I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 874: Saved a princess

"You are a good follower." Jiang Siming did not forget to comment to her, then smiled and drove decisively.

From the chaos, the gunmen looked for a circle but lost the princess's trail. At this time, the original policeman on the top of the mountain rushed over and they had to retreat.

At this time, the princess drove away from Mont Saint-Michel in Jiang Siming's car and drove towards the center of Paris.

For fear of his friends being injured, Jiang Siming called Great God and the others in the car, but they were protected by many policemen and they were safe, so he hung up the phone with confidence.

At this time, the Swedish princess spoke: "So you are from Huaxia."

"What's the matter, can you understand Chinese?" Jiang Siming put down the phone and asked a little unexpectedly.

"I have learned eight languages, but Huaxia is very difficult. I only learned a little bit, but I don't really understand it." The princess replied, speaking in Chinese.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming was delighted. If Yooner and Ishihara and others hear this, they will be hit hard. The standard is just fur.

And these eight languages ​​also made Jiang Siming admire the princess. He was indeed a member of the noble and royal family, and they had much more things from elementary school than ordinary people.

"Thank you for saving me. When I go back, I will definitely let my queen and father give you awards." The princess said gratefully.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "What kind of award, do you make me your knight?"

The princess blushed and hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I mean my father and queen will thank you. I can fight for whatever you want."

Jiang Siming said happily, "Forget it, I just saved you out of kindness. Don't act like I have no purpose. Hurry up and call your family to report your safety."

The princess took the cell phone that Jiang Siming handed over, and she was grateful, and dialed the home phone.

The princess briefly talked about her experience, and then hung up the phone.

However, when returning Jiang Siming's mobile phone to him, the princess secretly lost a number, and immediately hung up after dialing, and then returned the mobile phone to Jiang Siming.

"My name is Karl Nancy, and my father is Karl XVI Gustaf. I don't know what your name is..." the princess asked Jiang Siming's name.

"Jiang Siming, should I say that?" Jiang Siming said teasingly.

The princess smiled and said, "I remember, Jiang, thank you, thank you really."

"Okay, I heard you say thank you eight hundred times along the way. I think you should either give me some money, so that you don't always feel that you owe me." Jiang Siming said casually.

Who knows the princess took it seriously, she looked at her body and didn't have any money, but she quickly untied the amethyst pendant hidden in her underwear on her neck and handed it to Jiang Siming.

"I don't have any money with me, is this... okay?"

Jiang Siming: "..."

Jiang Siming didn't know what to say about the princess's honesty.

"Come on, I'm just kidding, what are you doing so seriously."

"Oh." After hearing this, the princess had to put it back.

"By the way, Jiang, what are you doing in Paris?" In order to avoid embarrassment, the princess took the initiative to talk with Jiang Siming.

"Competition." Jiang Siming said back to her.

"Is that the racing game just now? Are you a professional racer?"

"No, I'm talking about game competitions. I am a professional game player. Racing is just my hobby." Jiang Siming replied.

"Game game? What game?" The princess was full of curiosity.


"What kind of game is this, is it more fun than Tetris?"


The princess smiled embarrassedly and said: "I'm sorry, I only played Tetris. When I was very young, my parents would not let me play games."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming understood, princess, don't look at the lofty status, but they have to experience a life that ordinary people cannot understand.

Since she knew eight languages, he knew that royal family members were not so good to be.

"This is a gun battle game, girls shouldn't like it." Jiang Siming explained to her.

"Then when and where is your competition held?"

"Tomorrow, at the Paris E-Sports Arena." Jiang Siming replied patiently.

"So soon, my father will definitely not let me out again if this happens. I still want to go and see." The princess was a little regretful.

"There is a live broadcast, you can watch the live broadcast when you open the Twitch website." Jiang Siming said.

"Really! That's great, I will definitely watch it, Jiang, I will definitely cheer for you!"


"Then how old are you?"

"Jiang, you..."


Along the way, this beautiful Swedish princess is like a curious baby, constantly asking Jiang Siming about this and that.

He even asked Jiang Siming about his hobbies, where he would go, and never talked about dating.

When she learned that Jiang Siming had a girlfriend, she was a little bit lost, but quickly recovered and continued to pull Jiang Siming to ask questions.

Jiang Siming could also see that this princess rarely had friends outside, so when meeting Jiang Siming, she couldn't help chatting for a while.

He didn't feel impatient either. It happened to be boring to drive, and it would be nice for someone to talk to himself.

And it was a princess who was talking to him.

This chatting time also made Nancy feel extremely happy. Any question she has can be answered by Jiang Siming.

Moreover, Jiang Siming is funny and humorous, and often a few words can make her laugh, even the princess's dignified image is almost gone.

Just as the two were having a good time talking, suddenly the road was blocked by two trucks.

Jiang Siming could only stop the car.

At this time, a group of people got out of the car, holding sticks and chains, and walked towards Jiang Siming's car.

"Are they still here to catch me? Or you go quickly, don't make you tired." Nancy was still very loyal even though she was afraid, and didn't want to hurt Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "If it is to catch you, they will use guns instead of iron bars."

"Then they are?"

Jiang Siming turned off the car, lit a cigarette on the car, spit out the smoke ring and said, "I came to find me. You don’t look familiar with the truck. The poison I won was from them. It came down from this truck."

Jiang Siming knew that the noble man would not give up, but he didn't know that he moved so fast and even ran in front of him. It seemed that there was a shortcut but he didn't know it.

"Then...then let's go back, there are many of them." The princess said nervously.

"No, I'll get out of the car for a while, you don't move in the car."

After speaking, Jiang Siming got out of the car, but the princess wanted to hold Jiang Siming but she was empty.

But the next scene made the princess look silly in the car.

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