I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 842: Fly back to the magic city

"You kid, I have to be willing to join the Heavenly Group. The feeling is because of this."

The old man Tianzu sat next to him, laughing and teasing.

Jiang Siming did not deny it, it was indeed for this reason, there was nothing to deny.

Chief No. 1 is not embarrassed by Jiang Siming. It is enough for him to get Jiang Siming's words just now. As long as he really needs it, he believes Jiang Siming will help.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's have a breakfast together. I have to go to the YB ceremony in a while. You all go, Xiaojiang, later you go and pick up all your confidantes. I'll let you be in the tower. Arrange a place on the board." One said.

"Really? Thank you so much, Chief."

Jiang Siming was overjoyed. It was more comfortable to be able to go to the tower to watch it than to go to a nearby hotel. That was the closest distance to watch the YB ceremony.

"But I have a condition."

"Chief, you say."

"If someone dares to mess around today, you have to kill these people unconsciously, can you do it?" Chief One asked.

"No problem, it's a trivial matter." Jiang Siming smiled. If there is any trouble, he can perceive it as long as there is murderous intent.

"That's good, but you don't have to worry too much. This situation is just a hypothesis, and it's not so easy to happen."

After the number one is finished, let the guard go early.

After a while, breakfast was placed on the table. The breakfast was very simple, nothing more than soy milk, fried dough sticks and buns.

Although he is already a billionaire, Jiang Siming doesn't dislike these simple breakfasts at all, and eats a bite of meat buns.

Besides, Chief One does not dislike this kind of breakfast, what qualifications does he have to dislike.

Seeing Jiang Siming eating happily, the two elders smiled at each other, and their impression of Jiang Siming improved.

People who can have breakfast with them without being nervous, especially young people, have never met.

After eating earlier, and chatting for a while, the Chief No. 1 left, and the old man of Tian Group also followed.

Jiang Siming naturally didn't want to stay here more, and asked the guards to drive him back to the airport.

When I returned to the airport and talked to my girlfriends about what happened in the morning, the girls were so surprised that they couldn't help but also proud.

Look, this is their man, who can have breakfast with Chief One. Who can do it?

Jiang Siming also told them that they could go to the tower to watch YB together, and danced them happily.

Jiang Siming asked Li Chunlan to drive out the car on the plane. This car was not a Rolls-Royce, but replaced with that oversized RV.

He was afraid that the car would not be enough for the departure together, so he changed to the RV in advance.

Not to mention, as soon as the RV comes out, whoever competes with each other will pack all of them.

The family got on the RV and headed to the tower. They encountered countless censorships as they approached the square.

There must be martial law near the square today, with guards and soldiers everywhere.

The nearby roads are also so empty for the first time. In normal times, which road in Kyoto is not jammed by traffic or people.

Although there was a review, Jiang Siming took out the small notebook of the Tianzu Keqing and went all the way to the downstairs of the tower without any hindrance.

A guard came over immediately and led Jiang Siming's family up to the tower, and found a place for them to sit down.

What surprised Jiang Siming was that the location was so great, not only the highest point of the tower, but also the YB ceremony downstairs to the greatest extent.

And there are few people who can't get the sun, so you don't have to basking in the sun like other people and waiting to see.

Jiang Siming didn't believe that this position was random, it must have been specially approved by Chief One.

Now that he had received this love, Jiang Siming had to do some work. After going upstairs, Jiang Siming's consciousness spread out and locked in every move around the tower.

There is no situation, but Jiang Siming remains vigilant, and he will do it at any time if there is a situation.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the YB ceremony officially began, and almost all the people on the tower were there.

It's just that no one has Jiang Siming's treatment and has such a good position. Most people who come to see YB sit in the sun, near the end of the building.

How can you sit at the highest place like Jiang Siming, still not in the sun, the key is still hidden, no one can notice them here, even the camera can not take it.

"Wow, this is really spectacular!" Zhao Xuan said with emotion.

"Yes, I used to especially want to join the army as a female soldier, hehe." Reba smiled.

"I could only watch it on TV before, but I can finally watch it live today. It has fulfilled my dream." Chi Zheng said, holding his mobile phone and taking pictures.

"I think the brother must be super handsome in military uniform." Wang Xinyi said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm looking forward to it too~"

"Why don't you buy him a camouflage uniform without a military rank?"

"I think it can be!"

All the women agree,

Jiang Siming can't laugh or cry, what's the matter, brother still needs someone with no rank? Brother is already a major general. Did I say anything, am I proud? I don't have it~


The women watched the ceremony happily, and you said a word to me.

Until ten o'clock, the YB ceremony was over, Jiang Siming was also relieved, nothing happened, everything went well.

Think about it, too, Huaxia is so powerful now, who dares to cause trouble at this kind of bones, this is looking for death.

YB was over, Jiang Siming also took his wives into the RV, and soon disappeared.

The family flew back to the magic city again, just at noon.

Although it only took more than two hours to watch the military parade, the impression given to Jiang Siming may not fade for two hundred years.

Today, for him, not only did he watch the YB ceremony, but he also ate early with the No. 1 Chief. With that, Jiang Siming felt that he was too worthwhile.

As soon as October ended, it was the holiday. The statutory seven-day holiday, and the girlfriends’ companies all took a break, and they all went home to enjoy this rare seven-day holiday.

Jiang Siming wanted to take them out to play, but all of these girls don't want to go out again. For them, home is 10,000 times more comfortable than outside.

So the family spends holidays in the manor, sleeps in the morning until they wake up naturally, and at noon plays tennis, swimming, rubbing mahjong, playing cards and so on.

In the evening, Jiang Siming was "cleaned up" until dawn, and the next day he slept until he woke up naturally. When he woke up, he continued to rub mahjong and play ball after eating...

This cycle goes back and forth, endlessly~

Taking advantage of the last two days of vacation, the women were finally willing to leave.

Get on the plane and head to Jiangxi!

Nanchang, Jiangxi, this is the last place they want to play during the seven-day vacation.

As for why I went to Nanchang, because in Nanchang, there is an amusement park that belongs to Jiang Siming.

This amusement park was originally owned by Wang's richest man, Wan Da Amusement Park. Later, after Jiang Siming gathered the pieces, this amusement park belonged to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming has never been to see it, and he almost wanted to sell it, but after discovering that the amusement park is actually profitable, he was not willing to sell it.

And the key is such a large piece of land, Jiang Siming didn't even think about selling it.

Today is finally free.

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