I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 873: Send money and send car

The body slammed directly into the cliff, which shocked him, and immediately turned the steering wheel on the brakes.

Just because the distance was too short, the car smashed through the guardrail and fell directly down the cliff!

When Jiang Siming's car completely ran five laps and came to the finish line, people hadn't seen Kejiefu and his car.

Guinan immediately asked people to check, only to know that Kejiefu had hit the cliff.

Fortunately, the cliff he hit was not very deep. He kept a small life, but was seriously injured. It is estimated that he is not a vegetative person, but he is also disabled.

After Guinan knows, his expression will be as ugly as it is.

Seeing Jiang Siming getting out of the car, he wanted to drive him to death!

"Thank you, you are too polite to send money and car." Jiang Siming walked to him and stretched out his hand.

Gui Nan has a wonderful expression, but he can't rely on it. There are so many witnesses after the contract is signed, and he can't rely on it.

But he knew that he lost his **** today, not only was the poison he was proud of disappeared, but he had to pay seven to eight billion.

The most important thing is that his poison is brand new. After buying it, he has never been willing to drive it once. This time it is completely cheaper than Jiang Siming.

"I'll give you the car and the money, but I have a request, can I drive one, and let me be separate from my poison." Gui Nan started to think again.

He planned to damage the interior of Jiang Siming's car after getting in the car, so he had to disgust this guy once!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming was quite unkind, and said directly: "Go dream."

Gui Nan gritted his teeth, and in the end he almost used a terrifying voice to send the car and money to Jiang Siming.

After getting the car, Jiang Siming was done and planned to drive home after the expensive man transferred the one-billion-dollar return to his bank account.

The Ferrari was crashed, but it could still be driven. He gave the car to Li Chunlan and asked her to go to the 4s shop for repairs tomorrow.

Can't waste it. No, although this car was bought temporarily, the model and style are not what I like, but at any rate, I won a billion yuan and a poison.

Jiang Siming can’t abandon his family, and put him on his private jet when he drove back. After he drives back, he will put it in the garage, hero~

As for this poison, Jiang Siming would of course have to drive it for fun.

Many passers-by have not left yet just to take a look at this poison.

Jiang Siming drove the car off the truck and immediately caught everyone's attention.

So handsome!

The model of Dragon Scale Blade, the whole car seems to be wrapped in a layer of bright black armor! The Y-shaped runs through the taillights, the tail wing like a fighter.

This is the ultimate supercar for drivers, Lamborghini poison.

And it's the most handsome black model, which looks better than other colors.

When Jiang Siming got in the car, he felt that the car seemed to have not been driven before. It was completely new.

It seems that this buddy has maintained his car very well. He can't bear to drive it once, it's good~

Jiang Siming parked the car in front of the great gods and the others. Several people watched the car and almost came out. This is two hundred million people walking!

"Okay, after watching the car, go back quickly, and you will race tomorrow." Jiang Siming said to them.

"What about you? Aren't you going back?" Weishen asked. He still wanted to ride in Jiang Siming's car to experience what a two-billion-dollar car was like.

Jiang Siming took it for granted: "Of course I won't return it. The poison I just got, can't you just prescribe it for fun? Just take a taxi and go back to the hotel."

After that, Jiang Siming stepped on the accelerator and slipped...

Only the great gods and their struggling can only continue to take taxis back.

Jiang Siming said this in fact, there is another important reason, because he knows that this expensive man will never give up.

From the look in his eyes, he knew that this expensive man must be thinking of a way to deal with him. Instead of having to worry about him while sleeping, he might as well solve them in advance.

Therefore, he was afraid that Guinan would discover his relationship with the Great God and them, and he was afraid that he would use the Great God and them to operate, so he confessed a few words and left.

Driving all the way down the mountain, the amazing speed and the feeling of sticking to the back made Jiang Siming very addicted, the **** car is the **** car!

Jiang Siming went all the way down, but found that halfway down the mountain, suddenly there was a commotion and cry for help from a group of people coming down the mountain.

Then there were even a few gunshots!

Jiang Siming was surprised by the gunshots in the car. In a place with so many people, anyone would dare to shoot?

A foreign country is a foreign country. It's really unsafe.

Jiang Siming thought that the gunshots were caused by the expensive man looking for someone to rush him, but he didn't expect that several men in suits with guns would not even look at him when they passed his car.

They all ran in the direction of the previous women.

"Quick! Speed ​​up the Swedish princess! The boss is waiting!"

When Jiang Siming heard their conversation, he remembered. He said why this woman is a bit familiar, and his affection is the Swedish princess.

Jiang Siming had seen her under the Eiffel Tower, but she changed into ordinary clothes and wore a mask. Jiang Siming didn't recognize it.

But he can't understand, the other party knows that they are princesses and dare to kidnap them? Are you so courageous?

If this were placed in China, this group of people would have been so cold.

Alas, it's so pitiful, the princess doesn't even have a decent personal guard. If there was a member of the sky team, these guys who have no internal strength to cultivate would be dead.

Jiang Siming now understands why his country is so much safer than other countries, and the relationship is really due to Chinese Kungfu (laughing and crying).

But now that he met, Jiang Siming didn't intend to leave it alone, mainly because he couldn't bear to see the princess's flustered and helpless eyes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's eyes moved, and several gunmen running past in front of his car all vomited blood and fell down without warning.

It's just that there are many people with guns searching for the Swedish princess because of the panic.

To be safe, Jiang Siming drove the car quickly to the princess and opened the door.

The princess and the maids beside him looked nervously at Jiang Siming, and they recognized that this is the Oriental who won the championship today.

"Get in the car as soon as you don't want to die. They will come right away. Don't let them break my car with a gun."

Jiang Siming said that he didn't want the car he just mentioned to be riddled with bullets. It hurts too much.

The princess hesitated for a moment and looked at the car and said to Jiang Siming: "Your car... can only take one."

"Nonsense, they just want to arrest you, not your maid. They will be safer if you leave. Get in the car quickly." Jiang Siming said silently.

"Yeah, princess, you go first, otherwise they will definitely arrest you. Go to the nearby police station and call. No, ordinary police stations are useless. Go back and find the queen, so Macron will definitely be out The strong police force protects us."

The maid named Ames said to the princess and pushed the princess into the car.

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