I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 843: The champion figure is out!

Taking advantage of the last two days of vacation, the women were finally willing to leave.

Get on the plane and head to Jiangxi!

Nanchang, Jiangxi, this is the last place they want to play during the seven-day vacation.

As for why I went to Nanchang, because in Nanchang, there is an amusement park that belongs to Jiang Siming.

This amusement park was originally owned by Wang's richest man, Wan Da Amusement Park. Later, after Jiang Siming gathered the pieces, this amusement park belonged to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming has never been to see it, and he almost wanted to sell it, but after discovering that the amusement park is actually profitable, he was not willing to sell it.

And the key is such a large piece of land, Jiang Siming didn't even think about selling it.

Today is finally free.

In the last two days of vacation, the number of visitors dropped by more than half. Jiang Siming was fortunate to have the amusement park shut down with great pride, not to make profits in these two days, but also to let his wives have fun.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome for them to play with a lot of people. They want to line up for a lot of projects, and his wife is so beautiful, it will inevitably cause some young people to come over and talk up.

Besides, there are super-red actresses like Reba, Yoona and Ishihara, and they won't cause a sensation by then.

So in order to prevent such trivial things from happening, Jiang Siming closed the amusement park, but the staff still have to be in place, otherwise the machine is not open for him to play?

This is the first time Jiang Siming has come to review his amusement park industry.

After two days in the amusement park, the family had a great time.

There are many shows in it, so I can't finish it in one day. It took two days to play them all.

In addition to the amusement park, there is also a large ocean park, a cool blue and white porcelain building mall.

In short, this includes everything you can eat, drink and play.

No wonder the total investment is as high as 40 billion, Jiang Siming feels that this place is indeed worth the price.

Jiang Siming is also very satisfied with the ‘inspection’ process. Such a large real estate industry will be kept if there is no shortage of money in the future. If it is short, it can be sold at any time, hehe.

The seven-day holiday officially ended, and Jiang Siming's family also returned to their home.

When the holiday is over, those who should go to school go to school and those who should go to work go to work.

Jiang Siming is also waiting for the day to go to Paris, Europe, and the individual player competition in the division is coming.

Only one hundred people in the world can participate, and there are only ten to fifteen places in each competition area.

On the Huaxia team, the quota has been released.

Most of the top 15 in the national server list are players from major professional teams.

RNG's Tinker Bell, 17's Captain A Beast, OMG's Smile and Lion, SSG's Zhou Lili, IFTY's Big Brother A+, AG's Ergou and so on.

These are professional players, professional teams.

Some are passersby and high-scoring anchors.

Like Pigff and Carl, the Carl here is not the League of Legends Carl from a tooth, but Carl from a certain fish. This person and pig are good friends and a high-scoring anchor at the same time. His strength is very strong.

There are also high-scoring passers-by anchor players such as Thomas, Mao Ji, Qingyu, and Lan Zhanfei.

As for 4am, there are three members on the list! Jiang Siming is naturally one, and the other two are Wei Jiang and Wang Duoyu.

Duoyu also worked hard this time, rushing to the top 15 of the national service, and successfully harvested a ticket to the World Championship.

The most interesting thing is that the original 4am team was lonely, remember.

He also rushed into the top 15 of the national server, and the ranking is still very high, in fourth place.

He thought he could be selected for this event, but he did not expect the official to tell him that he was still in the ban and was not eligible to participate in this event.

This notice blasted Tangtang out of loneliness, and he had been playing Rank and ranking almost endlessly during this period.

It's strange that he didn't explode if he finally got the news that he was disqualified.

In addition to this list notification, there is another thing that makes 4am and 4am fans particularly happy.

That is, the 4am championship figure has been released!

Jiang Siming also received the gift box from Blue Hole and the first batch of hand-made models.

Jiang Siming didn't want to enjoy this happiness alone, so he opened the live broadcast and started to open the box for everyone.

"Today's figurines have just been on sale. Even if many of you have bought them, they have not yet arrived. I have already arrived. Let me show you how the figurines look like, hehe."

Jiang Siming said to the audience with a smile while opening the box.

The audience in the live broadcast room said it was too cheap. We did not look at Yunyun, but their eyes were fixed on the screen, waiting for Jiang Siming to open the box.

The box opened, a huge box, Jiang Siming opened the lid, and there were all 4am's hands inside!

Everyone's cartoon doll model is inside. The Q version of Wei Shen held up the M416 in a charge, with a golden flame at the muzzle.

Duoyu was skimming thunder, holding a hand thunder with a hideous face, and making Jiang Siming laugh.

"Duyu, are you watching the live broadcast of Brother, you look at you, it is too ugly, it has reduced the image of our entire team." Jiang Siming teased.

Unexpectedly, Wang Duoyu was really there, and immediately sent a barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I protest, why are your hands so handsome and so ugly!"

Jiang Siming smiled and replied: "You have to face reality, ugliness is ugly, you can see that Blink is no different from Aluka, and Awei, both ugly and ugly."

The audience is happy, you are the best!

Not to mention, Jiang Siming's figure is really the best.

First of all, this Q version character is very vivid. Jiang Siming's hairstyle and face are the same as the cartoon character. Although not as handsome as a real person, he is better than a cartoon and cute.

Many girls have a strong desire to buy after seeing Jiang Siming's figure. They really want to buy one and put it at home on the bedside to sleep every day~

The figure of Jiang Siming held a 98k in his hand, and there was a lasing bullet in front of the muzzle.

It looks pretty cool, Jiang Siming can't help but nodded when he saw it. It's not bad. I like it.

Put this figure next to the computer desk, and keep it here from now on, aiming at the camera to let the audience take a good look.

There are more people watching, so naturally there will be more people willing to buy (the profiteer smiles).

In addition to the figures, the championship uniforms were also released. Jiang Siming quickly took a look at the game.

In addition to the championship suit, the championship figure has also been released, but his MVP suit has not yet been released.

But the official said, his MVP suit will appear in a few days.

The purpose of the separation is to sell as many points as possible. First, sell out the championship suit and then sell the MVP suit, so as to maximize the empty wallets of players.

Jiang Siming feels very familiar with this decision, a proper penguin game style.

He seriously doubted that Boss Ma had undercovered Penguin's plan to the blue hole, otherwise how he learned the familiar ‘operations and routines’ blue hole (laughing and crying).


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