I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 849: I didn't cook your meal at home

"I have told you so many times that you two can also take this elevator, why have to wait?" Li Yingzi'teached' the two sisters.

Qi Muqing blushed and lowered her eyebrows, not daring to speak.

Qi Muxin was a little bolder and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, my sister and I are afraid of other people in the company gossiping."

"What gossip, you are my sister, are they?" Li Yingzi said domineeringly.

Zhao Xuan ridiculed on the side: "Yes, anyway, sooner or later it will be a family."

The two sisters were confused, only Li Yingzi and Jiang Siming understood.

Jiang Siming secretly reached out and grabbed a handful of Zhao Xuan's **** Alice T, making Zhao Xuan's blush and heartbeat, almost silently screaming.

Finally, he could only stare at Jiang Siming with beautiful eyes.

Jiang Siming chuckled, isn't it possible to "punish" her for a while?

Li Yingzi looked at these two sisters, the more she looked, the more she liked it.

At the same time, I was upset that I had an accident on the birthday of the two sisters last time, otherwise Jiang Siming would definitely not use it to save himself and delay the ‘big event’ of taking the sister’s flowers.

Think about it, Li Yingzi started to wonder how to match her husband with this beautiful pair of sisters, Secretary Hua.

If Jiang Siming knew Li Yingzi's thoughts, he would immediately stand up from the sofa and hug her and kiss her. It's really a good wife for me!

Until the elevator arrived, Li Yingzi didn't think of a good way.

She intends to go back and discuss with the sisters, everyone will raise wisdom and recruit new concubines for her majesty.

The two sisters of Qi Muqing and Jiang Siming said goodbye and planned to drive home.

"Have you got the car key?"

"No, sister, didn't you take it?"

"Huh? I thought you took it. You won't be still in the company?"

"It seems... I thought you took it."

"You little fool, I'll go up and get it, you can wait for me."


This scene was clearly seen by Li Yingzi, and she had an idea immediately!

"The company is now strictly forbidden. You will not be allowed to join the company after get off work. You have to wait until tomorrow. You don't know that the company is making big moves recently?" Li Yingzi said'seriously'.

Qi Muqing and Qi Muxin took it seriously.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, we just need to take the subway or take a taxi back." Qi Muqing said apologetically.

After hearing this, Li Yingzi's expression changed suddenly and she smiled like a flower, and said mildly: "No need, why is it so troublesome? Just ask Chairman Jiang to send you home."

"Ah? No, no, we can go back by ourselves, so we don't need to trouble the chairman." Qi Muqing blushed and waved.

Qi Muxin is not as shy as she is, but rather pleased to ask: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Li Yingzi finished speaking, and said to Jiang Siming who just happened to drive out: "Jiang Dong, we don't need you to send it today. You are responsible for sending your secretary home."

"Ah? What about you two?" Jiang Siming was taken aback.

"You are not four fools, we both have cars, we are gone, sister Xuan, let's go home for dinner~"

Li Yingzi smiled and took Zhao Xuan's hand, and happily walked to their car.

Before Zhao Xuan left, she smiled and said to Jiang Siming: "You don't have to come back tonight, because you didn't cook your meal at home. Let's make a meal at the secretary's house, bye."

After speaking, he secretly gave a kiss.

Jiang Siming looked foggy, what are these two ladies doing.

Watching the two women drive away in their favorite car, only Jiang Siming, the cool Rolls-Royce Phantom, and two little secretaries like flowers are left.

"You get in the car, I will take you home."

The wives are gone, and Jiang Siming can only "respect rather than obey."

Although I am very embarrassed, how can a secretary go home from get off work for the boss to send it off.

But the two women still sat in Jiang Siming's car obediently.

Jiang Siming sent the two women to their community all the way, and Rolls Royce appeared in the community. The rate of turning around was so high that it was difficult not to attract attention.

Jiang Siming thought that he should buy a few more new cars, either a Rolls-Royce or a sports car and a touring car.

A sports car can only seat two people, which is quite inconvenient.

I plan to buy a few more practical ones, which will be convenient for picking up people in the future. Oh, yes, it seems good to make a Lincoln extension.

Thinking about it, the two sisters have already got off the car.

Qi Muqing walked to the window of Jiang Siming's car and said with all the courage: "Chairman, you...have you eaten? Do you want to have a meal at my house and go back?"

"Yes, Chairman, do you remember my sister's craftsmanship? The dishes she cooks are delicious." Qi Muxin urged beside her.

When Jiang Siming heard it, he really missed Qi Muqing's cooking. He had eaten it once, and on that birthday, his cooking skills were comparable to Xinyi's.

"Okay, then I'm not welcome." Jiang Siming agreed.

He swears that he just wants to eat and has no other ideas!

There was a sudden sound in the sky: (Boom~)

Hearing Jiang Siming's promise, Qi Muqing smiled and said, "Then I will go shopping, and my sister will bring President Jiang upstairs first."

"It's fine to go together, besides, you still have someone to help you twist the dishes." Jiang Siming said.

"Then... okay." Qi Muqing agreed.

The three of them came to the supermarket in the community to buy some food and went home together.

It was still the familiar nest, Jiang Siming remembered that he visited last time, it was still so clean and tidy.

He knew that it was definitely not Qi Muxin, but his sister.

As soon as he entered the house, Qi Muqing said a few words to let her sister take care of Jiang Siming, and she ran to the kitchen to toss.

Jiang Siming sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, and even lit a cigarette when he was fine.

"Sister, the chairman, he smokes in our house~" Qi Muxin reported with a grin.

Who knows that Qi Muqing in the kitchen said back and forth: "What's wrong with smoking, what's wrong with you."

When Qi Muxin heard her face drooping, she pouted and grieved: "The last time I ate a stinky tofu, you don't care about it. You don't care if the chairman smokes, huh!"

After hearing this, Jiang Siming laughed, took a second-hand smoke, and spit on Qi Muxin's face.

Cough cough cough... Qi Muxin was choked by the smoke.

Angrily, she got up from the sofa and reached out to **** Jiang Siming's cigarette.

Jiang Siming naturally wouldn't let this girl take away his cigarettes. The two of them were fighting for me. If they didn't pay attention, Qi Muxin accidentally fell into Jiang Siming's arms.

The two of them stared at each other with such big eyes.

I don't know where this girl's courage came from. After staring at Jiang Siming for several times, she suddenly attacked and kissed Jiang Siming's lips.

"Last time my elder sister said that I was not good enough, and that the success was not enough, but what she said this time." Qi Muxin thought.

After Jiang Siming was'sneak attack', he instantly switched to the'**' mode.


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