I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 860: Two female fans

Jiang Siming cleared his throat and said, "I'm not afraid of a joke about this. This is what my mother told my girlfriend a while ago. I'm almost forgetting it."

Everyone pricked their ears, and when they mentioned their girlfriends, of course everyone was thinking of Lin Yuner.

He Jiu smiled and said, "I didn't expect Lin Yuner to be able to communicate with Auntie without barriers?"

"Oh, I should get rid of Myojin and invite his girlfriend. Everyone must be very happy to watch it." Wei Jia said.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Don't, she is busy learning Chinese, but she has no time to come."

"Well then, you should tell your story first." He Jiu is even more curious about what embarrassment Jiang Siming did when he was a child.

"You are not allowed to laugh at me." Jiang Siming exhorted.

The audience and He Jiu nodded their heads and said, don't worry, I promise not to laugh~ We will hold back even if we want to laugh.

Jiang Siming preached: "When I was a kid, I chased and played with my friends. I chased it next to a mound. Everyone else jumped from the mound, but I stepped up."

Jiang Siming finished speaking and stopped.

Everyone looked confused, what's wrong? Is there any problem with crossing the mound?

But then Jiang Siming said quietly: "Later I learned that this mound is... a cow dung mound."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the audience froze for a while, and then reacted and laughed out loud.

Sorry, can't help it anymore, hahahahahahaha...

Especially He Jiu and the four of them laughed the most fiercely.

"It's so funny, why are you ridiculous?" Jiang Siming rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, we are professional, we don't usually laugh unless...unless you can't help it, hahaha." He Jiu said, clutching his stomach.

Jiang Siming simply let go, and said one more embarrassment: "There is another thing. When I was in the first grade of elementary school, I won the three good students for the first time. The teacher told me that I must be polite and solemn to accept the award, so I went up to pick it up. When passing the certificate, in front of the teachers and students of the school, he knelt down and knocked the headmaster three times."

After speaking, the audience was already staggering...the laughter echoed for a long time.

It took a long time for everyone to relax from the laughter.

He Jiu came out with a smile on his face and presided over: "Well, this is the end of my competition with Amin. It turns out that he is better than me."

Jiang Siming said abruptly: "I would rather not have this kind of victory."

He Jiu almost couldn't hold back, and quickly adjusted with the qualities of a professional host.

"Okay, this is the end of our'challenge' session with Amin. Let's move on to the next show, which is also a show we often play in Kuaiben. Who is the undercover? I believe everyone knows this game. I will not introduce the rules. Now, let me invite two other special guests today, they are Ouyang Na and Wang Ou!"

He Jiu smiled and said: "The two of them are actually recording upstairs every day, but because they are both fans of Amin, one is a fan and the other is a fan. After begging me countless times, I decided Let them come to make a friendly guest appearance, Amin, are you surprised?"

Jiang Siming blinked after hearing this, and said, "It's really surprising, Ouyang Na, is that the girl who plays the cello particularly well?"

"Yes, yes, she is your fan. Do you know Wang Ou?"

Jiang Siming thought for a while and got a little impression: "Are you a guest of "Ming Detective"? I seem to have seen it."

"That's right! Next time you shoot Mingzheng, you might still work with her. She is your fan." He Jiu said with joy.

Just after speaking, two women walked out from the backstage, and the male audience on the scene heard howling wolves.

Just like Jiang Siming came out of the female audience just now, it really turned out that the opposite **** attracted each other.

Two women, one in a very young grade, full of youth, with ponytails, lively, lovely and delicate.

The other is mature and sexy, especially on the face, with a fox-monster feeling, charming and natural. Although there is no expression, it is always easy to make people think about it.

The key is two women, with three characters [Luzhou Moon] printed on one of their clothes, and there are also Xiaozhuan lyrics on it.

The other is wearing a jersey, which is the same jersey No. 25 Jiang Siming.

It's all like this. It's no longer necessary to say whether they are fans.

"Welcome Xiaona, welcome Xiaoou, say hello to everyone." He Jiu said.

"Hello everyone, this is Ouyang Na."

"Good evening everyone, I am Wang Ou."

Both women briefly introduced themselves.

Then He Jiu smiled and asked Ouyang Na first: "Xiaona, I have fulfilled your wish for you. Is this the first time you have seen Amin himself?"

Ouyangna glanced at Jiang Siming and quickly moved away, blushing and said: "No, I have seen him play in the Men's Basketball World Cup finals, and I have also seen him at the Wanwan Golden Melody Awards, but so close. Distance is the first time."

"The girl is true and sincere, say everything." He Jiu joked, which made Ouyang Na feel a little embarrassed.

"What about Xiao Ou?" He Jiu asked Wang Ou again.

Wang Ou looked very generous, and smiled and said, "I have worshipped Jiang Shen from the first day of the game. Although my time as a fan is short, I believe I can always be a fan. ."

He Jiu laughed and asked Jiang Siming: "Amin, you see that the two popular actresses in our entertainment industry are your fans. A while ago, baby also said that they are your fans. I believe there are many more. Do you have anything to say about this? "

Jiang Siming shrugged his shoulders and said, "Actually, I don't think it's anything. Ordinary people like me and celebrities like me. I feel the same. There is no special place. It's not that I will be happier when celebrities like me. Very happy, after all, some people think you are good and some people appreciate you. I am quite content with this."

Jiang Siming's words won enthusiastic applause from the audience. Yes, what happened to the star being a fan? Is there any special difference from ordinary people? No.

They are all human beings, and Jiang Siming has the same attitude towards them and celebrity fans.

This makes the audience feel particularly warm.

These words also made Hejiu and the others applaud, saying it was great.

But he didn't expect Jiang Siming to turn around, and suddenly he said: "Of course, except for the beautiful female fans, such as the two of them."


Everyone laughed, this guy, this car steering is too skillful!

Ouyangna and Wang Ou originally admired them, but after listening to them, they both felt embarrassed, and at the same time they were a little bit happy.

This shows that in Jiang Siming's eyes, they are beautiful~

Therefore, Jiang Siming's invisible sultry girl is the most deadly. One sentence makes people happy, thinking about it...


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