I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 867: I said yes, yes!

Jiang Siming, who hasn't been to the terminal for a long time, is almost not used to it.

After getting a private jet, he drove away from the airport directly after getting off the plane. Now he suddenly had to walk through the crowd with his luggage, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Oops, I blame my brother for being too rich and swollen. Are the Virgins angry?

Jiang Siming carried his luggage and put on his sunglasses. He set off from the sky in the evening. The time difference between Paris and the sky was seven hours.

So when I arrived in Paris, it happened to be noon.

It was a bit cold in Paris in October. The wives at home were already ready and prepared a lot of warm clothes for Jiang Siming.

Although Jiang Siming's cultivation base was not afraid of such low-level temperature changes, he did not want to be a freak in the eyes of outsiders. Others wore long sleeves and padded jackets, and he wore short sleeves.

So Jiang Siming is still willing to wear more clothes, not for anything else, just to make himself look more like a normal person.

Suddenly such a handsome oriental man came to the airport, and he completely attracted the eyes of a group of blonde girls.

Soon there were girls who came over to strike up a conversation and even confessed boldly.

Jiang Siming quickly reduced his sense of existence to 0, and at the same time sighed, sure enough, Paris is a romantic city.

The French girls seem to be very bold, so they dare to confess in the street. They are amazing.

In addition to the airport, Jiang Siming took a taxi to the Luohua Hotel in Paris, because the 4AM people were there.

Great God, Ding Ming and Duoyu, and the coach are all here.

Although this is an individual competition, only two people were selected for 4am, but it is not important. They are all here, so let's come and see the market.

Besides, you can also serve as a sparring partner for Jiang Siming and Great God. Jiang Siming doesn't need to be a sparring partner. It's not bad to be a sparring partner for the Great God, so this time we still set off together.

The four came here two days ago, and it was only when Jiang Siming passed by that they knew they were training at a nearby Paris Internet cafe.

Jiang Siming put his luggage away, and did not choose to go to the Internet cafe with them, instead he planned to go shopping in Paris.

After all, this is the first time I come to Paris, France, how can I also appreciate this romantic city.

Jay Chou’s "Confession Balloon" MV was filmed here.

This guy heard that he is still recording the new song MV, but he hasn't come here yet, otherwise Jiang Siming will let him be a tour guide and take him around.

Jiang Siming took a stroll along the streets of Paris to admire the scenery of Paris. He had seen the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and also visited the Seine River.

But the Seine is not as good as the Thames in London, and Jiang Siming doesn't feel much.

But when he finally came to the Eiffel Tower, Jiang Siming was still very surprised, this is the world-famous romantic tower.

It looks like a sky tower standing there. When the tower was first built, it was the tallest building in the world, with a height of three hundred meters, making it feel like it was going to the sky.

Although many buildings are hundreds of meters long, you must know that the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.

At that time, France was able to build such a tall and luxurious building.

Jiang Siming wanted to enter the tower to see, but there were too many people to travel, and it would take a long time to line up to get in.

Besides, people who go to the Eiffel Tower are always in pairs and take the other half in search of romance and love. What does he look like when he goes up alone?

Forget it, I still have a chance to come again in the future. I don't want to have a sense of expectation of this tower after watching it alone.

Jiang Siming also went to the place where this LOL World Championship was held.

It is already in the group stage, and today is RNG and SKT. Both on and off the court were overcrowded.

After all, RNG is the most popular in China, let alone SKT, these two teams are very famous in the world.

Tickets for their games are much more expensive than usual.

It was difficult for Jiang Siming to get in, so he just took a look outside.

Besides, it's just a group stage, nothing good.

I could vaguely hear a voice inside, as if SKT had won.

(Predict a wave first. I beg RNG fans to show mercy. If I win, I will fart, and if I lose, I will be the poisonous milk.)

Jiang Siming is not surprised at all, after all, SKT is still strong, brother Li is still your brother Li.

What's more, it's just a group match, it's just a BO1, only one game.

The real competition should be the semi-finals and finals. It depends on BO5, which is the real strength show.

At that time Jiang Siming plans to come and have a look.

It’s very close to their PUBG competition.

It was already night after walking around Paris. At this time, Great God and the group of guys had finished training, and they gathered together in a French western restaurant.

This is considered to be the most authentic western restaurant. I ordered French foie gras. Jiang Siming wanted to see if the French foie gras he ate at the Western restaurant in Tianchao was the same.

After eating, Jiang Siming discovered that the taste difference was not very big, and it seemed that he had not been slaughtered as a pig.

"Lao Jiang, this LOL World Championship, if you play the finals, will you go to see it?" Great God asked.

"Why do you want to go?" Jiang Siming asked funny.

"Of course, this is my first professional game. Although I am in Cao Ying, my heart will never forget LOL." Weishen replied.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "You can't forget the reverse sword, right?"

The Great God was embarrassed and said angrily: "Which pot is not opened or which pot, I have to explain to you, my mouse pad is too slippery, and even if the sword is hit, it will not change the situation and will lose. Bureau."

Jiang Siming nodded and agreed: "I know, you are just pride in your heart and can't stand everyone spraying you."

"It's good to know." Great God said and cut a piece of beef into his mouth.

Jiang Siming looked at him and suddenly asked, "Are you sorry that you haven't won the LOL World Championship?"

"Yes, I want to take it once in my dreams." Great God replied.

"I have a way...that is..." Jiang Siming stopped talking.

Great God really thought there was hope, and asked anxiously: "What is it?"

Who knew Jiang Siming said quietly: "Dreaming."

"My star, your star, the star!" The Great God scolded with a smile.

Jiang Siming asked: "Are you from Zuan?"

"What is Zuan from?" Great God hadn't played lol for a long time, and he didn't know this kind of stalk.

Jiang Siming tui said that he didn't even know that he still said that he was concerned about lol, eh!

"In fact, there is really a way to get you back on the court. The EDG club is mine now. If you are interested and confident, you can put down PUBG and go to LOL training. Then you can be a **** or a world champion." Jiang Si Ming said with a smile.

Great God smiled and said: "Can EDG win the world championship?"

Jiang Siming said earnestly: "I can, and I can!"

After hearing this, Great God tweeted a few words, and then said: "I will think about it."

Then he continued to work hard.

Even if he wants to, he is not in a hurry now, after all, he has to wait for the next S game.


[Author's digression]: The fifth update has been passed! Dear friends, is the sincerity of sake enough today?

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