I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 859: Contest of cold jokes!

Xie Na Na, who had nowhere to vent, didn't dare to **** on Jiang Siming, so she had to use Wei Jia as a punching bag.

He didn't hit him, he just shook Wei Jia's arm vigorously, creaking like a mouse: "I'm angry, I'm angry!"

Xie Na Na probably hasn't been so angry in this life. Xie Na Na, who has always been a well-known mouthpiece, was so well prepared but was still abused.

The audience is a little distressed now, Xie Na Na, I guess they dare not talk to men anymore...

Hejiu and Wei Jia laughed happily, but after they laughed, they began to worry again.

Thank you, that's all like this, they went...what can I ask for...

"Weijia, go on, fight for your breath and find the place." He Jiu said.

Vicia also went into battle. Although there is a prerequisite for Xie Na, but if you are scared just because of this, their happy family will make the national audience laugh.

"Amin, let's tell a cold joke. The requirement of a cold joke is that it must be very cold and can make everyone laugh. Do you dare to come?" Vijayawant warned.

Jiang Siming hesitated and said, "I'm not very good at this."

"Come here, do you dare to agree?"

When Wei Jia heard it, I was delighted. If I am better than you, then I have to be the same as Xie. What I want is that you are not good at me, so I can get back a round.

"Then I will try." Jiang Siming pretended to be thinking, as if thinking about how to tell a cold joke.

Vega immediately started, telling the audience what happened: "Excuse me, who has lived in the dark all his life?"

Naturally no one answered, and Wei Jia went on to say: "Answer: It's Tinkerbell. Because he can't see his fingers."


The scene only felt a cold wind blowing, and the audience couldn't help but shiver. It was really cold, but it wasn't funny.

Vega looked at the expressions of the audience and asked, "Isn't it funny?"

"Is not funny!"

The audience replied to him in unison, Weijia felt very frustrated, this is something they have carefully prepared, why is the effect so bad...

"Amin, it's you."

He Jiu said to Jiang Siming. Seeing that Jiang Siming's expression was no longer thinking, He Jiu couldn't help thinking, has he already thought about it? No way.

As everyone watched, Jiang Siming told the first silly joke, and his story was only one sentence:

"Once upon a time, there was a hide and seek club..."

Ok? and then?

"Their leader has not been found yet."

The audience paused for half a second, then felt cold, but couldn't help but want to laugh.

The head of the hide-and-seek club has been missing. This may be the real hide-and-seek club, hahahaha.

Even He Jiu and the others couldn't help laughing, how could this kid's head grow so much?

"I come!"

Weijia continued unconvinced, and said: "Excuse me: Where do mobile phone users like to go the most? Answer: Jilin Tonghua. Because: Sorry, the user you are calling is on a call."

Jiang Siming also followed closely with the next one:

"Chatting with the goddess of secret love, she said: I have fallen in love with someone recently. I asked: Who. She smiled weirdly and said: Far in the sky. I am overjoyed: Close in front of me? She said: No, it is far in the sky. "

Vija: "Question: How many older brothers Aladdin has. Answer: Three, Aladdin, Aladdin, Alabin."

Jiang Siming: "I held my wife's chin and stared at her cheeks and said: I can't get tired of looking at your face. My wife asked shyly: Why? I replied: Haven't you heard of it? greasy."

Wei Jia: "Question: What's your last name? Answer: My surname is Wei. Question: What is Wei? Answer: No, my father's surname is Wei and my surname is Wei."

Jiang Siming: "Money is not a panacea! Well, my name is a panacea."

Vega: ....

When you come and I go with each other, both parties made silly jokes. Jiang Siming often needs to think a little bit before speaking out, but Weijia has already stored it.

But the gap between the two is too obvious. The jokes Vega seldom make the audience laugh, but every joke that Jiang Siming said is too subtle and just right to surprise you.

Every time Jiang Siming talked about one, the audience would burst into laughter, and Wei Jia's momentum became weak.

"I'll have another one!" Wei Jia was not convinced.

"Then I'll make one more for you!" Jiang Siming immediately replied.

Vicia's mouth was trembling, and he was so speechless that he choked. He has been losing...

He Jiu finally judged with the tone of the referee: "This cold joke game is over. From the laughter of the audience just now, we don't need to make more judgments. We, Amin, won."

Weijia walked to the side dingy and entered the autistic stage with Xie Na...

"Well, our show sometimes has a long relationship, so this link is over, well, we will start to enter the next link immediately..."

Before He Jiu finished speaking, Wei Jia interrupted: "Teacher He, we haven't finished the match yet, you haven't finished yet!"

He Jiu smiled awkwardly on his face, and said aggrieved: "No need to compare."

Everyone laughed, He Jiu was scared, right? No matter who compares to a super joke like Jiang Siming, he has to bow down.

Wei Jia and the others are still carefully preparing, specially looking for the latest scam from the Internet to torture Jiang Siming, but none of them can match his on-the-spot response. For the time being, what is comparable to this.

But the audience loves to watch it. They laughed from start to finish. It is estimated that people with depression will have to be cured by Jiang Siming. Let alone, there are indeed, but everyone does not know.

"Well, then we'll shorten it a bit, and the game will be the winner."

Hejiu couldn't get rid of the enthusiastic expectations of the audience, so he had to bite the bullet and challenge.

He Jiu said to Jiang Siming: "Amin, we each talk about the most embarrassing thing in our childhood. We have to make the audience laugh, and it must be our own experience."

"I'll come first." He Jiu said to the audience after he finished speaking:

"When I was young, there was no TV at home. There was one in the house next door. I went to his house every day to watch TV. I didn’t go home until late every day. Until one day, after watching TV in the evening, I went home and took a shower. My mother kicked me out of the house. I didn’t wear anything at that time, and the neighbors and children passing by were laughing at me. I knocked **** the door there, and I heard my parents and my sister laughing wildly in the house. Since then, I never again Dare to go home late."

The audience laughed loudly after listening to it. He did not expect Teacher He to have such an experience.

Seeing that it was very effective, He Jiu was excited and made a please gesture to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming stepped forward with a smile of memories on his face. Just about to say it, he couldn't help but laugh.

The audience is very curious, what embarrassment happened to Jiang Siming when he was a child, he still finds it funny?


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