I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 847: Invest 30 billion!

Hearing that he could live for a year, A Spider was so happy.

She has been wandering around the rivers and lakes with her mother-in-law Jinhua since she was a child. There is no place to settle down at all. Now she can live in such a beautiful Mount Emei, of course she is happy.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang, then I'm going to see my mother-in-law." A spider said joyfully.

Jiang Siming stopped her and said: "I just gave your mother-in-law exercise to heal her injuries. She now needs to rest and cannot be disturbed. You can visit her tomorrow."

Jiang Siming knew that the Purple Shirt Dragon King was now faceless to meet people, and knew that she didn't want to see people, so he was very ‘caring’ to walk away.

On the bed just now, Daiqisi, the purple-shirted dragon king, was ‘cleaned up’ by him and subdued, dare to hide? nonexistent.

Since there is still a Persian Mingjiao hunting down, Jiang Siming does not intend to withdraw from the copy for the time being, and directly asks the Emei disciples to go down the mountain to spread the word, and the mother-in-law Jinhua is in Emei Mountain.

Sure enough, in less than a day, the Persian Mingjiao killed them.

The leader is led by the chief leader.

This group of people acted boldly and directly injured the female disciple guarding the mountain gate and broke into the Emei school.

Even if they are surrounded by a group of Emei disciples, a few people are not afraid.

"I heard that Jiang Siming, the number one master of the Central Plains, is in Mount Emei. Let him come out, just to learn about the backward martial arts of the Central Plains." The chief master said proudly.

Jiang Siming had already appeared without the need to spread the word.

"You miscellaneous hairs are from the Persian Archbishop, and those who dare to hurt me, very good, especially good."

Jiang Siming's eyes laughed, and the chief hierarch gave a cold snort, and slammed Jiang Siming directly!

The torch makes martial arts, really weird and powerful!

All the female disciples of Emei exclaimed.

But they exclaimed not because of the strength of this group of outsiders, but because of surprise...in one round, the archbishop...had fallen to the ground and died...


Everyone was stunned, and the people in the Persian general altar couldn't believe their eyes.

"Amao and Agou dare to look down on the Central Plains, if it weren't for Lao Tzu's inability to leave the country, you Persian Lao Tzu will kill you every minute!

Jiang Siming took a tui, and then made a big gesture: "Kill all of these."

The female disciples of Emei took the order and all killed several people in the general altar.

With Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun among the top martial arts masters, none of these people were spared and all died on Mount Emei.

"Search them for anything valuable." Jiang Siming said.

The female disciple went to search obediently, but found the holy fire order on the archmaster!

Jiang Siming took a look and found that the master teacher's martial arts was hidden on the torch order.

It's just that this kind of martial arts is worthless in his eyes, and it's not as valuable as a few taels of silver.

"If you pass on this martial arts, Emei disciples can learn it."

Jiang Siming then handed the sacred fire order to Ding Minjun. Since it is a peerless martial arts, the disciples of the Emei school have learned it, the stronger Emei's power will be, and then he will be able to exercise less.

The female disciples of Emei were very excited when they suddenly received a martial arts masterpiece.

In the past, advanced martial arts were secretly taught, and ordinary disciples were not qualified to learn it at all. Only disciples of the inner sect and master’s direct disciples could learn it.

And now that Jiang Siming is here, they can all learn martial arts that they may not learn in their lifetime.

Of course, even with peerless martial arts, the speed and effect of learning are different.

People with good talents learn fast, and those with dumb talents learn slowly, and they can only learn a little.

But even fur is enough.

After all the Persian miscellaneous hairs were finally settled, Jiang Siming didn't leave any more, and if it was about to dawn, he quickly explained something to Ding Minjun and the others, and withdrew from the copy.

A few days later, the Purple Shirt Dragon King came out of the room and asked about the whereabouts of his female disciple Jiang Siming. Dezhi Jiang Siming was in retreat, but the Purple Shirt Dragon King was a little bit lost...


It didn't take long to return to the real world, something that made Jiang Siming a little excited happened. He has been putting on the [large stock chart] that hasn't been moving, it rang!

After discovering this movement, Jiang Siming immediately went to Yinghuan to set up a mission. This time the deposit rose to 30 billion!

Jiang Siming saw the source of this movement, and it was the US stock market!

It turned out that following the unusually weak ISM manufacturing data released by the United States on Tuesday.

The ADP employment data released by the US on Wednesday (known as small non-farmers) triggered a wave of selling, and investors further deepened their economic doubts.

This has caused a large number of stock personnel to sell manufacturing stocks.

To put it simply, the American manufacturing industry has encountered a ‘financial crisis’.

And their stocks will soon become cheap goods that nobody wants.

With one week left before this happened, Jiang Siming has plenty of time to spend the 30 billion!

This was the time for Yinghuan employees to eat and rest at noon. Jiang Siming interrupted everyone's rest and asked Yinghuan to hold an emergency meeting.

A large number of high-level personnel rushed back to the company without knowing it, including Li Yingzi who was also at a loss.

Yinghuan meeting room.

Jiang Siming looked at the high-level staff of Yinghuan with a smile on his face. They were all stock elites.

"What happened, my chairman?" Li Yingzi saw Jiang Siming's expression and knew that there must be a big drama.

After all, the two are "husbands and wives", why can Li Yingzi know her man?

"Let me just say that there is a huge task coming out. Everyone is prepared to not leave the company in one step for these two months, except for Mr. Li."

Jiang Siming smiled and said to everyone that this kind of stock trader would never allow them to leave the company during the period.

Because it’s easy for people to dig out information when going out, Yinghuan is big enough anyway, and the whole building is owned by him, Jiang Siming, it’s too easy to live in it for a few months.

Li Yingzi is her own woman, so of course she doesn't have to suffer from this crisis of trust.

After listening to other employees, you look at me and I look at you. They have to stay in Yinghuan for two months and cannot go out. What are the big moves?

"Just tell us how much to vote this time, and we will have a bottom line." Li Yingzi urged.

Jiang Siming made a three gesture.

"Three billion? That's quite a lot." Li Yingzi was slightly surprised. Three billion is a lot.

But Jiang Siming shook his head and confided: "It's 30 billion!"


Now everyone in the conference room is scared, what? 30 billion!

What is the concept of 30 billion? At that time, Johnson and Johnson made a total of about 30 billion yuan.

Now they have to invest 30 billion directly. These two concepts are completely different.

The former is based on small gains, and the latter is an ante. Losing is a blood loss.

"Don't talk nonsense with you, I'll give you one day off. I will report to the company at this time tomorrow, and bring me all your daily necessities. I am ready to stay in the company for two months. Any comments?"

"No!" everyone answered in unison, who would dare to have an opinion? They are eager to participate in such a major event.

If this kind of big operation is made, can they pay less dividends? Hehe.


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