I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 879: Killed an "old friend"

As soon as he drove to the poison side, Jiang Siming had already seen a familiar Jin Ying driving a car to him.


Jiang Siming’s old ‘friend’, the captain of the Faze team.

The fight with Faze was last month, because he always killed Faze, which led to the disastrous results of Faze on FGS.

Their credibility in the hearts of European and American players is greatly reduced, but Faze's human strength is still there, and two players also came to the arena.

One is Captain Faze and the other is Jam.

Seeing the ‘old friend’ Jiang Siming would not show any mercy when Mxey’s car drove into Jiang Siming’s field of vision.

One shot of M700 has been quietly raised.

Under the high-speed car, a small muffled noise suddenly sounded in this area.

The bullet accurately hit the Mxey in the car, the accuracy is full!

Still the familiar taste of Myojin marksmanship.

It's just that this gun can't kill Mxey in seconds, and the damage of M700 is not enough to smash a second-level helmet.

When Jiang Siming switched the bullet and wanted to fire the second shot, Mxey braked in time, moved the body over, and immediately lay down beside the body.

Jiang Siming lost the target and could no longer hit Mxey.

Many players even commented with emotion, if it is a big sniper, 98k or M24, Mxey is dead.

But there is no way. In order to weaken Jiang Siming's strength, Blue Hole not only reduced the damage of the sniper, but even reduced the refresh rate of the sniper.

This is also the reason why Jiang Siming could not find a big sniper in such a fat place in the Forbidden City. It is too difficult~

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't feel any regrets or annoyance, and Daqi didn't just make him feel a little less pleasant, and didn't delay anything.

And giving the enemy a little reaction time can also have a better experience of confrontation.

When Mxey was full of blood in the back of the car and wanted to continue driving away, he found that the tire had been lifted off by Jiang Siming.

"Fuck, let's die!" Mxey was very dissatisfied with the destruction of his vehicle, but didn't know who did it.

He thought that since you want to fight with me, then I will satisfy you!

Seriously, Mxey locked the target in the direction where the shot was fired, and immediately saw the figure shrinking behind the fake **** stone.

Just looking up, a bullet came again.

Mxey hides fast, otherwise the bullet will have to be eaten again.

Mxey naturally couldn't tolerate the provocation of others to him, so he lifted Mini14 and planned to fight Jiang Siming.

It's just that as soon as he raised the muzzle, the opponent's bullets followed him like a shadow, and shot Mxey's second-level helmet again.

"Xiete!" Mxey sensed something was wrong, so he could only temporarily get down to get blood and look for other opportunities.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, the shooting speed of this man... seemed to be...

Just thinking about it, suddenly a car sounded from the fake slope.

Mxey breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that this man saw that the other enemies were going to leave, but he never expected that this man was driving towards him directly.

"Damn! Crazy! It must be Ming! It must be this guy!"

Mxey, who is already very experienced in Jiang Siming's style of play, immediately confirmed it, and at the same time he couldn't move because he was still tying himself a first aid kit.

Mxey calculated it, it only took two seconds to tie the bag by himself, but it took more than three seconds for Jiang Siming to come and get off.

He had a chance to recover his blood volume before confronting Jiang Siming.

Although he also wanted to sweep Jiang Siming off the car while he was on the way, Jiang Siming drove the car into an acrobatic show, and the front of the car swayed wildly. He felt that he might not be so sure that he could knock him off.

My current decision is the safest one, anyway, Jiang Siming will take enough time to come over.

But in the next scene, Mxey was a little dumbfounded.

When Jiang Siming's car was approaching his car, he suddenly slowed down. Jiang Siming, the main driver, cut to the co-pilot, and he suddenly lifted a thing, a red bottle, from the window.

Mxey couldn't yell when he saw the bottle, but at this time his first aid kit was still 0.5 seconds short of being able to pierce it, and he couldn't interrupt it at this time.

Mxey can only wait for the first aid kit to finish, then pull his leg and leave.

It's just that Jiang Siming's red bottle has been thrown under his car!

As soon as the bottle hit the ground, scarlet smoke erupted immediately!

The mist, red as blood, made people dazzled.

And the Mxey screen in the fog began to turn red, and the amount of blood that had just been filled was also constantly dropping.

Gas bomb!

The power of gas bombs is more terrifying than previous waves of power grid damage, and they are superimposed.

That is, the longer the time in the poisonous gas, the worse the blood loss will be.

Mxey had no choice but to pull his legs back and get out of his car.

And Jiang Siming didn't even need to fire his gun, because there was nothing in the vicinity of Mxey except his car, which was a bunker.

Jiang Siming just switched back to the driver's seat, then stepped on the accelerator and ran into it!


Mxey tried to avoid the car, but was still hit on the spot.

The body was hit and flew out for several meters, and it rolled several times before stopping.

The audience felt incredible, the captain of Faze...was hit by Jiang Siming to death? ? ?

This method of death is too awkward, much more awkward than the three ‘children’ in the Hall of Supreme Harmony who were killed by the desert eagle.

What's more, those three are just ordinary players. Mxey is the captain of Faze, the card of the European and American teams.

Seeing Mxey being killed, many players in the game felt that the chrysanthemum was tight, which was too miserable.

This is how Jiang Siming, the devil, treats his "old friend"?

Looking at it this way, all the players in the Korean division felt that the little daisy chilled...

When Mxey died, a jeep drove by the road beside him. This man obviously wanted to escape while Jiang Siming killed Mxey.

But Jiang Siming couldn't let him go so easily. It just so happened that he didn't even need to get on the car again, and stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards another car.

He didn't miss Mxey's corpse box, because even if there were fragments, it would fly over.

"Pick up [Superior Yulong Cigarette*100] golden fragments*1 (1/3). The number of fragments is not full, so it is temporarily unavailable."

What? cigarette? So tasteless?

Jiang Siming spit out while chasing another person while driving. The key thing is that this tasteless thing still has three pieces. Isn't it fucking?

But when he read this cigarette introduction, he didn't think so.

【Superior·Yulong】: The supreme smoke can only be obtained from fragments. This cigarette is extremely cumbersome and harsh. Each cigarette not only tastes excellent, but does not harm the human body.

Moreover, taking one bottle can improve energy and energy, remove all fatigue, temporarily forget worries, and improve intelligence and reaction speed in a short time.

Long-term use can increase hidden luck and free the non-chief from the sea of ​​suffering.


After reading the introduction, Jiang Siming admired, what a good thing! Yulong cigarettes are so powerful that they can only be exploded in the debris.

Well, not bad.

Jiang Siming can't wait to try one, but he is still playing, wait for the game to end.

Besides, there are only two fragments left, and he is reluctant to use the universal fragment.

[Author's digression]: The second update~the third update is on the way, come here quickly~

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