I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 878: Joy operation

Jiang Siming's second-level head is a golden skull skin, which is a bit different from his MVP suit skin, but if it is matched with the 4am champion skin, it will be very handsome.

But Jiang Siming doesn't care, no matter how ugly the match is, he can't see what he wears in the first-view game.

Just let others see this luxurious suit of yourself, highlight one word, expensive!

The golden skulls are only available in the Huaxia Division, because the five hundred skulls are all Jiang Siming's, and I have never seen them in other divisions.

Jiang Siming came near the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and when he "coincidentally" came over, he happened to ran into an American player who had been searched out of a room.

This is still a passerby player from the US server. It is the first time to participate in the competition. Although he has some strength, it may be due to excessive tension.

Especially when he saw Jiang Siming's skull, he was so scared that he lost an inch on the spot, and made a laughable operation.

This person cut the spear into an iron pick that he carried behind his back. The key point was that the iron pick was Jiang Siming's MVP skin, and it was a fairy sword.

This person held the fairy sword against the air and slashed several times across Jiang Siming.

The picture was full of joy, making the audience laugh after seeing it.

This operation bluffed Jiang Siming.

This buddy...what do you mean?

While Jiang Siming looked dumbfounded, he was not polite. He also cut a gun in a ‘thinking’ way, but he cut a pistol, the Desert Eagle.

I just picked it up and thought I had no chance to use it.


A few bullets from the Desert Eagle killed this nervous and funny American service buddy, and it did not delay his wave of fairy operations.

As soon as the gun rang from here, the other two players in the Hall of Supreme Harmony came out of the room one by one, and at a glance they saw Jiang Siming who was still holding the Desert Eagle.

Although I am afraid of Jiang Siming, I have to fight no matter what! What's more, the two buddies also discovered each other and reached a consensus with tacit understanding.

That is to cooperate first and kill Jiang Siming, otherwise the two of them must be beaten to death by him one by one.

This is not considered a team behavior, because the main reason is that Jiang Siming's deterrent is too great.

It's like ordinary people have seen the Demon King. Although they don't know each other, they will definitely fight against the Demon King as soon as possible.

Two rifles were fired at Jiang Siming's body at the same time, and the bullets poured out, like a swarm of ants.

It was just this reaction that Jiang Siming could easily deal with it without opening Jin Ying. Before the bullets sounded, he had already turned around and ran behind the golden lion next to him, avoiding this wave of bullets.

Even Jiang Siming didn't bother to change guns. When they shot a wave of bullets and found that they were empty, Jiang Siming seized this good opportunity and went out!

The muzzle of the desert eagle in his hand is centered on the player's forehead on the right, and the accurate sight is locked!

Giao! Giao!

(e...Is there something wrong with this voice?)

Two injury figures popped up.

-74, -74.

With the powerful power of the Desert Eagle, two shots hit the second-level player.

The second level shot 74 points of damage, which is absolutely not nonsense.

Otherwise, how could it be said that the Desert Eagle is a pistol artifact.

It's just that no one likes to play pistols in PUBG, because the accuracy and the number of bullets plus the bullet rate of fire are simply incomparable with rifles.

No matter how powerful a pistol is, 99% of players will not pick it up. They are even willing to pick Thomson and Vector.

A powerful laceration broke the player's forehead and punched a big hole, killing him on the spot.

The player on the other side hid in the house and shivered, no longer willing to fight.

But Jiang Siming was not used to him, so he rushed towards the room with his pistol, and when he entered the room, the speed of the gun could never exceed Jiang Siming's speed.

The reaction is like a ghost, this, countless professional players' evaluation of Jiang Siming.

His ability to respond surpassed 99.99% of the people on earth, which is not an exaggeration.

It is this kind of god-like reaction power that allows Jiang Siming to take the lead in this FPS game.

The buddies in the room were also killed by Jiang Siming's Desert Eagle. Before his death, even the player quickly took off his headphones to reduce his fear of Jiang Siming.

The bodies of the three were lying in the quiet Hall of Supreme Harmony, and two fragments flew into Jiang Siming's body, making him feel extremely satisfied.

"Pick up [30% of R Star Game Company's shares] golden shards*1 (1/6). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Yi Rong Dan*1] blue fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Two pieces, one gold and one blue, are not as powerful as the [Mineral Detector], but they are still much better than the pieces obtained in the passerby bureau.

Yi Rong Dan Jiang Siming had obtained one before, but it was used up in Yitian dungeon. This time there is one more. Jiang Siming thinks Yinren will have another prop next time.

As for the R Star Game Company, it is a well-known game company.

Many people may not have heard of it, but its game is world-famous.

"NBA2K" "GTA5" "Grand Theft Auto"

I believe you have heard of this before you play it.

There is also the recent super game "Red Dead Redemption 2" built by R Star with a huge investment of 6 billion yuan, which is even more sensational in the game circle around the world.

The production of this game can be said to be unprecedented. It has won numerous game awards and received numerous praises.

R Star is also a game company that Jiang Siming likes very much. People really make games with their heart, and they are two different people from companies that just want to make money and pit players' wallets.

R Star’s recent market value is US$12 billion, 30%, which is enough for Jiang Siming to become one of its major shareholders.

Jiang Siming didn't even think about it. After he got the piece, he immediately used an all-purpose piece to get the shares.

In the future, when I’m bored, I can still play R star games live, try Red Dead Redemption 2, hehe.

Then Jiang Siming started to continue the game, scooping up the equipment of the three of them at will, and assembled a luxurious suit.

Three. A second level head, an M700 sniper rifle with a 6 times scarl.

The M700 gun is also called bird sniper. It was updated when the Huaxia map was updated. The interval between shots of this gun is very short.

And it comes with a quadruple lens. The only drawback is that the damage is too low. Like the Mini14, it requires two shots to die.

Jiang Siming can also use it in a certain way. He didn't find any other sniper rifles. Maybe it was really black.

However, apart from the guns, he found four gas bombs in his backpack, which made Jiang Siming quite content.

He has played with gas bombs several times and the effect is great.

After packing up his equipment, Jiang Siming officially came out of the Forbidden City, found a small pickup, and drove northward.

To the north is Inner Mongolia. The currently refreshed drug circle is in the south. People in the north will naturally run drugs to the south. Jiang Siming has already seen more than a dozen golden shadows from the north that are walking from different places to the south. , There is no reason not to block.

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