I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 848: Sniper action!

On the third day, Jiang Siming was still sitting in Win Huan, and his chairman's office was opened up as a temporary residence for more than 20 elite traders.

All the entertainment facilities in the office were removed and replaced with tents, sofas, and computer tables.

Dozens of computers were placed inside, and the door was closed.

These twenty-odd traders, both men and women, had to settle for food and drink in these two months, and could not go out anywhere.

As soon as I entered, everyone turned in their mobile phones, and no chat software on the computer was allowed to be installed.

There are security guards outside the door, except for Jiang Siming and Li Yingzi, no one is allowed to approach the office.

The people inside were not allowed to come out until the end of the stock sniper operation.

Although this is a bit harsh, there is no way. This is a sniper with an ante of more than 30 billion. Once the news is revealed, it is likely to cause huge losses.

In fact, many major moves in the stock industry are like this, which is rare and strange.

In the office, Jiang Siming looked at the office that was about to become a ‘refugee area’, but he didn’t feel distressed at all.

Just spoil it, as long as this sniper is successful, he will at least make a profit of hundreds of billions, and he can build countless more offices of this kind.

Jiang Siming would not frown even after they had removed all of it in the past two months. People are desperately making money for themselves, and they are not willing to be any bosses at this sacrifice.

Since the beginning of the day, Yinghuan has already begun to operate the capital flooding the stock market, which is no more than a few billion at most compared to before.

This time, Yinghuan's funds injected into the stock market amounted to 30 billion!

Thirty billion is already equivalent to the total market value of some medium-sized enterprises, and this investment cannot be negligible.

Especially in the era of declining stock market in recent years, not to mention China, even in the world, few people dare to play this way.

Now it's all based on small blogs, click to the end, small troubles.

How can anyone dare to throw 30 billion in, and it will rarely happen in the era of stock fires.

After the capital injection was completed, Jiang Siming's pocket was lost by 30 billion. It was a little bit painful, but it didn't matter, he would come back sooner or later.

Besides, 30 billion is just a piece of mind for his big boss, who already has 200 billion in assets, even if he loses money, it doesn't matter.

Relying on Fu Xi, he can earn it back in a few months.

When the funds were in place, the sniper operation officially began. With Li Yingzi as the helmsman, the trader had already cultivated a tacit understanding between them, so the operation was orderly and fast.

Jiang Siming stayed until the end of the night, and Ying Huan had already picked up 5 billion yuan. It is estimated that within a week, these 30 billion yuan can be invested.

Seeing everyone so stable, Jiang Siming was relieved.

"Okay, keep going, I will leave work with President Li, cough cough."

Jiang Siming got up from his chair and said to the employees.

It is impossible for him and Li Yingzi to stay here forever. They are the boss, not the employees.

While looking at Jiang Siming and Li Yingzi with ambiguous eyes, the employees said: The two bosses are walking slowly.

After starting a joke, Li Yingzi blushed and quickly turned away.

Jiang Siming coughed dryly, and said in a bad breath: "What kind of eyes are you, do you still want the bonus?"

As soon as these words came out, these guys became honest in an instant, and quickly retracted their heads.

Jiang Siming smiled triumphantly, sample, is it not easy to clean up you?

"It's almost the same. Alright. I have reserved a few administrative girls for you to take turns to watch the gate at night. If you want to eat a supper or have any living items to buy, notify the door security, and the security will ask the administrative girl to buy it. Yes, you can eat whatever you want. As long as you can buy it at night, the company will pay."

Jiang Siming confessed, and all the employees laughed openly when they heard it. It's good to be with a local boss.

If they were replaced by someone else, they might only be accompanied by instant noodles when they were hungry at night.

"Everyone insists on two months. After two months, regardless of success or failure, I will give you awards and then take you three months off. How about?"


After hearing this, there is no reason why everyone is not excited. Working for two months, taking three months off, and regardless of success or failure, there will be rewards. This welfare is also praised!

"Okay, you can work at ease. If there is something at home, you can get rid of the company's administrative department and let them take care of it. By the way, the most important thing is that you live together for two months. Women, those without a family can of course cultivate relationships with the opposite sex, and those with a family are not allowed to come here, if I find out, they will be expelled."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, everyone laughed and expressed resolute compliance.

Jiang Siming's subsequent remarks were mainly because he was afraid that these elders would be too boring for two months. What if there is affection for colleagues who get along with each other day and night during this period.

Of course it’s okay if you don’t have a family, but if you have a family, then family members come to the company to settle the accounts, what's the matter.

Later, Jiang Siming realized that he was thinking too much. They stayed up all night and worked overtime for the past two months. They just wanted to sleep when they turned off the computer. There was no time to talk about personal relationships (laughing and crying).

Not everyone’s energy is as good as him. Besides, these elite traders are all around 30. They all have families and children. There is even a female trader who is a mother of two children, and one child is fast. In high school, how can they have that spirit.

After explaining to these guys, Jiang Siming took Li Yingzi home from get off work.

Zhao Xuan upstairs was also waiting at the door of the company early. She Fu Xi was upstairs in Yinghuan, so she went to get off work with Li Yingzi.

"Oh, the big boss got off work on time today? It's incredible." Zhao Xuan saw Jiang Siming and began to tease.

If Jiang Siming hadn't seen the number of off-duty employees around him, he would have gone to shoot her PP long ago.

"I'm kidding, then I need to say, my boss is famously dedicated." Jiang Siming replied with a thick face.

The two women covered their mouths. If their men were considered dedicated to their work, then it is estimated that all the employees in the world would be very dedicated.

The three of them talked and laughed and walked to the exclusive elevator. These are two elevators newly opened after the elevator was repaired before. One is for Yinghuan employees. Now Yinghuan and Fuxi employees can use it.

Another one is exclusive to the boss, and there are seats inside. Normally Jiang Siming no longer sits with Yingzi and Zhao Xuan.

The boss can sit, but the boss can sit too.

Compared to other elevators with congestion, Yinghuan’s exclusive elevators are much better, but because they are all off work, there are still a lot of people.

When the three of them entered the boss elevator, they saw Qi Muqing and Qi Muxin standing in front of Yinghuan’s exclusive elevator, worrying, because there were too many people, the two sisters planned to sit down in a group.

"Xiaoxin Xiaoqing, come here soon." Li Yingzi waved to the two.

Qi Muqing and Qi Muxin walked over after hearing the words and were pulled into the boss elevator by Li Yingzi.

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