming must be the same. Where is Greenwich? This has something to do with time flight.

But this is just the vulgar view of people who don't understand.

Anyone who knows geography knows that Greenwich is the Royal Observatory of the United Kingdom. It is recognized internationally as the meridian of the meridian passing through Greenwich. It is the starting point for calculating time and geographic longitude around the world.

Going through Greenwich is to go through space!

Connecting this phrase means I want to travel through space and time with you!

What a romantic lyrics, of course only those who understand it will understand.

After a song is sung, the audience is like watching a movie with first love ignorant and beautiful, enjoying the singing of Master Jiang Siming, and the ‘fit’ sound of tuan tuan with a green but superb tone.

After the end, Tuantuan's live broadcast room presents like snowflakes.

Jiang Siming did not receive as many gifts as hers, which is understandable.

Fans nowadays don't want to give gifts to Jiang Siming. Can you imagine that the anchor you reward every day is a billionaire?

It's like seeing a poor uncle at the stall every day when you commute to get off work, and you take care of his business every day.

But one day you suddenly discovered that this uncle stallholder actually has several residential buildings in the city center. Note that it is not a few, but a few.

Do you still take care of his business every day?

So Jiang Siming's fans ran to give Tuantuan gifts.

But they never expected that giving Tuantuan a gift was equivalent to giving Jiang Siming money (laughing and crying).

In this way, Tuantuan received more than two million gifts on this day, and it was the rare first time to surpass Jiang Siming on the gift list.

In order to satisfy the audience, the two went to the Huayi Recording Studio to record the song for the chorus the day after the broadcast, and put it on major music platforms.

Coincidentally, on this day, Jay Chou’s new song "Say Good or Not" was also on the shelves.

However, Jay Chou is cooperating with the Penguin Music platform. Only people in Penguin Music can hear it, and there is a charge, three yuan per song.

The two new songs just ran into each other, and the downloads of "Say Good or Not" naturally can't be listened to by Jiang Siming's platform for free.

However, the two can still compete on the enterprise platform.

Those with good things will always keep an eye on the download volume of these two new songs, and even the reporters will be moved by the sound, and they want to make some news about the news.

These reporters even wrote this unexpected collision as a contest between Jiang Siming and Zhou Dong.

The competition between two musical talents, who can have the last laugh.

While Jiang Siming's "Flight Insomnia" has been downloaded 1.6 million in a day by Penguin, and Jay Chou's "Say Good or Not" has reached 2 million in a day!

The reporters naturally started to add fuel and jealousy, saying that Jiang Siming's talent is still inferior to that of Jay Chou, and that Jiang Siming can't catch up with Jay Chou's paid songs.

The news also reached Jiang Siming's ears, but Jiang Siming didn't get angry at all.

Instead, he smiled and tweeted a paragraph on his Weibo, generously acknowledging that Jay Chou's status in today's music world is no one can shake, and said that his musical attainments and achievements and works are still thousands of miles away from Jay Chou.

In the end, Jiang Siming even said that he is also one of Jay Chou's fans. He listened to his new song immediately and liked it very much.

Jiang Siming said this sincerely. As soon as Dong Chou's new song came out, Jiang Siming immediately downloaded and purchased it.

He was not discouraged or angry when he lost to Jay Chou, because he himself knew that he was just a newcomer.

And Jay Chou’s status has been accumulated after more than ten years, one album every year, one step at a time.

He wanted to exceed, it was a dream.

He never thought about competing with his favorite singer.

This Weibo has completely lost the temper of what these reporters have said, and there is no opportunity to add fuel to it.

The outside world also praised Jiang Siming's high EQ because of Jiang Siming's Weibo, and many fans also comforted Jiang Siming to surpass Zhou Dong.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong also saw these news and Jiang Siming's Weibo, and also said that he also particularly liked Jiang Siming's songs, and even his wife loved listening.

My daughter even now only hums Jiang Siming's songs and does not sing his songs, which makes Jay Chou feel very jealous.

And Zhou Dong is away from the air @江司明, I hope I have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

Jiang Siming readily agreed, and instead of becoming enemies amidst public opinion provocation, the two became friends.

This made the reporters feel very helpless, and they dare not make up anymore.

The fans of Jiang Siming and Zhou Dong are very happy, because the two said that they will work together if they have the opportunity.

One is the irreplaceable King Zhou, and the other is a high-yield musical talent with the most popular songs this year.

What kind of sparks will the cooperation of the two people have and what kind of good songs will be produced, everyone is very much looking forward to.

Some fans even smiled and said to Jiang Siming: If you take Dong Zhou to play two LOLs, he will definitely be willing to write songs with you.

Everyone knows Jay Chou’s Promise Sword Saint, cough cough...

The matter was not over yet, the next day, another singer of the Heavenly King level released a new song.

The new song "Writing the Story as Us" from JJ is also on Penguin.

This news made countless fans feel what happened in the past two days, has the goddess of luck come?

Why are so many beloved singers writing new songs? That’s great. I won’t be making trouble in the past few months. It’s great~

The reason why so many singers write new songs is actually purposeful, because the Golden Melody Awards are about to open soon.

Many singers want to win before the Golden Melody Awards, and they may get a good award.

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