I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 835: Provocation from the elementary monk

Compared with the guests at other tables, Jiang Siming and the others looked very lively, with three men and three women talking and laughing.

Especially the three men and the three old men had the happiest chat.

It is said that there are three women in one drama, and today these three men can play a "Foreign Daughter-in-law and Local Lang"...

After eating early, the three women stayed in the hotel room and talked about cosmetics, fashionable clothes and bags.

Although Jiang Lan is not a member of the entertainment industry, she can accept Jinsha and Mrs. Zhou as a disciple in these aspects.

The two women were convinced by Jiang Lan's few words, and they would have a good chat while pulling her.

The three women left their freedom to the three men. They thought they should also go to the room to talk about music or something. They never thought that the three men could not resist the temptation of Internet addiction, so they sneaked into the Internet cafe (covering their faces).

It was the Internet cafe where Jiang Siming and JJ stayed yesterday. The three men all wore masks and hats and sat together to turn on the phone.

There are still many old pupils around, Jiang Siming wondered, why don't these guys go to school?

"Hey kid, don't you need to go to class?" Jiang Siming asked a pupil next to him who was playing with Li Qing.

"Uncle, don't you need to work?" Unexpectedly, the primary school student sarcastically asked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming said amusedly: "Uncle? Do you think I am like uncle, called brother."

"Cut, want to be my brother? Unless you can beat me solo!" The primary school student said, Li Qing also showed a hand icon, commonly known as a dog tag. Well, a seven-level dog tag. It seems that this blind monk is playing very well. 6 Ah.

Jiang Siming ate in front of the elementary school students, and JJ and Jay Chou were both cheating on the side.

Jiang Siming was not upset, and said with a smile: "Are you so confident? Are you the best in your school?"

"Nonsense, I am the number one blind monk in Taipei Elementary School."

"What rank."

"Diamond 3."

"Oh, yes, kid." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

There is also a primary school student with a third drill, who is really 6666. From this look, I know that the teachers at Wanwan School don't like to assign homework. You can show them to these children.

"Don't talk nonsense, uncle, do you want to take a solo, one hundred yuan, dare you to bet?" the pupil provoked.

On the other side, it may be the ‘enemy’ of the elementary school student who immediately said: “Uncle, don’t gamble with Tian Shao. Tian Shao’s blind monk is very powerful, and he especially likes to bet solo with people, just to win your internet fees.”

Young? Puff...Is the nickname of primary school students so diao now?

"Really, what should I do if I don't know how to be a blind monk?" Jiang Siming pretended to admit counsel.

"Then you can use whatever hero you want, I will use the blind monk, okay?" Tian Shao said arrogantly.

"A hundred yuan? Do you have the money? You won't lose the bill, right?" Jiang Siming said.

That said, Tian Shao directly took out a wad of Taiwan dollars from his trouser pocket, the lowest was one hundred yuan, and there were five hundred and one thousand.

Although Taiwan dollars are not expensive, one thousand Taiwan dollars can be worth more than 200 soft sister coins.

Jiang Siming counted it roughly. It was about tens of thousands of Taiwan dollars, which is equivalent to four to five thousand yuan. Really rich, a kid now.

I think he had only 10 yuan in pocket money every month, and it was only 30 cents a day when he spread it out. At that time, Jiang Siming felt quite rich, and he was considered a "well-off level" among the children in the same village.

By comparison, Jiang Siming feels that even a year’s pocket money is not as much as a banknote in the pockets of no one’s children...

It's so popular.

"You're all your parents' money, right? I don't dare to bet, what if your parents come to me to settle the account." Jiang Siming said.

"Cut, I won this money with my classmates at the school. I saved it for two or three years." Tian Shao said triumphantly.

"Do you want to play or not? Just tell me if you don't dare to bet, such a big person, who is still shivering for a hundred dollars, is it a man?" Tian Shao asked impatiently.

"Come on, come on, say yes first, don't cry if you lose." Jiang Siming smiled.

"Hehe, you'd better prepare to take down your wallet, uncle." Tian Shao said, shaking the slanted bangs on his forehead, so spicy and elegant.

Now that they have decided to SOLO, Jiang Siming also landed in League of Legends.

Both Jay Chou and JJ are waiting for a good show and don't want to play other games at all. This is much more interesting than playing by themselves.

What made Jiang Siming a little helpless was that he did not have a Taiwan server account, and Wanwan did not log in with Penguin.

"I don't have a number, my number is from the mainland." Jiang Siming said.

"It's okay, I'll ask them to lend you one." Tian Shao said generously, but he did not expect that he had found several classmates and would not lend him.

"Hey, your popularity is too bad. At first glance, you are hated by others for winning money." Jiang Siming laughed and teased.

Tian Shao was said to be quite ashamed, and finally forced a hundred dollars to a classmate before borrowing the account.

"Let’s say it first, I spent 100 yuan for this number. You can’t just play and run. In this way, we will SOLO for at least an hour. Within an hour, you are not allowed to run and you have to solo with me all the time." Tian Shao Dao.

"Okay, no problem, as long as your money is enough to lose." Jiang Siming agreed with a smile.

Being so despised by a kid, how can he know how ‘streak’ the society outside is without a lesson.

The two landed in the game, Tian Shao really picked the blind monk in seconds, and brought the ignition and weakness. This means that he usually watches the live broadcast of the master.

Jiang Siming deliberately chose a troll, and Tian Shao dismissed it. He probably didn't cross the line with the troll very much. He felt that this rotten lump could beat his blind boy.

After SOLO started, Jiang Siming and Tian Shao both controlled their heroes to go to the middle.

As soon as they met, Young Master Tian controlled his Li Qing to give Jiang Siming a Tianyin wave, right in the middle of Jiang Siming's door.

In the question, he smiled triumphantly and immediately hit Jiang Siming's face with an echo, and then a flat A, and the electric shock was beaten out.

But look at Jiang Siming again, he is wearing cloth armor plus 5 red, this electric shock does not hurt him at all.

On the other hand, Jiang Siming's troll, after being kicked, took a bite at the blind monk, and then he held a big stick and swiped at the ‘disabled’!

The blind monk's blood volume dropped quite quickly, Tian Shao's face changed slightly, and he wanted to escape.

However, the position where he kicked Jiang Siming was near the bottom of Jiang Siming's tower, and there was still a long way to go to his own defensive tower, and the key blind boy did not show up.

Jiang Siming controlled the troll to stick to the blind boy all the way, and with a fierce fight, the troll's Q skill CD was very fast. When he took the second bite, the blind boy was almost out of blood.

Helplessly, Tian Shao quickly set Jiang Siming's troll weak, trying to slow him down and ran away.

But Jiang Siming's troll also brought weakness to the blind, and he also set a weakness for the blind monk, so the speed of the two was still the same.

Finally, when Tian Shao was about to flee to his own defensive tower, Jiang Siming's Q skills improved again, and he took a bite at Tian Shao's blind boy's butt, then added a flat A and Lit, and walked away.

When the blind monk returned to his defense tower, he fell to the ground and became a corpse.

[Author's digression]: Sake promises everyone that the National Day will not be a holiday! Continually updated!

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