I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 868: Mont Saint-Michel racing!

After dinner, the great gods wanted to go out and play for a while.

Jiang Siming was also convinced that he had to go at night if he didn't go in the morning.

However, they said that the Eiffel Tower at night was the best. Jiang Siming also agreed to see that the time was still early. He didn't make it in the morning anyway.

It's just that when everyone came to the periphery of the Eiffel Tower, they were told that the French president was meeting with the Swedish royal family in the past two days, and the place was at the Eiffel Tower.

Therefore, the Eiffel Tower was only open during the day and at night there were guards preventing traffic and travel.

"Ah oh, then we have no chance to watch it, let's come back in two days." Duoyu said.

But those who came to Paris are always curious: "I haven't seen the president and the Swedish royal family. I really want to take a look."

"I want to see it too, shall we go to the clock tower over there?"

Several people wanted to see it, so they all looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to go, go and chant. I really don't understand what these people are so attractive. Even if they meet, they have nothing to do with you."

The great **** smiled and said: "Don't you know, there is a very beautiful princess in the Swedish royal family, and the sons of the French president are chasing her."

Jiang Siming curled his lips when he heard it, but he has never seen any European princess, and it is not rare. Besides, the aesthetics of Westerners are good-looking, is it the same as Eastern aesthetics?

I just hope they won't be too disappointed after watching it.

A group of people came to the nearby clock tower. There were quite a lot of people on the clock tower. They wanted to take a look at this kind of royal exchange.

After all, ordinary people will never see such super-class nobles in their lives, so they can only relieve their greed on TV.

It's just that the distance is so far, many people can't see their faces unless they bring a telescope.

But Jiang Siming stared at him, easily seeing everything in the distance.

Under the Eiffel Tower, it was a seemingly harmonious and beautiful gathering. Macron, a face that often appears on TV news, was communicating with an older middle-aged man.

It seemed that this man was the Swedish royal family. Jiang Siming asked Xiaoxian to check it out. Sure enough, this man was Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lowenf.

A large group of family members sat behind them.

Among them, the one behind Lowenfu is wearing a gilt evening dress, noble and dignified, calm and beautiful, with features like sculptures.

With big sapphire eyes, slender and soft eyelashes, fair skin and golden hair, there is a luxurious ruby ​​necklace on the top of the head, and there is an amethyst pendant that countless women admire on the neck.

The whole body exudes the temperament that is by no means an ordinary woman.

The actresses on the TV deliberately showed the princess and royal temperament that they performed. They were like a chicken dog in front of her, with no self-confidence.

This is the real princess, brilliant and immortal.

Jiang Siming really did not expect this Swedish princess to have the same aesthetic value as the East and West.

Even if he is surrounded by a lot of stunning girlfriends, he can't help but nod slightly to recognize the princess's face.

The beauty is only one aspect, the most important thing is her temperament, which is really not what an ordinary woman can have.

It was cultivated by immersing in the royal education and nurturing since childhood. It was born with it, and it is impossible to imitate it.

The young man behind Macron who looked very similar to him was constantly communicating with the princess.

It was just Jiang Siming's eyes that, although the princess smiled at him and treated him politely, it was more like a deliberate alienation.

He can tell at a glance that this princess is not interested in the president's son.

And Jiang Siming seemed to feel that the princess seemed very tired, resisted and bored with this kind of occasion.

You ask how he can tell? Please, the talent of the actor told him.

"Okay, look and see, go back to sleep." Jiang Siming said to his companions.

These guys can't see them clearly, they are still watching on tiptoes.

"Hey, I would not come if I knew it a long time ago. It's too disappointing." The Great Gods and the others can only return in defeat and follow Jiang Siming back.

Although Jiang Siming saw and saw the Swedish princess who was rumored to be as beautiful as a fairy, he didn't take it seriously.

This kind of woman seems to be incapable of hooking up with him for a lifetime, although he has been C...cough, the princess.

But that is a copy, this is reality, Jiang Si is very clear, never too drifting.

When everyone returned to the hotel, they all fell asleep.

The game time is the day after tomorrow, so everyone has one day to rest freely.

After waking up the next day, Great God and the others ran to the Internet cafe to train again, and Jiang Siming still appreciated their hard work.

They did not lose themselves because they won several championships.

Maybe the great **** has tasted the suffering of arrogance in lol, so it has changed now.

To be reasonable, Great God was really arrogant when he was in LOL. The S5 World Championship has not yet started, and he has already started discussing which champion skin he wants during the live broadcast.

Moreover, I didn't train much in the two months before the game. Instead, I took the team members to play "Heaven Sword" every day (90 level Taibai passing by ~).

This also caused the great **** to taste the bitter fruit of arrogance, and that's why he has the now phoenix nirvana.

But Jiang Si clearly doesn’t need training, emm...No way, the one who God favors~

No training, and no girlfriend around him, what else can Jiang Siming do? Let's just spend a while in the hotel and browse the news on his phone.

Asking the hotel to deliver a big meal, Jiang Siming leaned on the bedside while eating and playing with his mobile phone.

I opened the international version of the short video and found that there are also short video software in France, which are used by the French to record interesting videos.

Jiang Siming had been using it for almost a day, and he didn't feel anything, but there was a video that caught his attention.

It is a French man who promoted an informal but very high-end racing game on Mont Saint-Michel tonight.

This person also photographed several cars that have already arrived on the scene, all super luxury cars, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari and so on.

Jiang Siming understood that this is a car race for the rich, and the man said that the prize money for the championship tonight is a poison.

Poison is Lamborghini, Bull King One, the most powerful model of Lamborghini, there are only 9 units in the world.

At present, the price of a poison in China exceeds 200 million!

If you heard it correctly, it is two hundred million, because this car is a super car and will never be produced.

There is no one who likes to play with cars and luxury cars without knowing its name.

If someone has a poison, they can exchange 20 Rolls-Royce Phantoms and add another Bugatti.

Jiang Siming was excited about this kind of car.

In order to be afraid that this was a scam, Jiang Siming also specially watched the video. In the end, the man really took the prize for tonight, that is, the poison sports car that was still parked in the truck.

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