I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 861: Who is undercover

If you talk about sultry, you just seduce your younger sisters. They are so subtle and advanced.

Many male audiences thought sourly.

The two new guests are just to fill the number of people in the game "Who's Undercover".

The more people in this game, the more fun it is.

The staff set up a long table. The side of the table facing the audience has an LED screen, and the audience can see everyone's identity.

Of course, the guests are invisible.

A total of seven guests came to the table together. Jiang Siming stood in the middle position. At this time, Ouyang Na and Wang Ou walked over quickly, standing beside Jiang Siming alone.

Wei Jia was very greedy when he saw Jiang Siming's treatment. They were all men, so why are they so popular with girls...

Everyone is in place and the game begins.

Everyone has a card on the table with their identities written on it.

Jiang Siming took a look at the card, it was three words [Deer Tripod]

Others have also seen the cards in their hands. For the time being, they don't know what the other people's identities are, or whether they are undercover.

Therefore, you must be cautious when speaking. If you make a mistake with everyone, you will easily be kicked out by everyone's vote.

The first one to speak was He Jiu: "This is a film and television work."

Nothing wrong, Jiang Siming guessed that He Jiu either had the same card as him, or it means that the undercover is very close to other people's cards, and it should be a film and television work.

The second speaker was Wu Xin: "A work that is well-known to every family."

The third is Xie Nana: "I saw it when I was young."

Look, these three people are really old fritters playing this game, and the clues they give are not leaking.

The fourth one is Ouyang Na. She thought about it and said, "The protagonist is very smart."

clever? This is a very good clue. Jiang Siming doubts that he is not an undercover agent. Of course, Wei Xiaobao in The Deer Tripod is smart.

But we can't generalize, we have to wait.

Then it was his turn.

"The work is wonderful." Jiang Siming said.

As soon as I said this, everyone was speechless, this...the clue...is it too okay?

wonderful? Any film and television work can be said to be wonderful.

So what Jiang Siming said is equivalent to not saying...

But this is not a violation of the rules, so Jiang Siming is fine to say so, as long as he tells relevant clues around his identity information, it is fine.

Here is Wang Ou: "The protagonist is very carefree."

Oh! This answer is very close to Jiang Siming's [Deer Tripod]. Isn't Wei Xiaobao just a fanatic? Is he really a ‘civilian’?

"Well, the first round of clues is finished, please vote at the same time! Everyone refers to whoever thinks the undercover is."

After He Jiu finished speaking, everyone pointed to the people they thought had problems, but found that after the first round, each pointed to each other, and no one was identified by more than two people at the same time.

According to the rules, this is considered a lapse, that is, it is not counted, the seven is still full.

Then began the second round.

He Jiu: "This drama has been filmed in many versions, and I personally love the first version."

Wu Xin: "The protagonist is an actor I admire very much."

Xie Nana: "It's a costume comedy."

This second round has already begun to have clues, but it is not so obvious.

They are not fools, how could they easily tell the clues.

However, Ouyang Na may have never played this kind of game, and accidentally said an important clue.

"The protagonist is a great talent."

When Jiang Siming heard it, he knew immediately that one of him and Ouyang Na must be an undercover agent. How could Wei Xiaobao of Lu Ding Ji not fully recognize the character?

Moreover, when Ouyang Na said that the talented man, Jiang Siming had a premonition of who it was, but he was not sure.

Then he gave a speech, and Jiang Siming said tentatively: "The protagonist... is more bothersome."

Jiang Siming looked at everyone's expressions, and found that they were all acting calmly, then he basically confirmed it.

Gifted man, costume, comedy, Wu Xin still admires, if Jiang Siming guessed correctly, the chance is "Tang Bohu".

And Tang Bohu is also bothered. After all, so many wives in his family still have to go to soak in Qiuxiang, so Huaxin is actually the same as Wei Xiaobao.

Now that you have guessed a rough idea, it is easy to answer.

"The ending of this show is very beautiful, it is very comfortable to watch."

After Jiang Siming said this, the other six people basically ruled him out. They didn't know Jiang Siming's trump card. The ending was good, but Tang Bohu's ending was good.

In the end, it was Wang Ou's turn. It was possible that Wang Ou had been finished by others, and could not find words to describe for a while.

In a hurry, she at least said: "The male lead has a few relationships in reality."

The second round ends and voting begins.

Not surprisingly, all six fingers pointed at Wang Ou.

Wang Ou smiled bitterly, his teeth bit his lip, aggrieved and unwilling.

"Why do you all vote for me, what did I say wrong."

Especially when she saw Jiang Siming voted for her, she felt more aggrieved. How could an idol kick me out~

This is where the director acting as a temporary referee tells everyone that the vote was wrong and the game continues.

"Wrong vote?" He Jiu was also a little surprised. He thought that Wang Ou's appearance was trying to cover up, so he changed his words forcibly.

Who would have thought that the vote was wrong.

"Ke Ke... I just said it wasn't me." Wang Ou was so innocent, but it was no longer useful. She had been voted out.

In the third round, the topic narrowed again this time.

But for two consecutive rounds, they didn't find the undercover, but instead cast both Wu Xin and Ouyang Na.

Only Hejiu, Weijia, Xie Nana and Jiang Siming were left.

He Jiu played this game so seriously for the first time, he looked at the faces of the other three people and wanted to catch the details of someone's expression.

"Who is the undercover? I think I should know in my heart. I promise to send him out this round." He Jiu smiled clearly.

The sixth round begins.

"The protagonist of this show has many wives." He Jiu said, and after speaking, he started to stare at the expressions of Weijia, Xie Nana and Jiang Siming.

"He is single so far," Xie Nana said.

"He is from Xiangjiang." Wei Jia said.

Jiang Siming continued to'mix' into their organization, continued to be ambiguous, and said:

"He is an actor who debuted for a long time. I grew up watching his movies and TV shows."

This round is over again and voting begins!

Jiang Siming pretended to consider, and then pointed to Xie Nana.

He Jiu was deceived by Jiang Siming's acting skills, and subconsciously felt that Xie was dangerous, and pointed to the past.

Vega simply chose Xie Na, even if he didn't vote, he had one vote and two votes, he was useless.

After voting, Xie Na Na was out, and the director announced that the vote had failed again!

But the number of people is only three. According to the rules, the undercover has succeeded.

Jiang Siming won.


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