I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 875: Individual contest

After Jiang Siming passed by, he didn't even want to delay talking with them, and they started fighting.

Soon, a dozen or so wailing figures lay on the ground, and the truck was driven aside by Jiang Siming, and then he clapped his hands and returned to his car.

Nancy felt like she was watching an action movie during the whole process. Jiang Siming was like an agent. No, his skill is a hundred times better than the agent in the movie!

"Wow! This... is this Chinese Kungfu? Are you... Are you Bruce Lee?" Nancy once again discovered another hidden skill of Jiang Siming, and asked blankly.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Yes, I'm Bruce Lee, all right."

After speaking, Jiang Siming continued to drive.

"Don't worry, Jiang, I will tell my father about this person and ask him to ask President Macron to investigate him. This kind of person is too bad."

As soon as the car drove into the city, Jiang Siming's car could not be driven because the city was on guard and police were everywhere.

All vehicles were being cross-examined, and Jiang Siming had to line up.

Jiang Siming guessed that after Princess Nancy talked to her father, Macron began to deploy the police to investigate.

"Okay, it should be safe." After a brief questioning by the police, Jiang Siming was let in.

Princess Nancy did not reveal her identity to them. After all, these are just ordinary policemen, so it's better to return to the father.

It was not until Jiang Siming drove the car to a luxurious French manor. This time the Swedish royal family came to France and stayed here temporarily.

At this time, the place was full of security forces. Jiang Siming didn't want to be targeted by these people, so he stopped the car not far away.

"Okay, go back by yourself, I should go too."

Princess Nancy realized that it was already here. It turned out that the time with Jiang Siming passed so fast.

"Jiang, don't you really go to see my father and queen... They will definitely thank you very, very much, and will give you a great thank you." Nancy looked forward to it.

Only this time Jiang Siming rejected her and said, "No, I'm not used to communicating with you palace nobles. It's too hard. Get off the car and go back early. Don't worry about your parents."

"Oh..." Nancy got out of the car a little disappointed when she heard it, but she quickly put on a smiling face again.

"Jiang, do we have a chance to meet again?"

Jiang Siming replied with a smile: "If you are destined, you will meet, or if you have a chance to come to China in the future, I will see you."

"Okay! It's a deal, Jiang, or if you have a chance to come to Sweden, you must tell me."

"no problem."

After receiving this affirmation, Nancy waved goodbye to Jiang Siming reluctantly and turned back.

After Jiang Siming watched her pass safely, he turned around and drove away.

After driving to the hotel's underground parking lot, Jiang Siming found out that his co-pilot had something missing before getting off the car.

When I picked it up, I realized that it was Nancy's amethyst pendant.

"It wasn't she who accidentally left it, did you want to send it over?"

Jiang Siming was thinking so, suddenly a message came from his mobile phone.

[Jiang, are you home? This is Nancy. I secretly saved your phone number when I just used your phone. I hope you don't mind. I gave you the amethyst pendant, hehe. 】

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly when he saw the text message, and replied that he had already arrived at the hotel, so he put away the amethyst pendant, and returned her when he saw her again.

Back in the room he lived in, Jiang Siming went to see the great gods and the others, and saw that they all came back safely, and he went to sleep at ease.

After taking a shower, Jiang Siming was able to lie down comfortably. At this time, Nancy sent another message saying that she had already told her mother about the precious man.

The queen told Macron, and Macron said he would thoroughly investigate the man.

Jiang Siming replied thank you, and said that he was very sleepy to play tomorrow, so he went to sleep.

Only Nancy, who was living in a French villa, was still lying on the bed and could not sleep. Her head was in a mess, thinking about everything that happened with Jiang Siming today.

But she always thought of Jiang Siming's words that she had a girlfriend, and she was a little discouraged and envious.

What an excellent girl is that makes Jiang like it...

Just thinking about it, our Swedish royal family, Princess Nancy... has insomnia...


The next day, the E-Sports Arena in Paris was overcrowded. This was the location of the first PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Global Individual Players Tournament.

There were naturally many audiences present.

Not long after the audience arrived, a total of 100 strongest individual players from all over the world have all arrived.

Players in all the competition areas were scattered and scattered beside different computers. Private team formation and private chatting were never allowed during the game.

Jiang Siming sits in the number one position, which is also deliberate by the organizer, and represents Jiang Siming's status and strength in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

In PUBG, he is God!

There are a total of five games in this competition, based on points.

For every person killed, there are five points, and every lap is five points. Only the top five score points. Eating chicken adds 10 points. The second place only has 4 points, the third 3 points, and so on. After five, no ranking points are given.

This also means that it is very difficult for those who want to get along.

The purpose of this kind of competition is to let everyone just out of the level and just out of the skill.

Jiang Siming adjusted his computer, and then leisurely waited for the start of the game, turning his head to look at people in other positions.

In addition to these Chinese players such as Great God, Little Lion, Smile, and 17shou.

He is familiar with many other people. Goddess G, Shroud, Alow, Ibiza, etc., are all acquaintances who have played with Jiang Siming many times.

When Jiang Siming looked at them, they all saw Jiang Siming, and they all smiled and waved to Jiang Siming.

Before the game started, many players even ran over to find Jiang Siming for a photo.

In the eyes of countless PUBG professional players, Jiang Siming is the strongest and the person they admire most.

Just like in the eyes of many foreign superstars, Jackie Chan is their idol.

This is a kind of admiration in the same industry, the kind in my heart.

Faced with the request for a group photo, Jiang Siming did not refuse anyone thousands of miles away, and generously agreed one by one and took photos with them.

The audience at the scene, especially the Huaxia audience, felt proud to see this scene. Have you seen it? This is our God of Huaxia!

Carrying up China's always weak FPS banner!

The scenes on the scene are also not hesitating to aim at Jiang Siming, regardless of whether it is in the game or outside the game, Jiang Siming is always the focus.

No way, in the game, Jiang Siming's operation conquered everyone, outside the game, Jiang Siming's appearance conquered everyone, the camera shot Jiang Siming, can also bring more female fans to PUBG, why not for?


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