I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 866: Go to Paris

But there are still some brain-dead fans who are unwilling to believe. They think that although Jiang Siming is fierce in professional matches, individual matches and team matches are different.

And recently, several super masters in North America and Europe have come out. Their strength is stronger than professional players, and their personal strength is even higher than that of G God and Shroud.

Among these people, one is Koy from North America, the other is Tbii from Europe, and one is even a passerby player from Korea, Bomin!

This player is a genius boy. He used to be a H1z1 player and the originator of the battle royale game.

In the H1Z1 game, bombin is the well-deserved number one player in the world and was elected the first person in H1Z1 for three consecutive terms.

Only after the game got cold, he didn't want to play the game anymore, so he was silent for a long time.

Until recently, bombin rejoined the game, entered PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and showed great game talent.

After only playing this game for less than half a year, he became the top ten player in the Hanbok ladder.

The most recent time it was the first place in Hanbok, surpassing Jiang Siming's score in Hanbok!

Although it only surpassed less than 50 points, it was enough to make these Korean players excited and hyped.

But they seem to have forgotten that it has been more than two months since Jiang Siming was ranked first in Hanbok...

It took more than two months before Jiang Siming's score was exceeded. I really don't know why they are so excited?

In short, this world game is still very interesting, enough to make everyone look forward to it.

On this trip to Paris, Jiang Siming went alone.

The main reason is that I go to the game instead of traveling. I guess I don’t have time to accompany them except at night.

Instead of letting them suffer boringly, let them stay at home.

Lin Yoona is because her family is in South Korea. He doesn't have a girlfriend yet in Paris, emm... Would you like to take this opportunity to develop one in Paris?

Keke... just talk casually, don't take it seriously, brother is not that kind of person!

Bringing a lot of luggage prepared for him by his wives, Jiang Siming set off for Hongqiao Airport, and was greeted by five beautiful flight attendants and boarded the plane.

As soon as they boarded the plane, the stewardess helped Jiang Siming put his luggage, while delivering Jiang Siming some tea.

This trip to Paris is already a long-distance flight, and the flight time takes 12 hours.

Jiang Siming was also ready to take a nap on the plane.

Fortunately, this time Paris Airport agreed to his private jet, otherwise it would be too painful to let him stay on the passenger plane for twelve hours.

I didn't think it before, but when he got used to private jets, Jiang Siming was not interested in taking passenger planes anymore.

Just like a person who is used to a 1080ti computer and suddenly asks you to change it to 950, no one wants to change it.

Anyway, it was still early, and Jiang Siming simply pulled the five flight attendants to play Texas Hold'em.

"It's boring to play, let's make a bet!" Jiang Siming said.

"Okay, what is the bet, boss?" asked Fang Ling, the stewardess with the longest and whitest legs, who was also the flight attendant among the five.

Jiang Siming thought about it, and suddenly said with a smirk: "Let's play with painted faces. Go to my office and get a signature pen. The bet is the stroke, and the ante is one. You can raise it at will, how about?"

Several girls also found it interesting, and they all agreed.

Jiang Siming started to give them cards, and he was laughing in his heart. These little girls are really cheating, but he has a talent for [Gambling Skills]. It is strange to gamble with him and lose stably.

In the first game, they all lost to Jiang Siming, each losing an average of three.

Jiang Siming threw the card, smiled and picked up the signature pen, and drew a few strokes on each of them.

The five flight attendants pouted and coquettishly, and those who were not convinced wanted to come again, saying that they wanted to draw a big deal for the boss.

Who knows that next, they didn't win a hand, they all lost to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is almost drawing a picture of Shanghe River during Qingming Festival on their faces.

"Oh, there is no place to paint on your face, you can't overlap, come, Fang Ling, take off your shirt, this boss wants to paint your collarbone." Jiang Siming grinned.

Fang Ling blushed and shy, but obediently took off her shirt, revealing her delicate and white collarbone.

In the end, every lady flight attendant lost more and more. From the collarbone to the arm, Fang Ling even painted a little bit on her chest by Jiang Siming.

When Jiang Siming painted her there, Fang Ling's face was red as blood, and her whole body was shaking.

After three hours of playing, Jiang Siming drew all the young ladies as tabby cats. After the game, Jiang Siming asked them to take a bath.

Fang Ling was the first to wash out, and Jiang Siming was playing with a mobile phone in the bedroom.

Fang Ling walked over boldly, she hadn't put on any clothes yet, just wrapped her body in a bath towel, showing her proud long legs.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but move his index finger. The two hit it off and closed the bedroom door and started...

Although these five flight attendants are quite a bit worse than their real girlfriends, they have their own beauty and strengths.

Besides, after signing the contract, they are all their own canaries, even maids. Jiang Siming can play whatever he wants.

And he didn't force it. It was the canary who took the initiative to send it to the door. How could Jiang Siming not accept it.

Of course, Jiang Siming's attitude is very correct, just for fun, as for other ideas, nothing else.

After the other flight attendants came out from the shower, they found Fang Ling walked out of Jiang Siming's bedroom with a face full of excitement, holding a check for 500,000 in her hand.

When the other flight attendants saw this, they were not stupid. They were all envious, and finally entered the bedroom boldly.

After that, each of them limped out of the bedroom, each holding a check in his hand, quite satisfied and excited.

Before they came out, Jiang Siming told them that this time, forget it. Next time, as long as he doesn't order them, he is not allowed to seduce him.

In layman's terms, the emperor didn't have a remake, you maidservants, just serve me as maidservants.

The five flight attendants naturally understood, and they all agreed, and then went in to wait for Jiang Siming to take a bath and then change his clothes.

After sleeping again, the plane arrived at the Paris airport, and Jiang Siming got off the plane comfortably, his face full of comfort, and his whole body comfortable.

"Li Chunlan, you can find time to buy a car at a Paris dealership. Our car can't be driven in Paris. After buying it, I will come to the hotel where I stayed."

Jiang Siming told Li Chunlan before getting off the plane, because this was abroad, and domestic cars and license plates were naturally not allowed to drive abroad.

Jiang Siming asked Li Chunlan to buy one in Paris nearby.

"Good boss, what brand to buy? What's the price?" Li Chunlan asked respectfully.

"Buy an extended Lincoln. It just so happens that I still have a friend who thinks I have to sit, the price is arbitrary, just buy a better one," Jiang Siming said.

"Good boss, I will go to the car dealership today." Li Chunlan took the bank card in Jiang Siming's hand.

Jiang Siming nodded and got off the plane with his luggage. Before getting off the plane, he didn't forget to grab a handful of the five stewardess's T, and then left the airport with a laugh.


[Author's digression]: Fourth update!

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