I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 888: Two years have passed since I came to Etian again

Jiang Siming doesn't know how many fans his actions have caused in China.

He and Wei Shen and the others hurried back to the hotel to rest after eating. They said that they were sleepy and wanted to sleep well, so they closed the door.

In fact, I want to use the fragments I got today.

After entering the room, Jiang Siming did not enter the copy for the first time, but took out the [Black Technology Series · Mineral Detector].

This thing is the same as Jiang Siming's [Game Program Tamper], just a small chip.

This thing can be detected once a day, Jiang Siming immediately tried to choose the detection!

With the sound of the chip, the result came out, and it showed: [Explore no results]

Jiang Siming randomly understood that this was a failure, and it seemed that this probability was not easy to find, so he had to try every day.

But Jiang Siming was afraid that he would forget it every few days, so he had to set it to automatic detection.

In this way, this chip will be detected regularly every day until there is a result.

But there is one thing, when there is a result, I will be shocked...emmm...

He has the Wanlong Jia and the strength of the Golden Core Stage, it should be fine.

No matter what, throw it into the universe ring.

Then Jiang Siming took out the [Elementary Alchemy] fragment. As soon as he chose to use it, a large amount of information flooded into Jiang Siming's mind, all about alchemy.

Jiang Siming mastered the primary alchemy in an instant, he really wanted to try it, but this alchemy requires a pill furnace and various medicinal materials.

There is no such thing in Paris, there are pill furnaces and no Chinese herbal medicines.

So there is no trick, I can only save it after returning home.

The last [Sign Language Proficiency] Jiang Siming also found a news network after learning it, turned off the sound and just watched the sign language teacher inside.

He found that he could fully understand the content of this sign language teacher's strokes. This made Jiang Siming very novel, and it was a new language.

Skills are not overwhelming.

The fragments were basically tried, there were only two golden fragments of the industry left without concern, Jiang Siming lay on the bed, closed his eyes and entered the Yitian dungeon.

Several months have passed in Yitianzhong. It was already severe winter, and it was time for heavy snow to fly on Mount Emei.

Remembering that it was winter when I first entered Etian, Jiang Siming had the final say, but he did not expect that two years have passed since Etian.

In reality, it took less than three months.

The world of Yitian dungeon itself is only two or three years old, and it's over.

This will be the evening, and the setting sun will sprinkle on Mount Emei, and the scenery wrapped in silver light is extremely beautiful.

Jiang Siming felt that Mount Emei in Yitian must be a hundred times more beautiful than Mount Emei in reality.

After all, there is no industrial pollution and random construction, coupled with the interruption of tourists, Mount Emei is simply a paradise.

Even if there is no accelerator, these two years of Etian will be over.

Jiang Siming is fortunate to have a copy archiver, otherwise, if it is gone after the end, he really can't bear it.

Jiang Siming stood outside his yard, except for him, Zhiruo and the others lived here.

It was dinner time, and the aroma of hot pot and the chattering of several women were exuding in the room.

"I think the master must be a god, otherwise how could he have so many things I have never eaten before, this hot pot...wow, it is so delicious!" This is Zhao Min's voice.

"I think your inference makes sense, but I didn't expect that I can still be with the gods without regret ~ hee hee~" This was Yang Bugui's voice.

"Well...it's so spicy, so spicy, I think you are all wrong, the son is the son, he is so good to us, we must serve him well and serve him for the rest of our life." Xiao Zhao's voice.

"I don't know when Jiang Lang will be back, I miss him." Ding Minjun's voice.

"I think Big Brother Jiang must go to retreat and practice, otherwise, how could he be so powerful? I heard that he killed tens of thousands of Japanese pirates without leaving a piece of armor. It was too tired! Sister Xiao Zhao, could you tell me about that time? What's the matter? I really want to hear it again." This is actually A Spider's voice.

"A spider, hurry up and send something to your mother-in-law after you eat, otherwise your mother-in-law will definitely scold you in a while (laughing Zhao Min laughed and teased.

A spider looked depressed and said: "I don't know what's wrong. When I came to Mount Emei, my mother-in-law seemed to be a different person. Not only did she feel better, she always asked if my leader had come back, and asked me to buy her some young women. She loves to wear clothes, but she never wears them either."

"Where do we know, it may be that your mother-in-law saw so many young girls in Mount Emei, and she wants to go back to her youth. It's okay and human."

This explanation was supported by several women at the same time.

"Then...then I'm afraid my mother-in-law will take me away if she stays for a long time..." A spider said worriedly.

"Don't worry, A spider, you are now one of the wives of the leader of the martial arts. No matter how powerful your mother-in-law is, she can't force you, the wife of the leader, to do things you don't like to do."

"That's right, that's great, I want to stay in Mount Emei forever~"


When the women were chatting very happily, the door in the house was suddenly opened. When the women looked back, they found Jiang Siming walking in from the door.

The girls were surprised that they were broken, and they didn't even care about the delicious hot pot. They quickly got up and surrounded Jiang Siming, and then bowed Yingying.

"The husband is back~ the concubine is polite~"

Jiang Siming didn't expect this wave of welcome ‘ceremonies’, but it was very useful. After all, this kind of ‘ceremonies’ would not appear in reality.

I was fortunate enough to experience a wave of "emperor" treatment, so good~

Although he is not the emperor, but Jiang Siming's position in Yitian can be said to be inferior to the emperor.

The leader of the martial arts, the leader of Mingjiao, the martial arts warrior who rules the entire Central Plains, dare to ask who else is in this position.

"Get up all, I happened to have nothing to eat together." Jiang Siming smiled easily and walked over to sit down.

A few women immediately surrounded Jiang Siming happily, handing out the dishes and pouring wine. Zhao Min didn't even eat any food, and walked behind Jiang Siming and pinched his shoulders.

This kind of treatment, Jiang Siming wanted to ask, are there any men in the world enjoying it? Envy, old folks?

"You all eat hot pot? Does it still suit your taste?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"Back to the son, we are eating hot pot, steak, seafood and all kinds of delicious ingredients that you brought every day. We are all getting fat~" Xiao Zhao answered with a smile.

Jiang Siming laughed, took a sip of the warm wine, and said with a smile: "Just like it. I brought a lot this time. Just eat it."

The women all smiled at each other and were very happy.

The family sat together and ate the hot pot. Seeing that A Spider had finished eating, Jiang Siming said, "A Spider, you can send something to your mother-in-law. By the way, tell her that I will go to see her'condition' later."

"Yes~" A spider didn't doubt he had him, and did it well.

Now A spider's face has long been restored to its original shape, and her appearance, who is no longer cultivating a thousand spiders, is not inferior to Zhao Min and the others.

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