I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 836: Jiang Siming’s "Kindness"

Tian Shao's face was quite'unhappy', the kind that wanted to be angry but didn't dare to speak.

"Thank you, one hundred yuan." Jiang Siming said with a grin.

"One hundred is one hundred! Here you are!" Tian Shao said and counted five 100 Taiwan dollars to Jiang Siming.

"Is this five hundred?" Jiang Siming reminded.

"Of course I know, I'm talking about one hundred, it's Soft Girl Coins! Not Taiwan Dollars! You will give me Soft Girl Coins later if you lose." Tian Shao said.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Okay, let's continue."

The two re-opened the customization, Tian Shao chose the blind boy again, and Jiang Siming chose the troll again.

He did it on purpose, wanting to **** off this little boy.

When Tian Shao saw Jiang Siming re-elect the troll, the expression on his face was a little convulsive, and he could only sneer: "I won't be so waved this time, you scumbag wait to die."

"Yes, then come on."

Starting again, the result was still the same this time. Within a minute of the line, Jiang Siming killed the kid again.

Tian Shaoqi jumped his feet and wanted to continue.

He is still a blind boy, and Jiang Siming is still a troll.

Third round...

Fourth round...

The tenth game...

Ten blind monks in a row, Jiang Siming ten trolls in a row, hammered this elementary school student to his head.

Almost crying.

"Uncle, can you not use this hero!"

"No, you said it yourself, whatever hero I choose."


Eleventh inning...

30th inning...

"I'm not playing anymore! Uuuu...it's so disgusting~" Tian Shao cried, and cried.

All the four to five thousand soft sister coins in his pocket were given to Jiang Siming, without any left.

There was still a lot left, but he still had a few big bets with Jiang Siming, all of which were five hundred and five hundred.

So he has no money.

"Are you gamble? I still use trolls, and you still use blind monks." Jiang Siming said to Tian Shao who whizzed.

Tian Shao cried even more sadly, gave Jiang Siming angrily, then turned his head and went home.

It is estimated that this child will never want to meet a troll again in his life. The stick of the troll may leave a lingering shadow in the child's childhood.

Jiang Siming felt a little guilty about this. He had known how to play with a few stone men. Well, they are also very meaty...

After Tian Shao had left, Jiang Siming looked at the eyes of other primary school students admiringly, and smiled and put the won money on the table.

"How much money you lose to Tianxiao, take it back from me, remember, no more gambling in the future, do you hear?"

When the pupils heard that there was still such a good thing, they immediately walked over to take away the money lost from Tian Shao.

They supervise each other, but no one dares to take it randomly.

In the end, Jiang Siming had more than one thousand yuan left.

For this one thousand yuan, Jiang Siming generously invited these children to go online and also packaged their drink Coke.

Give these children beautiful, the nose is almost coming out.

I called my brother one by one, not uncle anymore.

Jiang Siming smiled and handed two bottles of Coke to JJ and Jay Chou, pretending to be generous: "Yes, I have a treat today. I pack all the drinks on the Internet, but you have invited you for dinner."

Jay Chou laughed with JJ, this guy's abacus is really fine.

The three of them started to surf the Internet happily, and played until almost noon. Mrs. Zhou called to urge people, and the three left the Internet cafe.

As soon as he walked out of the Internet cafe, Jiang Siming met an acquaintance, dignified young man, brother!

There was also a woman with Tian Shao, who seemed to be his mother.

"It's over, the kid called my mother to come, Myojin, let's hurry up."

"Yeah, there are so many people outside, it's not good for us to be recognized."

Zhou Dong and JJ were afraid that the mother would make trouble, and they wanted to take Jiang Siming away.

Seeing that the three of them were about to leave, the grandmother immediately came to block the way of the three of them.

"A Tian, ​​who won your money?"

Shao Tian immediately pointed to Jiang Siming and said, "It's him!"

Jiang Siming touched his nose and said, "Children, don't you say that you won't cry if you win or lose and you won't call your parents?"

Tian Shao flashed awkwardly on his face, and hid behind his mother without explaining.

This guy won so much money for himself, how could he let it go.

After hearing this, the mother walked up to Jiang Siming murderously and said, "You cheated my son the money?"

"Auntie, what is cheating? You are too ugly to say that. We are playing fair and he wants to gamble with me." Jiang Siming said.

"Is that so?" Tian Shao's mother asked her son back.

Who would have thought that this little kid would openly lie and not blush, and replied: "No, he took me to play, and even beat me if he didn't play."

"Wow, kid, it's not right for you to lie." JJ and Jay Chou came out immediately to defend.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the other children in the Internet cafe came out and began to justice.

"I testify that Tian Tian wanted to play by himself!"

"Yes, he always likes to bet with people and won us a lot of money!"

"Ama, he asked this brother to bet with him, it has nothing to do with brother!"

"We can all testify!"


Sure enough, he can't help but be short-handed. Jiang Siming is now the super idol of these children, and of course he has to stand on the side of the idol.

When Tian Shao's mother heard that, Qi Qiao was angry, and she immediately beat Tian Shao in the street, beating Tian Shao and crying, shouting that she would never dare anymore.

Jiang Siming not only did not sympathize, but instead took a sip of the ice that he had not finished drinking. The ice is so delicious~

Tian Shao's mother didn't intend to embarrass Jiang Siming after beating the child, but planned to drag the child back.

At this time, Jiang Siming stopped her, revealing the ‘smile’ that Tian Shao seemed to be the most devil and scariest.

"Auntie, it's really not good for me to win your kid's money, but if I pay him back, I'm afraid he will run out to surf the Internet again, so you can see if it works."

Jiang Siming pointed to a bookstore next to him, and said to the mother: "I will buy all the money that wins him into test papers. You take it back and let the child do it slowly, so that he doesn't have time to go online and can do it well. You can save a lot of money by studying, what do you think?"

This mother was overjoyed! I immediately agreed!

Jiang Siming also kept his promise, went to the bookstore and ordered five thousand yuan test papers, a full truckload of test papers! There are all types and stages.

What Chinese, Mathematics, Mathematical Olympiad, ancient poetry, foreign languages, ideology and morality, sixth grade primary school have everything, as well as junior high school physics, chemistry, biology, history,

There are also high schools. What is the five-year simulation of the three-year college entrance examination? This kind of test paper is piled up.

Jiang Siming almost emptied most of the bookstore, just like he didn't need money. Then he settled the bill contentedly and asked the owner of the bookstore to send him home.

Tian Shao's mother was so grateful to Jiang Siming that she looked at these Chengshan test papers, and was as happy as seeing the day her son became a talent.

Jiang Siming did not forget to remind Tian Shao's mother: "Auntie, I have tested it. Your child is talented and likes to surf the Internet. As long as he is willing to study hard and do all these test papers, he will definitely be a great talent in the future!"

After hearing this, my mother was very convinced and assured Jiang Siming that she would supervise him to finish writing these test papers.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming showed a relieved smile, and then looked at the brother Tian Shaotian. At this time, his eyes were dull, like a life, like a concubine...

[Author's digression]: National Day is not a holiday, sake is always more!

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